What happen to this industry? What went wrong?

What happen to this industry? What went wrong?

Kyoani invented moe and made mad dosh.


No S2

When America defeated Japan in 2000 ending World War 1.


You DO know those screenshots are all from the same show, right?


I want to give Chacha hedpats with my dick

someone make the same thread but it's pictures of op over the years and the question is "why do some people seek a perpetual state of crisis?"

I think the moe shitstorm of the late 2000s and early 2010s has blown over. I noticed we are getting more sci-fi action oriented shows these days.

It's a step up but it's never going to be the 80s again.


But that's from the same show, same episode even


wtf i hate kyoani now

Bring teh lolis back!
Thick girls with bouncy breasts are literally killing the anime industry.

Same episode even


What's bottom second left and second bottom right?

>anime from then was in shitty VHS quality
>anime from then now are in glorious Blu-ray or DVD

That's from the same show. Same episode even.

It's learn to fucking sauce shit yourself faggot.


this guy

he means to walk her home gently not fu- oh wait wrong one


My favorite part is that the shows on the bottom aren't even new. Great picture.

>expect "that's the same anime, same ep even" on the first reply
>get this shit instead

Same. So disappointed. It wasnt even that long ago too.