It's time! Here's the Raw for the first chapter of Yoshitoki Oimas newest Work, Fumetsu no Anata e!
Fumetsu no Anata e ch.01
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, since the chapter is almost 80 pages long here's a DDL, for those who don't want to don't want to wait:
KyoAni adaptation soon.
I really hope they do, but let's be real here, it'll probably be a shit adaptation from A1.
Shit artist, can't even do a proper end. I hope this bombs.
Leave that doggie alone
This is giving me early Vinland Saga vibes because of the setting, love it.
Stay mad.
Is Oima a guy? Always thought it was a she, don't know why.
>top left
Every single fucking day this little faggot
It's like the snow setting is just an excuse to not draw backgrounds properly.
The fish head turned into a bird head
>MC is a boy who looks and behaves like a girl
White As Fuck - the manga.
Yeah look at him surviving in the wild and gutting fish like a little girl
Bestiality doujin when?
Hurry up and take off those wet, bloody clothes.
I'm waiting for this as well.
is she gonna collapse and the doggo will carry her back home?
Fucking dropped then. Fuck this shit
What exactly is she doing? Looking for more people?
Doggie wants to eat that leg
It would be interesting if he died and the rest of the manga were just flashbacks telling how he got where he is.
RIP cute boy
>let's be real here
>and assume a manga with 1 chapter out will get an anime adaptation
Pick one.