Not only is she gonna die, but she's gonna confess via letter she sent after her death that she loves Cocona
Not only is she gonna die, but she's gonna confess via letter she sent after her death that she loves Cocona
Other urls found in this thread:
>but she's gonna confess via letter
She can't write.
Not to mention that she's a good girl who's open and honest with her feelings. She's nothing like that bitch Kaori.
She already confessed candidly
>tells her a million times that she loves her
>letter arives
>"I love you (sexualy)"
>the director of Flip Flappers liked this tweet
What does it say?
I do think Cocona and Papika will be separated at the end because of the OP lyrics, but I don't want to believe it. They deserve a happy ending because the show won't make enough money for another season.
Im glad that he aknowledges best girl and best couple.
Over The Rainbow kind of has a happy end special ending feeling to it,
Do we have lyrics anywhere?
>we kimius now
Did people cry here when Kaori died?
>letter she sent after her death
>AOTS is yuri
>Depending on your choice the new pokemon game is yuri
Think of the children.
Someone else translate this, my nip isn't nearly strong enough.
Papika is cute. CUTE!
Yayaka's love will sustain Cocona through the tragedy.
implying Papika is a beta cuck that confesses love through letters etc. she already told Cocona she loves her.
>Shrimp and vegetable fritters
>To comp upwards
There must be some pun here.
Also, the last phrase is wrong.
I think I can understand all but Yayaka's thought at the end. Something about something crunchy.
Are you going to post this in every single thread?
oops. It made more sense when it was wrong
I want more lewds.
>This will be the last one, right Papika?
Someone from Sup Forums drew this, I think
The question is, what kind of lewds?
What do you think the preview means when it says they "vicariously experience somebody else"
Just them as lolis? Someone else is hax-changed into Cocona and Papika? Will it be someone we know (such as Senpai)? What does it mean in terms of the nature of PI? Will this be a plot-relevant revelation (the fact that PIs lead to other PIs and they can reflect real life), or is it just a plot of the week with no lasting consequences?
Maybe they experience the others childhood.
A bodyswap? So, the ccn we see in the previews is actually ppk, and the other way around? Would explain why we only see ppk frowning a lot and looking generally not-ppk
Papika looks bitchy enough to be in Yayaka's body.
I wonder when you are going to stop samefagging like this and when you will realize it does nothing but make you look pathetic. You keep saying "spammer" like it actually change how you are the one spamming.
Literally every single thread you post the same exact images over and over, and you really call someone else a spammer? You know you can spam anything, right? Such as spamming the action of deleting a post. In this case, deleting a post that should be deleted. That's spam as well. But it's not like you care about that.
And in case you did not notice, that guy is favoriting everything that has to do with the series at all. Because he doesn't want to drive away any buyers at all.
But, !Akemi. You STILL don't get it. Even after it has been said countless times in this thread alone. YOU are the problem. People hate YOU. You are being called out on your bad behavior and how you spite and attack people. The fact you doing it with shipping shit is irrelevant.
It's nothing romantic or shipper
And you have to the nerve to call other people spammers.
Yes, he is literally insane and autistic.
>Would explain why we only see ppk frowning a lot and looking generally not-ppk
Yeah, this is my interpretation. Papika seems not to be herself in the previews.
Didn't she already tell Cocona that she likes her a lot?
>Depending on your choice the new pokemon game is yuri
Excuse me?
user, the director literally posted this on his twitter.
He clearly supports this fanart.
why do you insist on giving him (you)s
Why do you insist on replying to yourself?
You realize that your little "durrr stop replying" persona is literally always there. You are trying to imply that this person is ALWAYS around at the exact same time "someone" is replying.
And again, YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM. God damn, do you not even read what you are replying to?
That was also just a "like" and he is liking literally everything that has to do with the series. Again, not to drive away any buyers.
He knows what's up.
posting images on an imageboard
Do their thighs grow when transforming?
Wow this is great. Shipping and arguing about shipping. So glad we have 24/7 threads for this show. Loving it guys.
Too bad the resident freak is still posting here I see, I would have enjoyed talking about this show, but it's not gonna be today either
Later Flappers
What's in a name? Cockonna. The name given to a girl who inspires so much lust that it can only be expressed in two different languages.
>Director likes a crack ship picture
Cocona belongs to Senpai anyway.
You could just not participate if you dislike them so much. It's not like the quality of the threads won't rise back up once the new episode is out.
>Cocona belongs to Senpai anyway.
I don't know about that.
I feel like Cocona is actually the community girl. Everyone gets a turn.
Even the guys?
There are guys in this show?
I feel whatever revelation about Salto will be rushed. Wish it was longer
I suppose Cocona - Artist Senpai is the orthodox couple now.
Maybe Pupyka and Yayakat will warm up to eachother too.
Why do people ship Cocona with anyone but Papika?
This episode seems to have at least inspired a lot of art.
It's a mixed school even.
I'm mildly upset and slightly aroused. If anything this means green hair whore is Yayaka's consolation prize.
>yfw they never let you to tell what's your problem
Why do you insist on replying to yourself?
You realize that your little "durrr stop replying" persona is literally always there. You are trying to imply that this person is ALWAYS around at the exact same time "someone" is replying.
And again, YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM. God damn, do you not even read what you are replying to?
That was also just a "like" and he is liking literally everything that has to do with the series. Again, not to drive away any buyers.
Oh look, you instantly start spamming the same art again and samefagging.
Again, this is the problem regardless of what you are posting.
Okay, now post some CP images that way you get perma banned, again, and then you can just evade it, again. Because you know full well the rules don't get enforced you.
How many times how you been told that just b because this is an image board that does not mean all images are automatically acceptable?
>i- it's okay to shit up threads as long is it's not on the airing day
Literally, unironically, kill yourself.
And everything you greentexted has already been addressed.
You are just insane and block everything out because you are insane.
Every single fucking thread, !Akemi. Every single one. And people called this is EXACTLY what you would do. And you STILL did it. Because you are fucking insane.
Kill yourself, !Akemi.
It's funny how the mod is so clearly biased about protecting the threads of this show. Because you can tell off shippers in other threads and nothing at all happens.
Cocona choosing Senpai means an economic suicide.
>Making cash
I wonder when you are going to stop samefagging like this and when you will realize it does nothing but make you look pathetic. You keep saying "spammer" like it actually change how you are the one spamming.
Literally every single thread you post the same exact images over and over, and you really call someone else a spammer? You know you can spam anything, right? Such as spamming the action of deleting a post. In this case, deleting a post that should be deleted. That's spam as well. But it's not like you care about that.
And in case you did not notice, that guy is favoriting everything that has to do with the series at all. Because he doesn't want to drive away any buyers at all.
But, !Akemi. You STILL don't get it. Even after it has been said countless times in this thread alone. YOU are the problem. People hate YOU. You are being called out on your bad behavior and how you spite and attack people. The fact you doing it with shipping shit is irrelevant.
And you have to the nerve to call other people spammers.
Yes, he is literally insane and autistic.
Why do people ship Cocona with a dog?
We'll see these uniforms again, right?
Papika IS beta. Cocona is the alpha.
What exactly are Papika's prospects for employment? She's illiterate.
>It's not like the quality of the threads won't rise back up once the new episode is out.
It's nice to dream but that rarely works out. The people who love shitting up threads aren't going to just go away once the new episode airs. Here we have one side on a zealous crusade against crack and the other side likes spamming crack because the conflict amuses them. Where have we seen that before oh right Madoka threads. And we all saw how that turned out.
Because they are shallow self serving degenerates that care more about their personal shipping fetishes than they do about the characters.
>It's nice to dream
That's what happened each and every single time.
You're not a fan of the series, !Akemi. Fuck off.
>implying being against shipping shitters spamming every single thread is ruining the thread
I want to see Cocona make Papika wear a doggy collar and a muzzle.
I'd like to see this but not just with Papika. Dominatrix Cocona with all her pets (Buu, Sayuri, Senpai, Yayaka, Robo Loli, maybe even Salt and Hidaka)
I want to see Papika ejaculate so much into Cocona's womb that it forces out all the air and creates a vacuum-tight seal where she won't be able to pull out for days.
Here you go. Hope you like it.
I mean that's not a winning tactic in the long run. The spikes in quality are going to get shorter in duration and we're going to spend more and more time on, well, this. Does saying "eh, kids will be kids" and letting shitposters set up shop on the off-days really sound like a good idea?
Settle down Sparky that's not what I was implying. You really need to improve your PR strategy.
FF will pay her once she turns 18. Then she'll marry her in disneyland japan. She can also work as a security guard.
god fucking dammit that's pretty good user
No stops on the futa train.
>shipping random characters: bad
>drawing dicks on random characters: good
am i getting this right
What, the futa? I like futa. Sorry user.
It doesn't, but it's not like there's anything else we can do.
oh my! no wonder Yayaka wants the Cockona
>Papika and Cocona will never be your moms
Since the director reacts on all fanart he gets in twitter I suggest you sending THIS FANART. Let's see what'll happen
Somebody send him the pregnancy one specifically
That's the whole point of shipping you silly user
good lord
I'm pretty sure it's Sayuri posting all these pairings. It must be what she does in her time off work.
It might mean nothing. Previews have lied to us before.
Sayuri is pretty cute. I like her.
Please draw Cocona and Yayaka's wedding. One or both of them can have a penis, I don't mind.
Watch out nigen, none of that fanart is lewd. Send him the pregnancy drawing at most.
Absolutely perfect. Thank you very much.
puppyka has cute puppyka feet!
Agree with this user, non-lewd fanarts only just to be safe.
Do this you talented faggot