How much value do you put into visual direction?
How much value do you put into visual direction?
I don't know
About 5 value, I think.
Not much
From here
Can you repeat the question?
tree fiddy
what a great example of forced visual direction
checked and confirmed
we really should start shitting these cancerous threads, this cancerous Sup Forums retard is beyond annoying
What's your favourite visual direction?
Mine is left.
Don't they think they overdid it with the blood?
Usually, I prefer southern
Why do these shitty threads always start with a retarded Kyoanus or Shaft collage?
>Monogatari anime
>ever thinking it's overdone it with anything
If there's one big complaint to be made about it as an adaptation, it's that any and every hint of subtlety from the novels is completely removed
Based Shart.
because flame wars are epic and funny on Sup Forums, so we're going to pretend they happen on Sup Forums now too
Life is unfair.
it's aight
You can tell easily who made this collage. Hint: it's not a Shaftfag.
2 out of 10.
The OP is a shitpost making fun of the kyoanifags who actually want to seriously discuss "visual direction" while posting their same 10 cinegrids
Sounds legit
I like big anime tiddies.
None at all, I watch monogatari and its clones.
Welcome to monogatari
Visual exaggeration is like the main tool of the show
A lot
Part of why I like Monogatari.
But insecure retards on Sup Forums hate the suggestion that anime has any artistic value because they feel it will delegitimize their titty shows and harems. They want to stand up and scream "You like anime, and all anime is as shit as my favorite anime, so you're hust as bad as me! In fact, you're worse, because you're pretentious!"
This cry is, of course, never followed with what sort of pretense the other fanbase is supposed to be taking.
The truth is that there's artistic value in titty anime, too. The definition of "art" is hotly debated, but if successful art is a creative work that communicates an emotion, as some would argue, than an anime that communicates the emotion of "arousal" is as valid as any other.
I would argue that animation that has no depth or emotion to it at all isn't even devoid of value, as it can still be appreciated as a technical work.
People get too wrapped up in what's better than what. It's better to simply enjoy all works on their various merits and take from it what -you- can without worrying too much about how it'll effect your standing.
I'm only half baiting here