It's time.
It's time
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Is this happening?
I've waited so long. Next week can't come soon enough.
Now to see if the other two member will get names or even be relevant.
It's here at last
>no Dazai in the last episode
>barely any Dazai in the episode before the last
Why does this show insist on focusing on characters nobody fucking cares about.
Dead season, dead threads.
>when the twink teen you fap to is more ripped than you
This season seems pretty homo though.
It's not a dead season at all though. I think it's just that too many people got absorbed into the YoI threads and no longer need an outlet for their homoposting. Or that's the impression I've gotten, anyway. I avoid those threads myself so I don't really know what goes on in there.
So how about that new Adekan chapter?
Homo threads are as dead as I haven't seen in a while though.
I was half expecting them to cuddle. Takaki as the big spoon.
I go to those threads and the posters are delusional tumblr tier females that spend hours arguing how canon their pairings are. If people are being absorbed it's not into the YoI threads.
Oh hey, it's delusional tumblr boogeyman user.
I passed on IBO when it started because of the main characters' designs. I am full of regret.
>I passed on IBO when it started because of the main characters' designs. I am full of regret.
Well, it's not like that shit doesn't happen in these threads too sometimes. Probably it's worse in YoI threads because they're echo chamber generals where most people share pretty similar opinions, whereas in these threads you get a lot more conflicting opinions and people who aren't fans of the same things.
I lurk the threads for pixiv comic translations and stuff like that, but otherwise the threads are as cancerous as you'd expect 24/7 generals, with tumbrlites who can't ignore bait, to be.
I passed on IBO when it was a borefest after 15 episodes. Never regretted it.
>but otherwise the threads are as cancerous as you'd expect 24/7 generals
Nigga, if you think that's bad, you should have seen Free or Kuroko thread.
Mainly Mika and Orga.
I'm sorry, but what show is this?
>Probably it's worse in YoI threads because they're echo chamber generals where most people share pretty similar opinions, whereas in these threads you get a lot more conflicting opinions and people who aren't fans of the same things.
Never been in a Strike Witcher/K-on/Any recurring franchise thread. Fuck, remember the endless Eva threads after 3.0?
What's up with people thinking Sup Forums has some imaginary quality line. Newfags or just try hard homos trying to look better?
Is not a crime if it's a sword, right?
I have a hard time picturing Takaki as the big spoon. But I'm just happy he finally got a handsome and loving husbando all for him.
Literally for what purpose.
Mind you one of them is going to die. They didn't give it all that buildup and dreadful imagery for nothing. I'd prefer if Aston lived on, he had a hard life, he deserves it. Meanwhile Takaki turns out to be a massive faggot who keeps doing everything wrong and is just being annoying in general. I realised during this scene I enjoy Aston way more as a character. Takaki pls go.
>no screentime for these two for weeks on end
>seems like the ship is ded
>they post this pic
>it trends in japan
Okada really is a retard for refusing to give them even a small scene every now and then.
One of them is going to die in the new episode, so enjoy the fanart as much as you can. They are really cute together but too bad the build up is for one of them to die. I will be surprised if both make it out alive.
> Okada really is a retard for refusing to give them even a small scene every now and then.
I always had the impression she doesn't like the pairing or she is indifferent to it. From what she said in that interview regarding it, it seems to me she was forced to give them time and focus because the whole idea was Nagai's and not hers. And she is giving so much focus to Aston/Takaki now while most were expecting something on Shino/Yamagi, it caught the fujos by surprise.
Show by Rock!!
This ones mine, no one can have him but me.
You're welcome to him
Just shows what kind of a retard with an overblown ego she is. The reason for why she was so reluctant to acknowledge it was because it's "so fujo" and she doesn't want to be associated with "fujo elements" in the show. And how she deals with this? She throws in a truck load of typical, almost standard for gunam homobait. At least Shino/Yamagi hinted at some actual homo going on. Aston/Takaki is just fujobait in its purest form. And the fact that it's only there to reap the drama makes it even worse. Congrats Okada, you just achieved the opposite of your ambitions.
>no one has done any yamagi x mika
why do nips have such shit taste
There's nothing exciting about two midgets making out.
> The reason for why she was so reluctant to acknowledge it was because it's "so fujo" and she doesn't want to be associated with "fujo elements" in the show.
Yes. She really wanted us to know it wasn't her idea, but Nagai's and she only added the 'macho elements' as she said so.
I don't like she is using Aston/Takaki for some drama but this is what usually happens in mecha and it includes Gundam too. The fact that fujos managed to make Shino/Yamagi trend only after such a picture regarding the seiyuu radio show and not exactly the characters, shows how much they want more for it. An user in yesterday's thread said that the huge bait from the manga author of Gundam IBO with that focused Shino/Yamagi bonus art (funny part the author deleted all their anime scenes) made the fujos buy it even though they knew they were baited only because they wanted to show the support for the pairing hoping for something to happen.
>Shino/Yamagi bonus art
Is this scanned?
>drop IBO after the first season because KUDELIA KUDELIA KUDELIA
>all the cute boys and homo happens in the second season
Fuck me.
Do I pick it up again?
Well she's definitely responsible for the Aston/Takaki thing, it being part of the plot and all. That disclaimer is going to look really hypocritical in hindsight if it turns out it was all a "my idea is better than yours" kind of thing. I just hope her ego can be controlled considering Nagai calls the shots on what gets focus and what doesn't
Wait at least two more weeks, there's a very high chance the homo is gonna be kill next week.
>YoI threads
Not even once.
>Yamagi's hand reaching towards Shino's dick
What did they mean by this
Nothing at all. Yamagi is straight.
I'm in love with a high school delinquent.
The design sheets didn't look that great back before it aired. But everyone looks delicious in motion.
We just had a thread, you dumb cocksuckers.
Because we are having them too often. Every two-three days.