Manga confirmed to be alternate timeline where anime Black comes from. Thoughts?
Dragon Ball Super
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>I write an outline of the entire plot, then the script writers break it up into episodes, expanding on things, changing things around, or adding in new bits as need be.
>Even I haven’t checked the final script yet.
>Let’s enjoy this together (laughs)!!
>I had put Dragon Ball behind me, but seeing how much that live-action film ticked me off, and how I revised that script for the anime movie and complained about the quality of the TV anime, I suppose somewhere along the line it’s become a series I like too much to ever leave alone.
>Speaking of the manga, I want to ask you two about how you put the manga together. I hear Toriyama-sensei checks the storyboards for each chapter.
>Toriyama: That’s right.
>Back when Toriyama-sensei was drawing the manga, the animators would use his manga panels as reference, imitating the composition and things like that. And now it seems that the animators are likewise using Toyotaro-sensei‘s manga as reference.
>Toriyama: Oh, that’s good! That should keep them on track!
>Every month, I'll create a storyboard for him to review, and then he'll give me input and suggest changes. When I'm working with Toriyama, there are many portions he gives me props for coming up with, but he is very particular about other things and always points them out for me to correct. And when he corrects me, I think “Wow, I guess I don't completely understand the way he looks at things,” so his corrections and feedback are incredibly accurate and helpful. It's a lot of fun to be able to get closer to his way of thinking
>I’m really grateful to you. I never thought an artist like you would come along to draw the continuation of my story!
Maifu waifu for laifu. Many beautiful ningen children soon, Zamasufag tears incoming.
Nah, the manga is just avoiding the anime's "loop that starts nowhere". Here, there's a clear point to start the loop, rather than Black just coming into existence out of nothing leading to Zamasu becoming Black and then the loop being broken for no reason.
no, otherwise Future Trunks wouldn't be there
Godtube doesn't seem as good as in the anime tho.
The DBS anime and manga have separate continuities.
Wait the guy doing the series now did AF?
...Is that true?
I don't want any AF nonsense bleeding into the series more than it already has.
Yep, but fortunately manga isn't canon. It's just promotional material for anime
Could she beat fused Zamasu?
>manga isn't canon
You wish
Yeah no thank you...
>manga isn't canon
Which is why there's no half god half saiyan villain, right?
There will be. I bet Xicor will be used in manga instead of Vegetto.
Zamasu is a full God.
This Xicor nonsense is revolting, Zamasu was stretching it but at least a Kai fusing with Goku isn't all that far fetched.
Leave Zamasu to me
Cats are great
>"loop that starts nowhere"
According to Toei, there's apparently been a timesplit when Beerus HAKAI'd Zamasu.
Now that would be fine, except the comment Black made about the time ring "protecting" him from being erased in the anime wouldn't make sense anymore, and we were led to believe there are two Zamasus from the main timeline (one killed, one Black).
It's really cool that they are working together but I think that there is too much pressure on the new writer to be exactly like Toryama.
Come on the West Supreme Kai fucking a drunk Goku in Yardrat makes perfect sense
>Black came from no where
Toei a shit
Fuck off stop making fun of Toyataro
Every version of Zamasu came from nowhere.
If you're going to make up DB characters, at least choose a color scheme a little less revolting than different shades of green.
How has this sunday's episode not been leaked online somewhere yet? Do the Japs really keep that much better of a lid on their shows than we do? I just wanna watch it early somehow...
Why is Trunks sexually attracted to older women so much? Is Vegeta to blame for his massive mother complex?
I detest niggastream with a passion. their translation feel like it came straight out of google translator.
How would they explain that Goku was farming in the field when Zamasu changed their bodies? Shouldn't he be with Beerus and Whis like in the main timeline? Or at least with Vegeta planning how to kill Black?
How the fuck did he justify West Supreme Kai surviving Buu?
>akira toriyama is full of shit
What a shock. He gave up on DB because he was happy it ended. He didn't WANT to make anymore. He even said as much in every interview up until the live action movie.
No clue West Supreme Kai was also Frieza's mom. So you can see why some of us are rather skeptical when it comes to the Super manga
>Toyble drew Zamasu way too emo
I don't know what to think of this
What went wrong?
>Now that would be fine
I'll correct myself, because I don't see how that would be fine, anymore. Black exists because of Black, and I fail too see how that works, time machine or not. I had convinced myself that it did after some back and forth, but now I'm back to "the time ring shits on causality."
The timesplit would only do away with "two Zamasus from one timeline", but it doesn't explain how the main timeline's future happens in the first place, does it?
>Toei made GT
>Toyotaro made AF
>Dragon Ball is being left in their hands
Tori's outline is the only thing saving us from total destruction.
It helps if you actually read it.
You have no idea wtf youre talking about
The real question is, what's better GT or AF?
>main timeline's future
Oops, the one where Zamasu lives, I mean. Which is how the main timeline would have proceeded without Beerus and Whis intervening.
What a mess
Well this explains why Vegetto was whored throughout the preview.
Buu blasted her into a cliff face and left.
She supposedly survived which would match the same shit Vegeta survived. She supposedly got ULTRA pissed noone came to look for her despite being the first Kai to fight Buu and decided to replace all the kais with ultra strong offspring.
This is why Frieza was so strong because he was her child from Cold hence why lolnomothershowedup and Cold at the time was strongest mortal fighter.
After Goku 'killed' Frieza she went and got him drunk and stole some blood. She then used this to make a half kai/ half saiyan that had all the Goku potential ontop of Kai abilities and some weird mind/mood reading power that allowed him an edge vs equal powered opponents. He then went to Earth to prove his power by killing Goku and instead found everyone else.
He blew the fuck out of everyone and had to be put down with SSJ4 Gotenks which failed and he got sealed by Kibitoshin in a sword. West Kai showed up and attempted to free him and beats the fuck out of a bunch of exhausted Z fighters using her mind reading power (lolcamefromnowhere) before Kibitoshin selfdestructs her ass and himself.
The first couple of space exploration looking for dragon balls episodes were pretty alright, therefore GT.
Try and defend it as much as you want but AF was fucking shit and that and Xicor's design are two of the many reasons.
Where are people getting that there are 2 zamasus from 1 universe?
Wait for Toyotaro's version, like the rest of the manga it will be better than the anime.
Who the fuck is talking about AF?
Get that non-canon bullshit out of here
We gonna get axed
I guarantee that it'll be worse unless Tori intervenes.
Toyble was never good with explanations.
Super only got good when Future Trunks arc was introduced.
I'm scared for what lays ahead once he dies
>West Supreme Kai was also Frieza's mom
From Black's comment, I guess.
>The time ring protects me. I can't be erased by going to the past and killing Zamasu!
Given how timesplits work, that comment makes no sense whatsoever. Because of that comment, I had assumed there was no timesplit. But now Toei apparently says there was.
Wtf am i even reading?
Get this fanfiction bullshit out of here
He probably will considering how bad Toei has fucked up on it.
Decent I'd say
>Toyble was never good with explanations.
>I haven't read the DBS manga
Why are people talking about weeks old animu episodes?
It states pretty clearly that there has been only 1 timesplit in the past 400 years, and that was trunks going to the past before the android saga.
It's Toyotaro without Toriyama telling him what to do
>implying toyble is doing anything but the art in the manga
>only 1 timesplit in the past 400 years
Now what am I supposed to make of this, then?
Anime says that the earthlings were the only one to discover time travelling and that trunks is the cause of all the time shenanigans.
Manga talks about some mortal from universe 12 and shit.
Wtf did gowasu mean by that?
>good with explanations
If you transform into SSB twice you can only use 10% of your power. He's shit user
Anything that isn't shared by the anime is Toyble original. You can tell because it's often retarded as fuck.
Ya, fanfiction, like i said
Toei fucked up again
Why is East Kaioshin so cute in Super? I don't remember him being adorable in Dragon Ball.
>Advanced Ningen in universe 12
I wonder if that'll be a thing.
Quit reaching Toei shill.
now you saw the truth
That is actually Xicor
From DB AF manga
>Toyble fucked up again
Arbitrarily making it some random universe 12 mook instead of lining it up with the antics in the Android saga was a retarded move. I mean Trunks' adventure lines up perfectly.
How did toei fucked up? the 4 parallel worlds match exactly the ones introduced during the cell arc having some other guys opening up timelines would contradict what was previously established. Either gowasu is just speculating or its some foreshadowing with a big plot hole in it.
Whoever made that is retarded
Who knows. Is it possibly a mistranslation, and should be something like "in the twelve universes" (and the rest being changed accordingly)?
>Toei fucked up again
>Arbitrarily making it some random universe 12 mook
which explains why there is even a ban on time travel in the first place.
he said that before he realized there were extra time rings on the top row
Lets wait for the viz translations.
Niggastream is awful and straight out of google translator.
Please say something nice about Gogeta Sup Forums.
Wait, if Trunks was killed by Cell in the top timeline
That means the Trunks that warned everyone is dead?
Who the hell is the current future Trunks?
Wasnt universe 12 the one zenu erased?
I assumed that was the reason why
This isn't the Viz translation is it? As we were discussing in the last thread Mangastream doesn't have great translations like pic related, so we should wait to see if that sticks in the Viz translation before complaining
Nice thread music
If the settings weren't changed how did he manage to land exactly at capsule corp and how does that even travel back to the original timeline if both times he had to travel before a divergence point?
Toyble was a mistake.
Zeno destroyed 6 universes.
12 still exists.
He wasnt, whoever made that is retarded
>which explains why there is even a ban on time travel in the first place.
But not why there are only four duplicate time rings and not five plus.
>He blew the fuck out of everyone and had to be put down with SSJ4 Gotenks
SSJ4 Gohan, actually.
To be fair, a lot of the basic plot stuff was based on existing DB AF rumors.
The whole idea of this super powerful God/Saiyan hybrid called Xicor, including his design, weren't by Toyotaro. The biggest change in his version is that he made his mother the West Kaioshin, while the original rumors just mentioned a generic "goddess" character called Lila. Now, the flow of the story afterwards is original, including adding SSJ4 Gohan (who was from an illustration not the Xicor rumors).
Refer to , which I believe is official, and closer to what I meant to post anyway.
Try to explain the Cell Saga with a single timeesplit/two timelines. I won't hold my breath.
>If the settings weren't changed how did he manage to land exactly at capsule corp
Because the time machine was there in the future.
>and how does that even travel back to the original timeline if both times he had to travel before a divergence point?
Because the settings weren't changed. That's the whole point.
Where did it say this? In the anime?
Pretty sure they only talk about 1 getting destroyed in the manga (i havent watched the shittyanimu)
>If the settings weren't changed how did he manage to land exactly at capsule corp
Because it's TIME travel dumbass he goes to the same place in a different time period.
>how does that even travel back to the original timeline
The page literally tells you why.
If Vegetto had to chose one, which one would he choose?