Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Web novels that are easy to read.
>How much time did you waste not learning Japanese?
Wish I didn't spend ~2 years playing almost nothing but World of Tanks while neglecting learning Japanese. I've come to the conclusion that online games, especially MMOs and any games that require tedious hundreds of hours of grinding are complete shit and a huge obstacle to learning and achieving things that actually feel rewarding, thus must be avoided at all costs.
What about Japanese MMOs/servers?
I lost my urge to play games entirely when I started learning Japanese, just feels so much more rewarding using your time on that compared to wasting it away on games, unless they're Japanese games of course
I wish I could bring myself to anki instead of just reading all day and searching for unknown words which are then easily forgotten.
Starting to read was my worst mistake. Now I just procrastinate all day instead of really studying.
looking to hire someone to translate manga
What manga and how much are you paying?
sent ;)
Had to reinstall rikaisama and now it's not working. As in, I click on the little button and the popup doesn't appear. Any idea what could be wrong?
I feel like it's easier to remember words when you read them in context. But maybe that is just me.
a scanlator on here said the usual rate is $0.5-2 per page depending on the amount of text so I'll see how it goes
>not mentioning what manga you're doing
>be part of a small community online with vidya streams
>accidentally reveal my powerlevel too hard by copying down a string of kanji for a pleb
>pleb starts flipping out
>keeps asking me how I learned it and sucking my e-penis
Sometimes it's easy to forget that I'm a higher existence now.
>Sometimes it's easy to forget that I'm a higher existence now.
Whenever I feel stupid, I just remind myself that there are people who unironically read machine-translated VNs.
I am probably one of the oldest Ankifags here.
It literally triggers me that people do that
Are there really, though?
Paired with anki, sure. With 0 anki, unless it really is a common word/the author likes to use it often, then there is no way it can stick by just seeing it once.
I've heard this dude saying that machine-translating through various engines and trying to solve the puzzle was a great exercise for the mind
I was in a vn thread recently, don't remember which board, and this guy was saying it was accurate enough.
He then criticized people who were learning Japanese for missing nuances by reading in a language they don't yet dominate.
Well you didn't really do your reps in the last 2 years
Are you dekiru already?
>quitting like a pussy
Do the needful and off yourself.
What's your retention?
Pokemon Moon was leaked earlier today.
>I've come to the conclusion that online games, especially MMOs and any games that require tedious hundreds of hours of grinding are complete shit
Getting addicted to one of these games was the best time I ever had, but at the same time it made me into a social outcast that's never been at parties and can hardly interact with people.
Still, I wish I could get addicted to them once again. It's a great feeling.
Is there any reason to use this instead of 出合う? Is the LN I'm reading just using it to sound smart or is there any other reason?
Same as the difference between 遭う and 会う, I guess.
Makes sense and fits the context, thanks for the link.
tfw I can never go back to 100% days studied again
Installing it now. It's a shame Pokemon isn't that great for practice, but I'm doing it anyway.
>Same author as Tenshi na Konamaiki
Sorry user. I'd do it but my japanese isn't quite good enough yet.
Where did you guys get it from? The links I found on /vg/ and /vp/ are all dead.
Are there even working 3ds emulators.
I got it from GazelleGames, but it should be on Nyaa pretty soon.
I think Citra is already functional, but I have a hacked 3DS so I never tried it out.
Last I checked it still had trouble with most games, including pokemon games.
>mfw I have to wait for the official release
I-I have to revise for JLPT anyway, バカ
Which N?
I'm actually still downloading but I guess it works
finally caught up
if you're wondering: yes, I do have a lump of matures in the future
I swear I'm getting worse at Japanese
>all those days when you did anki for a couple minutes
>all those missed days
It's like you are not even trying
Consider necking yourself.
You're doing it wrong then, my 出来ない friend.
Is reading and listening to as much native material as possible not the correct way to do it?
Not if you're not understanding anything. If you're not actually understanding the native material that you are consuming, that's just wasting your time. Remember that every minute is precious when you're learning japanese.
I do understand what I read, it just feels like it's getting harder to understand recently
My J-CAT progress.
Then you're not getting worse at japanese. That's just the impression you get when you advance to harder native material. You could even say this is a kind of improvement.
Use a less cancerous date format please.
It makes perfect sense. You don't say 12.23 to mean 23 whole and .12 decimal, do you?
Could someone check for any mistake in this sentence ? Thanks !
>I'm interested in studying abroad. Thanks for for your time and your consideration.
Oh man you spent a whole 35 minutes catching up. That sounds so difficult.
Months are a fraction of a year. We write the individual digits in numbers with the most significant digits on the left. Therefore, years must be on the left side of months, because years are the container unit in which months are counted, and the left side is bigger.
yeah man i almost killed myself, catching up on a finished deck's reviews is so hard
Putting the larger number at the top ruins the feng shui.
It's not on the top, it's the left. Do you want your dates to have digits in the arrangement of sawteeth or that of a beautiful triangle?
When did you start studying?
Corrected it:
Thank you kind sir, here is an Usami for you.
Nipponjin here, I fixed it for you.
>everyone is a failed comedian/shitposter
I mean, nobody here actually knows japanese. What other use does this general have?
The people who know Japanese hang out at /r/learnjapanese and /jp/
Who's ready to fail the JLPT this here?
くそオカマ野郎 死ね!
Not me, because I'm taking N3.
Think you should be focusing on the ELPT m8
Why would you fail such a beautiful doll to the JLPT?
Is it fine to use Rikaikun since I prefer using chrome over Firefox?
it's buggy and cruddy but if you like eating shit go for it
personally I used opera for a while but jumped ship when I started getting extension ads for the sites I was visiting -- in the browser UI itself, not the website
Someone should make a recommendation chart like those VN ones but for LNs.
We don't need to because you don't need to sift through an endless sea of shit to find a good LN like you have to with VNs
Good joke.
Ready to fail here.
Today I did Anki for 26 minutes and then I read a visual novel for 1 hour and 47 minutes.
If you don't like it feel free to make a better one
Please tell me this is it
Let me guess, these are the only ones you've read?
Maybe I'm just a scrub but pantsu ga hakenai had some parts that I thought were difficult as fuck when I read it, especially during the end