TTGL is literally the best anime of all times and there is absolutely nothing you can do about that fact. Accept it. Embrace it.
TTGL is literally the best anime of all times and there is absolutely nothing you can do about that fact. Accept it...
I dropped it desu
You're completely correct.
It is pretty amazing.
I like HxH for similar reasons but I think HxH is a little bit better
Couldn't even finish this garbage. Muh just be yourself bro the anime.
I agree
Kamina is /our guy/
Wrong. It's not the best anime.
>Best story and cast of characters
One Piece
>Best animation
>Best soundtrack
>Best intellectual themes
Serial Experiments Lain
I'm rewatching it as a more refined connoisseur of the animated arts and it's easily among the greatest modern tv shows.
>worst post
Exactly, TTGL is all of those combined.
When will people accept Kamina is overrated garbage.
Died like a bitch.
Shouted "inspirational" stuff.
It's good starting at episode 5 until they go into space. At that point, switch to the movie. Post timeskip > pre timeskip.
Seeing as you have "times" instead of "time" I'd almost think you were baiting if you weren't completely correct.
You might as well just kill yourself now.
You appreciate Kamina as he relates to Simon, you aren't supposed to dickride his antics and philosophies as the viewer. His VA makes the character.
>Best story and cast of characters
>One Piece
Opinion discarded.
Kill yourself.
I guess, it's the same shit as every other hot-blooded super robot mecha story of this type.
Nah, he's fine for what he is.
Honestly, TTGL is enjoyable if you look at the sheer ambition behind it. The characters are terribly bland, and the plot is barely a plot, but you gotta appreciate the love they put into it.
If anything, I'd say they went overboard in their ambition, and destroyed its own narrative in the second half of the show.
Why are there so many faggots posting from iFunny today?