Heaven or hell?
Heaven or hell?
All I see is different flavours of paradise.
How funny, I just finished fapping to as109 elf.
They are both equally the best.
which kind of colour would appear of ine of them breed with the other one?
I'll go for both all in one
Her pink haired version is better
That is like going to mcdonalds and order carrot sticks
Best girls of the show
Why would you go to McDonald's in the first place? Just get them carrot sticks.
Porcelain Hotness, personally.
Wonder how it feels for BB fags to know pretty much all of the GG roster can oneshot all of BBs roster.
I pick the brown elf, but I'm in the Tenchiverse.
Life is already Hell.
>all girls are best girls
>an entire academy wanting MC dick in top of that
>the absolute faggot just run away when some girl stand near him
You got them backwards
... They're made by the same company. All I want now is a crossover game between them.
>grows up in the Tenchi household
>constant danger from powerful women turns Kenchi superhuman
>becomes afraid/respectful of women
Kinda sucks. He outclasses all these bitches easy.
>Despite his strength he's still mind controlled by milfs to become a massage slave.
He deserves to be afraid.
Yukine. Kenshi sorta agrees.
i was almost late to a thread about my waifu?
>i was almost late to a thread about my waifu?
It is actually amazing how Aura's entire personality is explored in a single scene in the forest, when she was dealing with Kenshi's unintentional poaching. You find out exactly the kind of woman she is in five minutes. By personality alone, Yukine was my type. But Aura's performance in that forest basically pull her into a draw with Yukine by that alone.
Mihoshi barely has a personality due to her medical problems. I am sorry, but I need her to get her long overdue brain surgery before we can actually compare her to Aura.
Tenchi is good about that. The girls have simple personalities, but not one dimensional.
They fill a niche, but not a cookie cutter.
>Tenchi is good about that. The girls have simple personalities, but not one dimensional.
>They fill a niche, but not a cookie cutter.
It's because the Tenchi metaverse women are defined by what they do, and not by their personality flaws.
It is actually quite amazing how many anime females in the modern day are remembered by their personality disorder. The idea being that the male protagonist is so useless, that the only thing that keeps his women around is because they are actually worse than him.
In the Tenchi metaverse, the man earned his affections with the women he meets. And it has nothing to do with him just being nice or was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Women actually desire these men for their real qualities. That is why the three current major male protagonists of the franchise are all gainfully employed and are literally husband material.
i watch that series every year once, i love it
Delicious brown.
Aura every time all the time.
Her scenes with kenichi are probably the best in the series.
I only see heaven.
lmao thats the mother of the rich girl not the shifter loli girl
mihoshi is mentally retarded, no contest
Who is your waifu?
>people born in the 2000s can post here now
>you are still using fucking 141 resolution gifs
Sorry I'm not a newfag with shitloads of .weebums to post. If there even is one for this scene then please post it, I will gladly save it. I don't think I've opened that folder in 4 years and I watched the anime at least 5 ago.
I'll take both, they're both adorable and I want to take responsibility.
You are basically me. There is literally no other series i've rewatched so many times.
That redheaded bitch Chiaia or whatever her name was is worst girl.
Yeah, but even in that regard she isn't that bad. Too much Tsundere, but the dere was nice.
Class Prez seems somehow different in that regard, but I can't quite articulate it.
>ready to betray those close to her for a bit of cock
They were just portraying women realistically with her.
Breast grill
>8 years old anime
>3 doujins
>1 translated
>0 good
That's... actually very true. And yeah Kenchi is pure husband material, the guy is so fucking perfect it's hilarious
God damn, that sucked
>part of the diplomacy that Aura's dad the king has to practice is going to fuck other nation's milfy queens and pump them full of HIGH-GRADE pilot spunk in the hopes of impregnation
Its good to be the king
For you
>the guy is so fucking perfect it's hilarious
Yet somehow they managed to make him endearing and interesting as opposed to just boringly perfect.
True too he's pretty charming
>>part of the diplomacy that Aura's dad the king has to practice is going to fuck other nation's milfy queens and pump them full of HIGH-GRADE pilot spunk in the hopes of impregnation
For your information, Aura's mum actually married Aura's father only after she lost a WAR with him. And her becoming his wife was part of the peace negotiations and merger of the two nations. The mother is still around, but she is kept busy managing the country and as such Aura barely ever meets her.
It is also mentioned that Aura's mum, due to her cultural background, had major problems with Aura having larger breasts than she does. Aura find that perplexing.
>heaven or heaven
>inter-generational chest envy
>Yet somehow they managed to make him endearing and interesting as opposed to just boringly perfect.
It's because Kenshi never considers himself superior to anyone. It is nice that everyone praises him, but he never let that get to his head. And like the other two male leads of the franchise, he let the women of his life make all the decisions when possible. But just like the other two men, Kenshi would put his foot down and bark orders if he felt it is important.
Because Kenshi almost never shouts, the women know to defer to him if he really, truly wanted something badly enough. That's basically the secret to a peaceful harem. He let the women do whatever they want and make all the decisions, and he would only veto if it is actually important that he say something contrary.
It's funny how so many people misconstrue that as them being doormats.
>It's funny how so many people misconstrue that as them being doormats.
It's just people being insecure and don't understand what it means to have real power. Kenshi doesn't need to order other people around constantly in order to feel in charge, he KNOWS he is in charge. Kenshi doesn't need to assert his dominance to feel better about himself, so he doesn't.
what book is that from?
The world is full of kings and queens
who blind your eyes and steal your dreams
It's heaven and hell
>what book is that from?
Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru Seikishi Ban 12.08
It is a chapter on all the mothers.
The elf can't be pure so the other one
Lashara is best girl followed by Doll
>But just like the other two men, Kenshi would put his foot down and bark orders if he felt it is important.
The episode of GXP where Tenchi had to tell Ryoko to lay off of Seina in the bath is a prime example.
Tenchi Muyo is an example of a functioning Matriarchy, and that tickles the shit out of me.
Yukine is willing.
>Yukine is willing.
Willing, but passive. Aura instead takes the initiative. Nothing wrong with Yukine, it's just that she and Aura are like mirror images. I do think it is cute that Yukine is so shy.
But for those who don't know, Yukine came from a long line of priestesses in a hidden village. However for an unexplained reason Yukine's mum lost her priestess powers. Yukine was then forced to leave her village for employment in the big city. And that's where she met demigod Kenshi.
Since it is almost certain the god they worship was Tokimi, this must all have been planned. Beside the fact that their sacred mountain was meant to be used as Kenshi's sword, Yukine was destined to serve Kenshi as his priestess. In fact that might have been the destiny of her entire family all along. However it is unlikely either of them would ever find out about this link.
>almost certain the god they worship was Tokimi
You mean fucking confirmed,
I don't remember this. Is this a new BD release?
Is that dog okay?
Trump will do this towards the Congress
I remember liking her because of that, in a sort of sadistic way. Did she change her heart at the end, though? I forgot.
>Trump will do this towards the Congress
Just get lost. Because we both know Trump is incapable of ever keeping his mouth shut. Why do you try to lie as much as Trump does?
heaven or hell.. LETS COCK
Yeah, she realized what a little bitch Dagmayer was.
>gigantic disgusting forehead girl or slut elf
I'll pass
Do you mean BD release or BD re-release?
Original BD looked like shit, yes
Voice is pure sex.
>Yeah, she realized what a little bitch Dagmayer was.
Dagmayer was, technically, the best male pilot in the school. By their society's culture that makes him the hottest guy on the planet. And to boot, they are technically childhood friends.
Emera is meant to be Chiaia's equal. And to show what happens when a woman is too stupid to know when to leave a man. In some ways anime culturally have sympathy for people who are "stupidly loyal". Emera has just enough moral standards to stick with a bad man, but not enough moral standards to be repulsed by him. Chiaia realised in time that she had the right to pick someone better.
I mean, Emera is so pathetic that she deliberately avoided piloting for most of the show, because she is so much better than Dagmyer and she didn't want to embarrass him. That's a sad existence.
I just got the highest sized release to try, still looks like shit
At least with it I can update the gif scene of that faglord to a webm
Pushing the size/quality a little more
Buttmad hillshill detected
Sol in Blazblue:
>I don't care about you shits or your magical time gate or your weebo love of things.
>Where the fuck is all your rock records.
>If I remove my headband you know I will wreck your world harder than that dragon snake thing.
>I wish it was the 90's again.
>Are you Slayer's daughter little vampire girl?
>Ino you bitch! You and that fedora wearing fucker are going down.
>There is cat people...
>I should've let Justice win.
>that scene where she falls for Kenshi
It's simple, but I really like it.
Is she shaved?