Would you confess your love to a taller girl?
Would you confess your love to a taller girl?
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I already did.
No, letting women know that you love them gives them something they'll use against you.
You're not wrong, but who hurt you?
Probably not, I prefer smol girls
I like smol though
that boy looks like his bladder is about to give out any second now
I'm 1.9m.
Prety hard to find a taller girl around.
You mean his nutbladder, right?
I'd a taller girl.
I want to be confessed by a tall girl
What are good tall girls mangas besides Azumanga?
Fujiyama-san. Heartwarmingly vanilla.
If I had one to confess to.
Any grills here? how do grills feel about short guys?
You should have done it when you were still a shota.
Lovely Complex is pretty fun if you can get past some of it's shoujo trappings. Although Risa isn't really super-tall, it's the fact that she's paired with a pretty short guy that compounds it.
I know one really tall girl. Pretty sure she lies about her height and dumbs it down, she stands maybe an inch shorter 6'2 guys, but swears she's 5'11.
I want to grapple with Natsuo.
She can just shove him up her cunt as a dildo.
Speaking of tall girls
I'm 6'4, so I doubt I'll ever meet one that I'd want to confess to. I am planing to ask Aoi Yuki out on a date if I ever meet her though.
you can't do this with a shorter girl.
Unless you have some gains you are little better than selfie stick.
size difference is so fucking hot, but I like it more then the woman is bigger
opens up so many rare positions
>asking for blogshit
>implying 5'11 is tall
>even if you had a "tall" girl, if she's Japanese, she'd still be small compared to you
Feels bad man
>shotas are cute and need to be protected
>worried that short adult guy won't be able to protect me if needed
It's all about cuteness.
I remember there being a word for this pose/situation, but I forget what it was.
Anyone care to remind me?
I like it when little dicks go into big girls.
I love me some Nagato san
sauce please. crops dont work on reverse search
Kabe don?
Not that hard to find
Fuck me I don't remember this, is it new?
Love Tsun Letter
Do you like big girls?
Good taste user, although I am not sure if I approve on you asking her that.
I wish I had a tall wife to make stronk children with
It's too late, I've made up my mind.
You nigger. You know it's Nagato and can't even go trough the trouble of searching for it.
That's it. Thanks. More girls need to do this.
>Dr. P
Excellent taste.
I'm going to need a sauce on that
5'3 Turbo manlet here. All girls are around my height or taller than me so I don't have a choice.
This. It went poorly.
I dream of getting bullied
Saucenao comes up with nothing. Please?
I perfer them. I'm 6.2 and I love it when a qt boy tries to be all manly but becomes docile when I smother his face in my tits and press my thigh into his crotch.
Sorry to hear that user.
It went pretty good for me.
Fucking Agata. I love their art but they need to do more cunnilingus.
Searching "shota female:tall english" on exhentai yields 4 pages. It's there. Learn to deduce these things.
Last I heard I was a manlet at 186
What's the cutoff at now?
>female: milf, user's mom
>male: me
>live in bongistan
>80-90% of women are below 180
>most are fat
>tall women here are flat as fuck, zero anything sexual besides maybe wide hips, but no juicy butt
>just want to kiss someone without having to bend over
195, if you can't atleast top pic related you might as well castrate yourself
Seriously, what is it with UK women? They're all fuck ugly
are women really that fat in Britland?
>mfw I'm 6'3 and I've never met a grill taller than I am. I continue to search.
are you a newfag or something? these threads are always full of blogshit.
I'm 6'3", I wish I had the chance.
artist name?
I'm 182 cm tall and am built like a linebacker. I can't remember the last time someone actually made me feel small. It doesn't help that I have a thing for women with muscle definition. So yeah if there was some amazonian woman out I'd fall fucking hard for her
You're below average in the netherlands, go there
Most people I've met from that area seem to be pretty wimpy people. I'm sure they got some beasts in the home country but I can't imagine I'll find the amazonian-esque woman I'm looking for there
I don't follow
What if I like short girls?
Am I the only one who likes tall girls because they my fetish of me being a shota getting taken advantage by an onee -san?
They're good too
>mfw im 197 cm tall and will never find a taller girl to bully me into submission
why even live?
You could always step over a landmine
M-me too...
Delete this
I do but i can't stand shota shit
Im not saying i want to watch them get raveged by faceless nigger dicks but really, just a little manhandling with some "go-getter" attitude would be appreciated every once in a while instead of the crying babyface shit.
I will never get why people selfinsert as little boys instead of just some average dude that would actually like some snusnu
Has this shit updated since the last chapter? I swear its been months since the last update.
Tall girls that are insecure about their height is the best.
it would go a little something like this
man bruce lee was a badass
I'm 195 and I met a girl who was 196/197, and that was when I was a senior in high school and she was a sophomore. I don't know if girls grow beyond the age of 16 but she could've ended up at 198.
This thread fucking reeks of low test manlets. Gtfo
What if he bear hugs you, picks you up, and chucks you onto the bed?
Lots of the time the shotas do have that go-getter attitude half way through the doujin.
Sauce? Reverse image search has failed me.
Yeah you're right it's awful. You should do yourself a favor and leave and never come back. You're too good for this board.
Not before I make men out of you.
tall women are the enemy.
s-story time?
Save yourself the misery.
Shinryaku Teki Renai Shugi - Aggressive Love Ism
that artist's style makes me physically ill
also, bbw is trash tier