Where were you when Sup Forums became Sup Forums or Sup Forums became Sup Forums?
Where were you when Sup Forums became Sup Forums or Sup Forums became Sup Forums?
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Sorry Sup Forums, but no matter what happens, we will always have a greater pool of comics and cartoons than you to choose from, a wider variety of comics and cartoons, and superior quality on top of that.
All you have over us are politically correct comics and capeshit. Have fun in your shithole.
I can't remeber, it was like 5 years ago
kill yourself Sup Forums
>5 years ago
>not almost 50
He'll just come back to make a bargain
Is this because there's a horrible manga adaptation of the mediocre BBC sherlock series,which also stars Benedict eggs Cumberbitch?
Where is my Supersons anime?
fuck off Sup Forums
Who cares
Seems Marvel is starting to be smarter when it comes to marketing though
Welcome to several decades ago. There's already been takes on capeshit by Japan, like manga Spidey in the 70's and Toei's Toku Spidey in the 80's.
Hit me up when there's a Gwenpoole manga.
>like manga Spidey in the 70's
The correct name is sufferman.
>not reading both
We had a few Marvel anime some years ago and that DC Batman set of OVAs in which Moe Bruce showed up.
Doctor Strange could be fun, though, since his type of magic is very common in anime.
Fuck off Sup Forums, we'll never like you.
Go get some other senpai.
>Not reading Hellboy
>still bothering with disney shit
He's all about calling out his attacks, Japan is going to love him.
I'm not going to tell you to kill yourself but if it's not a Masakazu Katsura Gotham Academy, it's still not my crossover deal.
Pic not it.
Strange was 10/10 capekino.
>tfw I have a friend who's an anti-anime memester but he unironically watches this garbage
>Where were you when Sup Forums became Sup Forums or Sup Forums became Sup Forums?
Go and ask your Sup Forums mods why they banned discussions of Marvel Disk Wars. That was a show worth discussing but your mods killed it.
i feel bad for Sup Forums, their mods are utter shit.
RIP Doctor Strange. Now it will have a huge influx of weebs and filthy asians.
mods handle all boards. so chances are the ones available will commonly handle Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vp/ etc. an /mlp/ shitter might be banning you
This. He is right that not only are there a greater variety of anime and manga what are usually better in quality, but that doesn't mean that all western stuff sucks. Hellboy is one of the very few comics that is better than most manga.
Really? It's good?
Eh, it's good, but not great.
Maybe less so if you hate capeshit.
They should make a doctor strange magical girl manga. Strange is now loli, Clea is the main yuri friend, but Stephany would still get this huge as hell harem.
Eastern capeshit will always be superior.
I still enjoy some western comics though.
This literally happens ALL the time, we had an Ironman thread not long ago.
Call me if Shuma is in it.
Or at least Dormammu who isn't just a floating face
That sounds pretty much like many other mahou shojo manga.
serious question: where is loli spammer? I haven't seen him post in fucking ages. dubspammer is okay but not as effective when it comes to getting the thread deleted.
>It tells an original story focusing on the protagonist Stephen Strange's various activities as an acclaimed but arrogant neurosurgeon before the film.
So what, it's an asshole version of Dr. Black Jack?