Monster Musume

Papi's mom is the closest thing we have for our burger bros.

What would an actual eagle girl be like?

Other urls found in this thread:


White haired Raptor harpy.

Chapter 47 Korean Raws





I got my freedom.

Draco is my wife


Who would your waifu vote for?


So they just didn't invite Lala even though she was standing beside everyone else?

Draco is her parent's favorite mistake

I don't think any of them are registered.


>implying half humans would be allowed to vote



Last page.



The mermaids would enjoy it regardless of whoever wins, it's a tragic election

wtf I love cerea now

I want a whole herd of minotaur and I want ALL of them on top!

>no room for Lala in the front car
>force her to sit by the truck driver
>truck driver locks the doors and refuses to let her out then drives away
>literally nobody notices

Second from the left looks like all kinds of fun.

im excited

>Wanting the smallest

What's the matter, little man? Scared you can't handle a full serving of beef?

Is the site shitting out for anyone else? Slow posting and images not loading would be main issues I'm noticing

The US election results are a few hours away bud, site traffic is seeing a massive spike. Even yesterday there were problems, I can't imagine what it will be like when the first states start reporting.

Any bets on when it goes down? We know damn well Hiro won't be able to keep it up all night

Yeah, for a while. Hiro's been downgrading everything.

Pig tails, big smile, and a pert ass. They're all the same size lying down.

I'd say once results for the non solid red/blue states start happening. No one cares if Montana goes red or Rhode Island goes blue because that's pretty much a guarantee. That said, a solid state switching colors could start an unscheduled shitstorm

Tell me your eldritch secrets, Doppel-chan!!!

Be sure to drink your Awful Teen.

Whoever i told her to

So how do I fuck this?

I want to cut her hair

Ain't that Minotaur on the far right is the one from the Eight Brothers comic?

In general, it fucks (with) you.

First results just started rolling in lads, see you all on Thursday at best if Hiro is snappy with repairs

Your country or states animal is now a monstergirl.

What kinda monstergirl is it?

Her milk chugging cemented herself as best.

Aren't all state animals birds though?

Wales here
Dragon girl

Jackpot lad

>monk seal

I honestly can't think what she would be like

>the Andean condor is the largest flying bird in the world by combined measurement of weight and wingspan.
A giant harpy

do want

Might as well be a white tailed deer, they're all over the place. Perfect for /k/

>grizzly bear waifu

What would she be like?

>A giant harpy

a fat, lazy harpy with tiny arms


>ywn go hunting with your deergirl waifu

>Unicorn pussy

probably she went to do something else/preparing a costume for the event
it's like Crabman wanted to show that Rachnee didn't go/run away, same for Lala

>going to expo
>don't invite the chuuni

>new flash Smith porn
aw yeah!

this burd as a harpy, and a shitton of minotaurs

>moose girl
>causes even more road accidents

>thick harpy with merino's neck wool
do like

forgot my birb

She can teleport to locations, right?

>hairy redheads

>wolf girl
I am fine with this

>she just wanders into the road and stands there oblivious to the world around her

How would your waifu react to a marriage proposal?

I want to marry this snake.


>Orca mermaid

I'm frightened

>marrying a snake with messy hair
You better go with the original model, I hear it also handles better and has a slighlty larger suspension

is it fucking THICC in here?

Miia looks cute with an ahoge though.

Avoid the would-be rapist.

>Llama girl
>Oni/ogre sized rodent girl
>a small tapir girl, with a long nose (weird)
and my favourite pic related, she would be very tall, thin, with long legs and arms. I guess she would move like a model
she would be very loud and act like a bitch

This is so interesting. Honestly, she doesn't seem like really down to earth, but she's ridiculously relatable, which is probably why I like her so much.

And I guess this whole sequence was just fucking gold.

> Literal lanklet

pls, how can she be a rapist?

I'd like to see someone draw that

don't bully the skinny fox girl, polt you're not much better

>she would be very loud and act like a bitch
my sister does that, we even jokingly call her one of these


>having a waifu that's old enough to vote

Harpy with light brown feathers.
>The brown thrasher is noted for having over 1000 song types, and the largest song repertoire of birds.
I guess she would also be a singer.

I love these little guys, so cute

>Relating to a furry Lala
Just why?!
Her social anxiety.

then Lala is a would-be rapist?
her body alone maybe

I feel bad for Centorea,

She always has trouble with her weight, size, cultural understanding and a vegetarian.

Is it hard for you to believe that someone on Sup Forums could relate to a hairy autist?

Nah, there are separate state birds, state insects, state mammals, and a handful have declared state dinosaurs. It's dumb as hell but I guess you can choose between an eagle harpy or a stegosaurus.

Hey, at least she's got a great rack and a horse pussy

I've had social anxiety/still have. I'm nowhere near as bad as Flake though. but she's just hot, and not perfect, and... less common of an archetype? I may not have watched that much anime and manga but she seems a little different.

She's alluring to me for some reason
T-thanks i guess

Make sense since she can teleport to you masterbating and taking the D.
>she's just hot
Resist your urges, user. Don't love the furry.

I don't give a single fuck my dude
I shall want to fug tenderly whatever I shall
and she ain't that furry anyway

I wouldn't mind

I need this.

Don't do it. She probably have rabies and fleas.
Of course you would. Every Lalafags sees her for different sex positions. Especially the vanillafags.

I dare you guys to go one thread without mentioning how you want to marry a girl.

I refuse