Praise and adore him.
Dragon Ball Super
has this been translated?
Yes, the episode is titled "Farewell Trunks"
He's probably going to die
68 title undecided
69 title undecided
And one says "Farewell Trunks"
Use the catalog dumbass
It'll just be them going home with Beerus destroying the time machine so no one can tamper with time anymore.
one can hope
The only other Dragon Ball thread is past the bump limit
Or it could be someone else dying saying "Farewell Trunks". like Vegeto or Mai. It seems way too early to wrap up everything, especially considering the announced animation teams for those episodes. No way they're just epilogue/slice of life stuff.
Doubt that, it's for episode 67, we're on episode 65 and 66 is the Vegito episode
>still watching Dragon Ball in the current year
why put yourself through this
There was literally other user pinting at other thread just two posts above yours
Shouldn't earth be already destroyed by the fight between Vegito and Blamasu?
They are holding back, duh
Clinkenbeard really didn't work as preteen Gohan. Saiyan Saga Gohan was good, but when he starts to get older and more angry you can hear the woman in his voice, particularly when he yells. Why did Stephanie have to piss off Chrus Sabat?
Yeah, we'll have to wait until Saturday to see what the NEP will show us.
lightyears better than your Reddit:Zero faggotry, faggot.
Bills was holding back when he fought with Goku and yet the universe was shaking by the fight.
daily reminder that bra is best grill
Some people actually like the series besides the inconsistencies, some other people like the fights, and most are retards who watch it because ''muh nostalgia''.
She is not even the best daughterfu.
Because that was Beerus
Kinda hard not to destroy things when you're God of Destruction
>best girl
Brafags are fucking delusionals.
Beerus is his name even in Funi dub so don't even try pulling the weeb card on me, faggot.
Also that's because it was Beerus and Beerus is overpowered.
fuck off m8
Thread theme
Nice lack of counterarguments, you sure showed me.
Give me one reason why this is considered a slut
you can't
Vegetto will blow up every dragon ball in existence so he can never be unfused again
When they ask him why he says "pshh..nothin personel kid"
Wait, is 67 or 70 the one named Farewell Trunks?
What's your favourite clip on God-Tube?
The way she dresses at age 8.
His Let's Play of the Sims. It's glorious how creative he is destroying Ningens
Bulma was a massive slut when she was young too
Literally offered her ass to a little boy for a dragon ball and got offended when he refused
How to giant gorilla by Space Warrior Lettuce.
in that order?
So we're actually getting Vegeto vs Merged Zamasu on 66, then. That's good to know.
>find a kid and press his back like this
>after that you gotta roll it for half a minute
>then you throw this ball of light to the sky and force the kid to watch it
perfect prank gone wrong
Gogeta >>>>>>>>>> Vegito
Disagree = reddit
Top 10 Namekian wishes
>Praising and adoring a double ningen
No thanks
Beerus and Champa's let's plays, especially since they end up destroying the publisher if they don't like the game
I like the classics of people getting hurt in hilarious ways.
Like this.
Trunks and Trunks plays Videogames, with guest appearances from God of Destruction Beerus.
I know it's memeshit but TFS edit of that scene is priceless.
>Hair color changing to pale
Goku attempted to power down and retract his balls at the last second to protect them from certain destruction.
What did Toei mean by this?
It needs a catchy name like Gaming Past and Present.
Shit that's good.
tea making ASMR
you mean the?
> searching for weakness
> weakness found
> instant punch
Yes and Goku's voice as a result of that
I like Black's AMVs using evanescence.
Top 10 clotheslines.
see tea bitch
How has this sunday's episode not been leaked online somewhere yet? Do the Japs really keep that much better of a lid on their shows than we do? I just wanna watch it early somehow...
King Kai's grocery hauls are pretty good on God-Tube.
Usually Goku is eating whatever he's trying to show off.
>in several weeks they're going to get rid of this
>Stop, my invincible Kai
Zamasu, I hope you're prepared.
Because it's time for some Double Penetration.
Zamasu pls go
I will never find this joke not weird as fuck.
Man, the anime did the God tube thing so much better.
The anime does everything better, the manga is super rushed
Choose wisely.
Manga is rushed but it does Goku's characterization better, even if it's still off and a bit flanderized, it's just not as bad as Toei's characterization of him.
At the cost of Vegeta's character which is a much bigger loss than Goku honestly.
Holy fucktits that is an actual thing
Perfect aryan waifu 18, not even a contest.
Also I guarantee you most retards here won't even recognize Ranfan or Colonel Violet
Choose what? Everybody is busy. There are no open slots
I am gonna miss the black arc ost, I know they will probably reuse it, but hearing these when Black is not there will feel not right.
I didn't feel the super OST at the beginning, but the OST they used for the Black arc has been 10/10
Spotted the Gohanfag (cuck). I choose Videl and I'll let you watch.
Agreed. It's a shame we won't be able to get more Gowasu after this arc.
At least until he shows up in the true tournament.
Someone Gogeta clean diaper for this filler baby.
Jesus christ it is.
Maifu waifu for laifu.
How saying that makes me a Gohanfag, lol?
I haven't said anything about Gohan
Just relax son, I have to do this.
Also, apparantely there are 325 gods in DragonBall multiverse
>That moment when I feel like Black's perspective being in Goku's body was eventually going to cause him to stop giving a shit about Zamasu's plan and just go fight stronger opponents
>He's now trapped and forced to be the dying half of Zamasu
I could get behind an outcome of this arc where Black ends up being allowed to live somehow.
Does that include planetary "Gods" like Kami?
I guess, Zeno, 12 Gods of Destruction, their respective Kaioshins and lesser gods
That would be interesting, we can't have that. Especially if Zamasu essentially forced a fusion against an unwilling black.
Also Saiyan Blood is a hell of a drug.
I wonder what her Mai's reaction will be in episode 67 if he does actually die.
We might even get a love confession from her
There are definately a lot more then 300 planets in one universe
Sure, not all of them have "gods" but still.
Maybe planetary gods are not allowed to register and can only watch and their views don't count
> calls others filler babies
> posts filler character
I think they got a different composer in Black Arc.
Shunsuke Kikuchi did original Dragon Ball and DBZ, also all the DB and DBZ movies.
Then he got replaced by Akihito Tokunaga who did GT, Path to Power and the GT movies.
He got replaced by Kenji Yamamoto who did the first season of Dragon Ball Kai which covered Saiyan, Namek and Android arcs. Yamamoto was also responsible for music for MOST of Dragon Ball vidya OSTs and was supposed to become the main composer for all DB media, but then the plagiarism scandal came to light and he was blacklisted.
After the plagiarism fiasco, Yamamoto got replaced by Hiroshi Takaki who did Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans and Episode of Bardock.
Takaki got replaced by Norihito Sumitomo who did the music for second season of Dragon Ball Kai which covered the Boo Saga, he was also responsible for music to Battle of Gods, Revival of F and Super all the way till the end of U6 Tournament and Jelly Vegeta arcs.
Starting with Black/Future Trunks arc, music changed drastically from what we heard of all of Sumimoto's works so I assume there's a new composer.
I was thinking about it earlier and how it seemed alot like Black was a bit more focused on simply fighting rather than the whole "FILTHY NINGENS" aspect.
So it made me realize I could imagine a situation where he essentially becomes just an Anti-Hero Goku seeking battles with stronger opponents and potentially becoming a useful asset in time.
That quiet nice actually. She probably wouldn't know that they could wish him back so she'll reveal her feelings even if she's a prude. Arc ends with a wedding at capsule corp with all the gods and world's strongest warriors. It would be even funnier if they divided the seats by spouse and bride, so Mai's side would just have Pilaf and Shu while Trunk's side is completely full.
>filler character
>Yamcha became Kimblee
Tienshinhan best boy