Would you consider having sex with Panty?
Would you consider having sex with Panty?
s-x is for perverts
I wish I was a pervert.
Of course. It's one of the few things she's good at. The other's being sliced into tiny cubes by her demon sister.
Wouldn't consider it just do it.
sure, when I want to die of STDs
angel is clean and pure
She fucked over 1,000 dudes.
She got her hymen penetrated by the last guy she fucked. What are you talking about?
What is there to consider? Just go for it.
I would marry her.
I would. I preffered Panty over Stocking from the get go anyway, and honestly there's no downside either. She doesn't get STDs, and how many people can say they have fucked an angel? (I know canonically there are a thousand dudes who can say that, but here in the real world, the amount is ZERO!)
Angels don't have sex and presenting them like they do is propaganda. This anime is satanic.
blondes are best
no consideration to be had
She is probably have all venereal diseases known to man and couple of unknown.
sadly not as I happen to like my immune system and regrettably would not like to see it compromised in any way thank you all the same.
I'll accept the red-skinned ladies instead.
She's really cute.
>not hot enough for Panty
>not disgusting enough for Stocking
Why do I even go on?
>Worst girl likes jew dicks
Super surprised over here
Stocking a best.
>the slut or the slut
Fuck off, i want virgins.
She changed her mind though.
>>Worst girl likes jew dicks
>Amerishart thinks making fun of mutilated dick makes you racist
Shart in marts, lads
>makes you racist
>Shart in marts
Again you have to go back
not without a condom. Extra Thick
>Again you have to go back
Your mum likes me in, raisintip
Rumblestillskin take this (((You)))
>Cutfag amerifat can't take banter
Wew lad
>Wew lad
G8 Reply B8
>it's a "Sup Forums can't stay in their containment board" episode
just fucking kill me already
Would rather her sister
This, Stocking is superior when it comes to Panty and Stocking but I'd rather a Kneesocks, I bet she is quite the demon in the sack.
Fuck yes, though she'd probably make fun of my microdick
She'd only prefer Chads sans geekboy.
Stockings will enjoy a gangbang from your average anons though.
Back to R9k with you
Not a demon, but she tries.
sure, just give me a box of condoms, no way in hell Im going raw on her
Hell yeah, I'd just never date her or have romantic feelings for her at all. Same with Stocking, she's kinda slutty but nowhere near as much as her sister, and you're guaranteed a good fuck with either one.
Well, I'm sure a lot of you havent seen this.
Scanty > Kneesocks > Garterbelt = Brief > Stocking > Panty
hah. at least you were tasteful in your response.
shit is old sauce
Stocking is just as slutty.
No, I'd just want to be friends. She's pretty cool and her personality is definitely that of a bro.
This. Sluts make the best female friends.
It still feels like a dream
It's weird how good of friends they make. Maybe all the semen in them makes them think and act more like guys.
I bascially am. Doesn't look as good as her but her drive is the same. 21yo and has literally had sex with thousands of men at this point. She escorts for fun. Always use protection, but I'm still amazed I haven't caught anything. Record is 9 rounds in a 24hr period with her. Yes ED drugs, and other drugs involved. Yes, she's amazing, experience of a 40yo in a 21yo body. Sorry for bloggan.
Sort of hot.
Is this assuming that fictional animated angels can get stds? Cause either way yes
>Can't get STDs
>Will absolutely blow your mind to pieces through your dick
Why not?
been a long time since I've watched the series, but I believe it was said that she only had a hymen since she quit having sex for a good amount of time, hers regenerating because of that
of course
can you get AIDS from angels?
she's christian
Shouldn't you be overseeing children in the sweat shop?
No. Her getting back her hymen was a curse.
I have a jew dick and I like it, but fuck off with the Sup Forums meme when it's really not warranted
People seem to forget that Stocking was also a slut.
I'd tell you to enjoy having less sensation on your dick, but I'm sure you're not capable of that.
demon sisters dakimakura when?
I would not just sex, impregnate is a must look at those eyes.
What's her cup size?
Her pussy juice can probably heal you
She's got small breast
I'll turn her into a semen demon
Some say c cup, I'm confused.
You're too late for that.
>No, I'd just want to be friends.
Um, anyone who could write a greentext or whatever about this? It sounds cute in some way.
I used to dislike her the most but she's pretty cool in my books now:
Sup Forumsutism couldn't handle the blog, but yeah it's hot as fuck.
No, I love her sister, my waifu.
She's got nice tiddies.
Of course, I wouldn't pull my dick out once I get inside her pussy.
How can you be just friends with a girl that fucks just about anyone?