Season 2 when?
Season 2 when?
>missing the announcement
>missing the 2000 post sticky
>missing the banner
Where have you been?
shitposting in Sup Forums I guess
When is it coming out?
PA Works has a better season 2 to make right now.
7 episodes in this shit . and it seem meh tier . does it get better ? why do you fags like it
Oh fuck I can't believe I missed the announcement for this. The first season was a lot of fun, can't wait for it.
It's so meta xd
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
How did we go from this
to this?
By realizing being a Chuuni is a superior form of being
which one?
because we like anime. Maybe that's why you don't
God I hope it manages to live up to the first.
>Studio about how hard making is.
>Made by a studio who bullies their animators, deeming them failures, and then not even apologizing
Why is shirobako such a bittersweet anime.
>tfw talk to the animator in question
>tfw she's devastated
me on the left
That one
Sara. All day, every day, every way.
Please don't forget best girl, Sup Forums.
true! i really hate anime
I want to sexually fuck Diizeru-chan
That's Japan for you.
Which animator?
Means to ask
would you watch this?
Too old.
not old enough
I've been throwing money atthe screen since I first saw that one, yet nothing happens.
Not nice to lie like this, user.
It's inbetweener, not even animator.
In addition to that, it's just a dumb woman who didn't even know that she was supposed to become better at her job.
When P.A. Works stop with the slavery.
As a first world inhabitant living in luxury, I consider slavery a good thing.
Aoi-Chan is my wife. So her
Hurr durr they should be paid in peanuts because they're only even though they draw thousands of frames a day and without them animation would be dead
Inbetweening is work literally meant for Vietnamese.
wow, do you have a source on this?
>Season 2 when?
I thought it's currently airing.
Outsourcing is the perfect way to kill your animation talent
See: American cartoons
I'm sad their affair won't be animated
Don't care. Why are you being so soft on 'em?
They never looked good in the first place.
And on the few occasions where an episode actually did look good, it ironically happened to be outsourced to a foreign country.
Like, you know, Japan.
Underappreciated cutie.
>Don't care
Then don't reply
>They never looked good in the first place.
Have you ever seen old Disney movies?
>WAAAAA somebody in a first world country deliberately chooses a job where they are being paid in peanuts. How can we not do something about this?!
I thought we were talking about tv productions and not movies. Although even those had most of the good parts outsourced.
That's a lot of people to make an anime
Whom are you quoting?
His whiny obsession that everybody needs to be treated equally.
Old Americans cartoons also had good animation, well some of them
that dude on twitter who is angry that everyone is being passive-aggressive towards a woman who sucks at her job
Hopefully one day. It was clearly AOTS.
Alright, I've saved a bit of screencaps when I watched it. Postin' just a few.
Nowhere near as good as Shirobako.
Ooh, quad damage.
Didn't like Shirobako. As layman as I am my understanding of the industry was deeper than what it presented.
I guess if you're just there for the girls then whatever.
Who the fuck are these people?
Apart from the five main girls I literally only remember like 6 other characters.
It wasn't a documentary about the industry and if you understood what the various jobs were prior to watching the show then you have a better understanding of 99% of anime fans in the west so I wouldn't exactly call you a layman. Most anime fans in the west know nothing more than a studio name if that.
Well, if you discount the main 5, there's
1. fat director with the plate of cake
2. guy in kimono in middle is author of mango being adapted
3. cute office lady on the left side
4. blonde experienced PA who was gone for a long while to care for her dad
4. next to blonde is the guy who checked animation she was stalking/keeping in line
5. u know the goth loli
6. smug jerk in mid top who fucked over MC-chan a lot
7. won't forget moot newbie PA with blonde lock of hair to his right
8. old guy next to key animator MC-chan is dude who drew the hard to draw horse scene
9. fat guy on right works in cake business, was most experienced PA
10. dude next to kimono guy in middle is writer who they consulted for script ideas n shiet
11. busty chick on top of kimono guy did the hardcore key animation
12. between kantoku and writer-san is the VA for MC of mango they did in second half
13. dude next to MC-chan to the right and down is other key animator who likes experienced animator tits-chan
14. old guy with buck tooth next to old experienced animator-san is the president
15. scared-chan key animator is next to animator MC-chan
I could go on but that's basically how i remembered the majority of them.
Can't wait for the live-action experience.
and that's all the screenshots I took. Done posting now.
Seriously though, what the fuck was going on between these two?
Showed all the signs of having had a relationship that fizzled away.
It's not as if their behaviour in unique or even among the worst in the industry. A-1 literally bullied one of their production assistants into suicide.
Jesus, man. All I remember is:
1. erika for being smug
2. fat director for everything
3. blonde dude for being annoying and fucking up at some point
4. glasses girl for pic related
5. that girl that never spoke but kept making weird noises that follows emi around
6. girl dressed up in lolita clothing
what about 2nd down on left, studio manager lady?
Not him but I'd fuck the shit out of her.
she was a top qt
You mean this one? How could I forget that body.
who is this speed demon
t. police
Only two acceptable choices.
I want to make Ema my single mother.
which one is horikawa?
>Chitose gets a lead role early in her career despite being a terrible person
>Zuka works earnestly and honestly and yet is rejected at every corner
>Jags guy
It's Zuka's own fault for not having a reliable onii-chan with contacts.
hi does Sup Forums like shirobako generally? i'm new to animu and i watched the first episode and it was ok. wondering if i should persist?
Lurk more.
Aoi's friends got in because she's a cute female
Gojou-kun isn't that old.
well i do anyway but this is the first i've seen it mentioned so i thought i would ask
Have PA works not announced anything after that garbage mecha show?
Glasses girl is best girl desu.
Post bullying.