Who's the prettiest, cutest girl ever to be seen in the world of Chinese cartoons? And why is it Yuno?
Who's the prettiest, cutest girl ever to be seen in the world of Chinese cartoons? And why is it Yuno?
>Chinese cartoons
I don't even know how I should react.
What, you don't enjoy Mongolian cave drawings?
i hate her voice!
I don't know OP she just is
>not enjoying your vietnames mud drawings
Yuno is a great girl in a shit show
If she was on "Another" it would be godtier
A perfect voice is indeed very important, but the vast majority of one's cuteness lies in their face, body, and eyes.
fuck off cancerous newfag
Patrician taste OP, you're alright. Sit a while and post more Yuno.
but Another is garbage.
That kimono girl is way hotter than this shitty yandere.
Also this is the worst anime i ever watch, i only watch it to the end because of that kimono girl.
sa,me, also seeing yuno kicking ass was fun
i have thing for girls with that haircut
Nothing tops this, user.
Deceive me not, OP!
Because she is a yandere!
it's papi
>being this new
how do I bring myself to delete my yuno folder?
It's been three years and I have over 300 images, this needs to end now
I'd love to Yuno to the point of dehydration.
Why delete them... WHEN YOU CAN ADD MORE!?
you don't understand, blogpost incoming
She was my waifu three years ago and I try so hard to remind myself that she's a horrible person who wouldn't even love me regardless, but I still find myself looking at her and smiling like a retard every day, it's pathetic
Yuno would make a great mother, don't you guys think?
What are you talking about? She is amazing! And although technically if she were to exist in the real life she would love Yukiteru, he exists as a fill in. When She acts upon her love, she does it for YOU! There is nothing pathetic about wanting love. You are intelligent for trying to seek it from the most abundant source.
Thanks, that made me feel a little better
No problem, Hitler
Do you think Gasai Yuno would be able to operate in the real world? Could she hold a job so she can care for Yukki? Would she be able to go through out her day without being busted for carrying a knife on her at all times, etc.
The best. Her affection for her husband would trickle down to her children.
Reading is hard, huh?