Episode 6
I love how he sees through her.
MC is pretty great.
hmanga when
This is getting weird.
The warden is way too great
>end episode on cliffhanger reveal
>preview is about something completely unrelated
What the fuck is this a reference to?
Warden is the purest girl this season. One day I hope she finds the courage to give him the chocolate.
This anime is like if you took kill la kill and made it not shit.
what the hell is happening
>love triangle
God damn it why
Not really a reference to anything. It's 15 "special power"
Best OTP
what the fuck is this show anymore
Thanks for the my new image reaction, user.
The first episode was really fucking gay, but also funny, did it get any better?
Has science gone too far?
I'm impressed how the Warden's shtick doesn't get old.
I'm hoping they translate more of the manga soon- otherwise I'm going to have to find a translator app for comico
Because doujins.
Funny how Nanbaka porn is almost nonexistent.
>episode ends before the thing Hajime does
>next ep preview is some flashback that wasn't in the first three volumes
Aw dang it.
In any case, we're pretty much approaching the end of the last translated volume now.
I love this show.
Nico is a true /m/an and I respect that
hahime doesn't give a fuck. That's his charm. How do you think he landed the warden?
Number 1 is
Which of the prisoners would you most want to fuck
The warden is seriously going to be the death of me, she's just too cute.
Also why is Hajime so fucking cool? He's a baldy lanklet.
He exchanged his hair for it.
>Wanting porn of cute boys doing cute things
You fiend.
>Not wanting to see your fave boy having a good time
because this reddit show wants you to believe it so you can laugh at the epic gags
>Reddit show
do people like you ever get tired of sucking cocks?
Which prisoner would make the best friend and why is it Nico?
Is Momoko ever going to fight in the manga? I assume she should be fucking strong.
She did crack MC's head
Because he like cool things like gundam and Kamen Rider
Best duo
Edge power courses through his veins
Honestly, even though it's supposedly played straight I still tend to believe it's partly supposed to be a lowkey parody of battle shounen. I mean, Jyugo looks like the typical edgelord ace antihero who's good at everything but then it's revaled he's an useless lazy shit.
I wish I had a bro like nico to get fucked up and watch kamen rider with.
The few friends I have are straight edge normies with shit taste.
mostly I would like to hang out with someone autistic enough to get my references.
This was surprising, I wasn't expecting this in Nanbaka.
What a fag.
Poor boy.
He didn't ask for this.
His straight laced zero chill approach is quite charming,I love how he interuppts the gang in the ED. Does anybody have the translated ending btw? I know spoonfeeding is lame but I really want to know what they are saying...
Why is there a plot now
I have a question for mangafags:
who's Sandy/Gojyo?
I feel like an idiot for not finding him yet.
Never bring a whip to a gun fight.
Chinese jumping ghost.
M-me too.
How many guys are watching this for the dumb fun like me? You can't all be girls.
Why is she so cute Sup Forums ?
There are no girls on Sup Forums.
I dunno, I don't really give any fucks about this, yet I can't drop it either for some reason. I guess it's because of seiyuufaggotry.
Yep. only men and traps.
God, I love Kobabyashi's deeper voice.
Meanwhile her MC in the reverse fujo harem is hardly bearable.
I'm a dude,the girls are all over that iceskating show.
Good god, I somehow mistook her for Romi Park. I can't remember hearing her do a boy before.
>implying klk was shit
Did you not like it because there were too many cute girls user-chan? Or do you just have shit taste desu
Anyone other than nico is the wrong answer
I would hold that boy down and rape him till he says all of his top wanted to use lines
Also Umineko and Steins;Gate.
Also the plot has to advance somehow I guess
Skating show < this show
They still fellating the japanese culture?
Go back and stay there this time, faggot.
I hope they will stop this nonsense as soon as possible.
There are only girls on Sup Forums.
Man, those bastards. How dare they. They should be sucking my country's dick instead!
Or they should be posing a balanced view of their hyped up fictionalized history, like "The Patriot" feat. Mel Gibson or the historically accurate "Fury", or the golden standard of historical fiction: Wolfenstein!
I sort of like the whole idea of making fun of battle shounen thing they have going on right now.
Huh. Next episode skips all the way to ninjaguy's originstory stuff? Basically skipping 30 chapters lol.
I liked klk more when Ryuuko was the closest thing the series had to a straight man
>Implying that Nico isn't built for taking cocks
Does anyone know why 15's eyecolor changes almost every panel in the webcomic? Is there an actual reason is it just like the sparkles.
Pretty sure that's like his power or something.
Yeah, it was fun, but this Jyugo-stuff looks dangerous.
It's the beginning of PLOT. But honestly with only 13 episodes it's not going to get very far.
Full ED is out. Translation soon.
Me. It's a pretty solid comedy.
Does the manga stick with shounen parody route, or does it go back to the fun SoL prison stuff?
You tell me.
There's some slice of life prison stuff and backstories interspersed with plot, but then shit gets real. I'm at around 89/142 chapters but it's just getting crazier. Hopefully after they resolve this it'll go back to normal. Maybe.
Is shit rusty and all doors are locked?
Do you think locked doors stop Jyugo?
A shit ton of characters were ambushed and locked up in this place, but since Jyugo was there, the group he's with is out and about trying to figure out what's going on. Hence why pic above happens.
1. G Gundam
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. Jojo part 3
6. Kamen Rider Stronger
7. ?
What are 2, 3, 4, and 7 references to?
100 prison breaks, 100 trap resets, 100 prison quarry shifts, 10 km prisoner drill runs
user if you think anyone in klk was straight you need to go back and rewatch it
>Almost 100 chapters of battle shounen and the arc seemingly just ended on the latest chapter
Most likely won't happen on the anime unless there is S2.