When is the next season of Yuru Yuri?
When is the next season of Yuru Yuri?
GTFO poltard... sorry, habits.
Delete this.
There is 0 confirmation or even rumor of a 4th season. Hell, Yuru Yuri getting a 3rd season was a big shock and very unlikely. It's definitely possible Yuru Yuri will get a 4th season, but it's pretty unlikely.
fuck off circlejerk
fuck off Sup Forums
Spice and Wolf 3, 2018
To Aru Majutsu no Index 3, 2018
Chunnybiou 3, 2017
Never, they ruined the show with the bus driver.
Fuck off faggots
Sup Forums is Sup Forums with anime. Sup Forums is a Sup Forums site. It's always been Sup Forums
after and only after Hillary wins this election
Sup Forums is a normalfag board that only pretends to like anime to fit in.
>look at how new I am everyone!
back to your containment board, Stormfag
in your head maybe
Sup Forums has always been about racism and Sup Forums like. Just because you came here from reddit or tumblr and get triggered by Sup Forums, doesn't mean you're right. Lurk for two more years before posting again.
Trump will win anyway.
A mod should ban you, Sup Forums has always had a bit of racism but was never fully about politics, stop trying to shit up other boards.
>baiting this hard
no Sup Forums has always been about autists arguing over fictional Japanese characters, and then some other stuff. The early racism was old Sup Forums being ironically edgy, unfortunate imbeciles like you later flooded in and mistakenly believed we weren't just pretending to be retarded.
t. I came here in 2004 from SA with the first generation
>Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Just stop and think about what you're saying.
Are there still people who are actually triggered by that bottomless pit of retardedness. You inbred cunts do us a favor, fuck off to your shithole... the gene pool is already fucked enough.
>Lying on the internet
>S-stay on Sup Forums. T-this is a safe space.
Anime Trump will make Sup Forums great again amirite?
Fuck off cucks. You will be the first ones in the gas chambers when Trump wins.
Amen brother. Sup Forums needs to be uncucked.
le epic reddit
remove yourselves plebbit faggots go back to your shithole site
all you btw
If you want to talk about Hillshit go to otherwise is there for you.