Bleach overall was WAY better than Naruto. Even Bleach's rushed ending was better than Naruto's given how Naruto basically told you to buy a 10 chapter gaiden and 2 movies in order to understand it's fucking ending.
Bleach overall was WAY better than Naruto. Even Bleach's rushed ending was better than Naruto's given how Naruto basically told you to buy a 10 chapter gaiden and 2 movies in order to understand it's fucking ending.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Water is wet
In other news, why is Nanao's ass the greatest?
Because it attracts you, that's why.
Rukia best girl.
Rukia is absolutely perfect. I'm still mad at the fact she didn't end up with Ichigo. Greatest lost potential of best couple ever.
No, we're not doing this, please
Is there any chance the novels will talk about Halibel?
IDK, all we know is that they confirm that Urahara/Yoruichi are alive and paired, Soi Fon/Yushiro are paired up and Toshiro/Momo are paired.
Plus the second book talks about Hisagi, Tosen, the 4 Noble Families and the Soul King.
Dude, Tite Kubo didn't even CARE about pairings in the first place. He only placed the obvious people together
(Rukia/Renji are Soul Reapers and childhood friends)
(Ichigo/Orihime are humans who lived together)
Yeah I doubt they're "confirming" all those pairings.
It's a drawn picture of those pairings so that's all the evidence we needed to see such.
Post it then.
It was stated by people who saw it in Japan that there is a drawing. It's not going to be something that will be posted any time soon though.
I don't disagree and I don't think I could ever accept it, but oh wells. Just know that in a different and better universe, the OTP was realized somewhere.
>I'm ok with who ended up with. Orhime live alone for too long, now she have a family. you should be happy for her. Rukia and Renji were childhood friends. Both are spirit beings and have duties to do. I'm totally ok with this canon couples. It's logic.
Ha, tell that to the sells charts you non research doing, failure.
Dude, Naruto's sales were from Shonen Jump having a boner for Naruto in general. Look at what they have been promoting for the last 4-5 years and you see what I mean:
>One Piece
>My Hero Academia
>Black Clover
Out of the 5 manga, only One Piece is original. The rest are Naruto and it's clones.
Kubo net worth - $50 million
Kishimoto net worth - $20 million
And gay.
Bleach got canceled. Naruto didn't.
Read this Shonen Jump got obsessed with Naruto and despite Bleach outselling at least 75% of the other manga, it didn't follow the Naruto formula.
Editors only care for the next Naruto. Not the next big hit.
>Bleach vs Naruto thread
Who gives a shit? Both have major issues making them not worth reading shortly after they begin.
>Cancelling a popular manga to make room for random crap just because it's not consistently in the top 10 best sellers
I seriously doubt this happens.
Dude, bleach had a far better life cycle than Naruto.
What more to understand about Naruto's ending? the novel's just SoL about pairings and people's life post-war. Bleach, on the other hand, needed its novel to elaborate on a significant part of the plot
>The world will end without the Soul King and thus we must fight
>It's fucking nothing lol
Rangiku a best. She taught me it is possible to be sexy and cute.
Pretty much Bleach at it's lowest points still had some bumps in quality every once in a while, but Naruto was a sharp dive down in quality once the timeskip happened.
i agree
That Gaiden was a checklist of all major plot points
>Why was Kaguya building an army?
>Where did Orochimaru, Kabuto and Team Taka go after the final battle and why were they allowed to leave?
>Obito's Sharingan eye wall and how it was basically the backup plan that created Akatsuki 3.0.
Why does best girl have the most cancerous fanbase? Her "fans" would rather bitch about her not being a "heroine" and not being married to Ichigo than being happy for her being a captain, her happy marriage with her childhood friend and having a cute daughter.
>Rukia didn't do ANYTHING in the Final Arc
>Achieved Bankai
>Fought and beat As Nodt (who beat her brother)
>Became Captain of the 13th Squad
>Married Renji
Yeah, so delusional. Rukia didn't do ANYTHING.
And Gin is an idiot.
No, Gin is dead.
Those complaints are from a Rukia fan user. They didn't internalize any of those events because all they cared about was if she gets Ichigo over Orihime.
Who says he never hit it. There's a 110 years or so of undisclosed details between them. We did have confirmation she followed him to the Academy and joined it at the same time as he did.
At least Naruto had the decency to resolve most of its plot points before ending.
>Resolve most of his plot points
Except Naruto didn't because of the 10 chapter Gaiden, Last Movie and Boruto Movie covered a crap ton of plot points.
>Became Captain of the 13th Squad
>Married Renji
Technically she didn't do it within the arc, it's just a mention in the epilogue. Aside from that, carry on.
Fixed it.
Thanks Kubo.
Did they build a statue of Aizen to commemorate his victory against Quincy Hitler?
But those aren't epilogue. The epilouge would be the two light novels coming out. That is still the ending of Bleach.
Why celebrate Aizen? Because he helped due to his own selfish desires? The dude still fucked with them since the end of Soul Society arc. He probably got many years taken off his sentence, but Aizen is still a bad guy.
Yeah, it's right next to the statue of Mayuri.
They wouldn't even let Gin be buried in the Seireitei. Why the fuck would they make a statue commemorating 1 helpful thing Aizen did after a life time of plotting to destroy and take over them?
Someone post the edit already
> in order to understand it's fucking ending.
Fuck off, this is complete bullshit and you know it. While both manga ultimately had a shit ending arc, Naruto pretty much tied all its loose ends.The movies, novels etc. were just there as a cash grab, since it remained very popular in Japan until its very end, unlike bleach which will never get a continuation because the sales have been plummeting for years.
>resorting to shitty bait in the OP
>using that as an excuse to continue making generals about your shitty manga after it's been long over
Bleachfags just can't learn to let go. Pathetic.
>unlike bleach which will never get a continuation because the sales have been plummeting for years.
>Got a new stage show over the summer
>two new novels on the way
>Live action movie in 2018
I don't know user seems like Bleach still has some money to make off of it.
>Why was Kaguya building an army?
Literally the only important bit of information in the entire Gaiden, which in reality only amounts to sequel bait.
>Where did Orochimaru, Kabuto and Team Taka go after the final battle and why were they allowed to leave?
Irrelevant to the overall plot.>Obito's Sharingan eye wall and how it was basically the backup plan that created Akatsuki 3.0.
Irrelevant to the overall plot.
You're welcome, dear user. Now, what other corrections do I have to work on?
None of those are:
A. Canon
B. Actual money makers like movies or a sequel manga.
How was Orochimaru irrelavent to the overall plot? HE WAS THE FUCKING MAIN ANTAGONIST IN PART 1!
Obito, THE LEADER OF THE AKATSUKI, was collecting Sharingan for some reason (Another major plot point) and we didn't know why until the Gaiden.
Dude, the anime will most likely come back since they still need to animate the Final Arc.
The two stage plays still make money
Also, the novels are canon.
And the Live action movie in an adaptation of the Pre-Reaper Arc.
By the end of the manga Ninja jesus 1 and 2 could have stopped any of his plans without breaking a sweat. and Taka has always been unimportant.
>Actual money makers like movies or a sequel manga.
>like movies
>Dude, the anime will most likely come back
I doubt it, or rather it shouldn't
Obito wasnt really collection Sharingans, having spares just happen to come in handy.
Also you probably don't want a bunch of guys with crazy eye powers running around if you're trying to fight the world.
It will. The Final Arc was the 3rd best arc in the entire series. Soul Society and Pre-Reaper were better, but The 1000 Year Blood War was a strong contender.
No, it was a collection. It's a giant fucking wall of Sharingan. Why do you think he was so after Sinsui Uchiha's Sharingan. The Eye powers of the Sharingan were super important to the plot and were just dropped.
>The Final Arc was the 3rd best arc
It wasn't even that. 4th best if I'm being generous but arrancar arc had much better antagonists.
How does having spare Sharingans come out as begin a super secret plan.
Are you aware Obito wasted one Sharingan while fighting Konan, right?
Danzou wasted ten Sharingans while fighting Sasuke.
Having spares is useful.
There was no other purpose to it.
Even Madara wanted Obito's Sharingan because he only had one.
Arrancar Arc was alright, but not as good as 1000 Year Blood War.
Because the Sharingan is basically the most powerful plot device in the entire series. Did you even read the fucking manga?
Don't give me the crap that a fucking wall of Sharingan as spares. That's basically saying "I HAVE A BACKUP PLAN!!!" right there.
Like for example? Only Ulquiorra, Starrk, Grimmjow and Nnoitra were interesting. Compare that to Haschwalth, Bazz-B, Giselle, Askin, Liltototto, Pernida, Bambietta, Äs Nödt or Quilge.
Look user, if I'm to be honest, I would love for the bleach anime to come back, but there's no guarantee that it will,also we're talking about the worst arc in the manga.As for the rest:
>The two stage plays still make money
Not nearly as much as two canon movies (''The Last'', ''Boruto'') or a sequel manga would, which means SJM and TV Tokio don't believe in Bleach as a money making IP the way they believe in Naruto.
>Also, the novels are canon.
Show me where Kubo has said that the novels are canon, otherwise it's just corporative backed fanfiction.
>And the Live action movie in an adaptation of the Pre-Reaper Arc.
Which means it's a different continuity, because it can't affect the manga story. Learn how canon works user.Also it remains to be seen how much of a success this particular venture will be.Prior live adaptations of anime haven't seat a good precedent.
>Don't give me the crap that a fucking wall of Sharingan as spares.
Jesus Christ you are fucking retarded, YES those Sharingans were used as spares.
The Sharingan wall was last seeing in a Sasuke scene when he burned the hide out with Amaterasu before heading out to the war for all we know the Sharingans are all gone.
There was no super secret jutsu with 100 Sharingans or whatever like you want to think in your head canon.
I meant canonic movies. But the Live action will most likely flop anyway.
It most likely won't. The director has quite some experience with live-action adaptions. He made the I am a hero adaption, the Gantz adaptions, the Library wars adaptions and is making the Death Note sequel, Light up the new world. All of these movies have gained both critical and financial success. The Bleach movie will at least be decent in both regards. It doesn't look like it, but Japan loves these kind of adaptions for whatever reasons.
canonicity does not factor in to marketability which was your initial point, and they cast Sota Fukushi as Ichigo. They'll get lots of money from horny girls.
Actually, Arrancar Arc is volumes 21-32. Fake Karakura Town War is 33-48.
1000 Year Blood War is 55-74. Kubo said himself that the 1000 Year Blood War is the longest of the arcs.
THe Last Movie and Boruto movie are just shit that was crapped out because they wanted to make more money by dangling the ending
Novels are canon written by people who wrote past novels for Bleach by Tite Kubo's permission.
NOBODY MAKES A WALL OF FUCKING SPARE ANYTHING. That was Obito's backup plan. Not some spares
All the novels except the Kenpachi are canon. They were co-authored by Kubo and tie into the canon story, like why Chad became a boxer for example.
The what's-his-face villain from the gaiden had a bunch of sharingan at his disposal (basically coul fabricate whatever amount he pleased), and he was still fodder compared to Nardo and Sasuke.The problem was that by the final arc, Orichimaru was no longer a threat no matter what he had in store, and unless Kishimoto has plans to asspull him into godhood he will remain just a minor annoyance.
Dude, Danzo wanted Sharingan to push is own plans of control, Hell he used Sinsui's eye to try and get himself as the commander in the Gokage building.
But Orochimaru is the reason what's-his-face got his clone army in the first place! Said Gaiden villian was making more clones of himself to make Akatsuki 3.0.
It's not about quantity it's about quality. Most quincy ended up retreading ground the arrancars already had or ground other quincies already had
Only came into his own at the end
Literally Grimmjow all over again
Did nothing
memorable fight, not character
memorable fight not chracter
>Äs Nödt
fight went on for too long and set a bad precedent for the rest of the arc
Haschwalth was tied to Bazz-B and his loyalty to Juha Bach,
Bazz-B wasn't grimmjow though. Grimmjow was all about the rivalry of the main character and him
Gigi was alright.
Aksen was good
Liltototto I agree
I agree with Pernida
Bambietta was memorable as a character too
As Nodt was good too
Quilge was on of the strongest opening fights in the series.
You forgot about Mask De Maskuline too
>Only came into his own at the end
He still had his own flashback and character arc.
>Literally Grimmjow all over again
His relationship with Haschwalth makes Bazz-B automatically more complex than Grimmjow.
>Did nothing
She rebelled against Yhwach and killed Pepe. She also had an interesting character
>memorable fight, not character
Pernida showed a lot of character for a hand, like its sense of justice, its desire to become independent and develope its own existence and will and the contrast that creates to Nemu, not to mention its past. This is the arm of the Soul King afterall.
>memorable fight not chracter
You didn't pay much attention to how she behaved as a zombie then, since Bambietta's zombie self did reveal a lot about Bambietta's psyche, issues and hidden depths.
>Mask De Maskuline
the other user didn't mention him, but he was one of the single worst sequences in the whole arc.
We'll see if it makes as much money as Boruto (it won't),and more importantly if it manages ti sell as much merchandise. But the fact that studio pierrot didn't produce another movie with Kubo's collaboration (even if he kimited himself to just approve the project) should tell you how much they believe in this IP.
THe Last Movie and Boruto movie are just shit that was crapped out because they wanted to make more money by dangling the ending.
Nobody is saying otherwise you autist, but look at how much money they both made, and then tell me if you believe a Bleach movie would pull comparable numbers, regardless of its quality (which would most likely be shit, because Bleach is shot in case you had any doubt).
Daily reminder: Orihime is my waifu.
Dude, Mask was great. He gave an actual good fight that gave Renji a actual legit win for himself.
Holy crap all those typos. But whatever you can't refute any of my points.
>But Orochimaru is the reason what's-his-face got his clone army in the first place! Said Gaiden villian was making more clones of himself to make Akatsuki 3.0.
Which was pointless, because either Naruto or Sasuke would stomp them with zero effort. Get it through your thick skull, Orochimaru was no longer a menace.
I've never touched any of them but I learned that a cat is fine too.
How did she end?
It was stretched out for way too long. Every chapter was another
>X character has the upperhand
>Y character turns it around
>Z character shows up and gets the upperhand and wins
And then we see the sequence all over again with Valkyrie
Honestly, while Naruto did manage to resolve most of the plot points, the problem was how they were resolved. Many people didn't like what we got. With Bleach it was the opposite problem. Most didn't have a problem with what we got (outside Ichiruki shippers), but rather with the things we did not get. Bleach's ending is bad, because the story is incomplete. Naruto's ending is bad, because the story itself sucks,
Nel was going to save her alongside Urahara, Grimmjow and Askin. No one knows if she succeeded. Though we should most likely find out in the RenRuki novel, alongside everyone else who is missing.
It was said that a drawing showed up in the light novel that shows Urahara with Yoruichi and Soi Fon with Yushiro. Along with Renji and Rukia in their wedding and Toshiro with Momo.
>save grimmjow
literally why
>drawings have already showed up a month before book comes out
I sincerely doubt that.
user, Naruto sucks, but it is still a much better written story than bleach (which is basically a non-story).It also had a pretty standard ending for a long serialized battle shonen,and quite frankly the only people who bitched about the ending being shit were shippers. In fact Naruto actually delivered on the only important final battle (Naruto vs Sasuke), whcih provided closure for the two most important characters, unlike the flabbergasting shit-parade that was ichigo vs Juha.
You forgot to mention that the drawing also showed Chizuru with her new boyfriend.
Yhwach vs Ichigo was still much better than most of the 4th world war and certainly better than the fights against Madara or Kaguya,
Chizuru isn't important. The drawing is being pointed out for being part of the canon pairings.