Operation Tesco

Sup Forums, Tesco is a British supermarket that served Halal meat to people without telling them. They also just put Muslims celebrating in their Christmas advert (I'm not joking). Tesco is an economic front for Jihadists. How can we hurt them? I suggest a Twitter campaign.

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Tesco is jews using islam.
Uber is also a front for cia doing the same thing

Also some sort of memetic twist on 'every little helps' in that they support white genocide

Not your personal army.

Go fuck yourself, mutt. We helped you elect Trump now return the favour.

>served Halal meat to people without telling them


poster farm animals being killed with a description of halal

Allah's (God's) name must be pronounced during slaughter.
The instrument must be very sharp to ensure humane slaughter. The animal must be slit at the throat.
The animal must not be unconscious
The animal must be hung upside down and allowed to bleed dry. Eating blood is not halal.
These steps must be accomplished by a Muslim or the People of the Book (Christian or Jew.) Many observant Muslims find kosher meat acceptable.
The animal must have been fed a natural diet that did not contain animal by-products.

Put bacon in the fucking halal and kosher isles
Jesus this has always worked and will always, even if it is in packages they still go mad.

Boycott 2 sisters food group, the paki chicken monopoly in the UK. They supply most but not all UK supermarkets with poultry. Owner's son and heir is a scumbag who killed someone.


what's wrong with halal meat?

You do know Tesco is jewish.
>"He chose the name Tesco after his daughter Tessa Cohen"
Now tell me you're surprised.