I told you faggots that the city doesn't really retract. Here's proof...

I told you faggots that the city doesn't really retract. Here's proof. Kaji is sitting in front of the city in both states.

Nice thumbnail.


Why are you still on this?

ITT Lies and Deceit

the whole board called me an idiot for revealing the truth about the city. Now you are all the idiots.

Stop posting this every day, autist. This place is bad enough with the repeated threads 24/7. And if you're going to force a meme, the least you can do is try to make it funny.

Must be a strange existence being too stupid to understand reflections.

Kaji is looking through a window, not at a mirror.

Oh no, you don't even understand how water works? How do you breath by yourself?

Look at the picture you dumb piece of shit. Reflections are supposed to be the same, but the upside down city is clearly not identical to the right side up city.

Is it hard finding someone who can force you to breath? Do you have multiple people doing the job for you?I can't imagine just one person would be up for such a job.

>identical, but distorted

Now show me a reflection that magically creates buildings that don't exist. Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who's the dumbest user of them all?

Are you blind too? Does the person who helps you breath also act as your eyes? You must pay that person quite a lot.

You are tiresome.

this one doesn't prove anything, even while the city is in its normal state, parts of the buildings are visible on the other side, because they're still hanging above the Geofront.

truth hurts

that makes no sense. symmetrical skyscrapers/groundscrapers so they always appear right side up?


If you're not going to take this seriously, you can go to Sup Forums

Please please PLEEEEEAAASE kill yourself.

you guys always cheer me up