I just started episode 8. What the fuck is happening? Why is everyone gay?
I just started episode 8. What the fuck is happening? Why is everyone gay?
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Are you saying that you're born at birth with your sexuality? Homosexuality is a choice you faggot
They already explained why everyone turned gay during their teens.
You should pay more attention.
So why aren't you watching a proper version?
Because Shinsekai yori sucks dick.
In the book it states that while underage homosexuality is encouraged and being hetero is discourage due to them not wanting teen pregnancies
I recommend episodes 1-7. They pretty much narrate it into your face.
That looks pretty fucking gay.
What's the title?
it goes away after like 2 eps
Ill even spoil the end for you:
The blonde dude marries the main girl
the bonobos thing still didn't explain why 100% of the relationships at that point were gay
Cant have teen pregnancies in a society where one person could kill off the world on its own
Everything is regulated
It got explained earlier episodes you faggot. Shit thread
which the book explained but not the anime. although it's pretty easy to assume that without being directly stated
just keep watching
Was already said in episode 4. You're a dumbass and cancer so fuck you're thread.
I'm watching the dub, and they didn't make it very clear. Thanks for clearing this up for me.
>watching that terrible fucking dub
i'm not a dub-hater but SSY has one of the worst dubs I've heard from something less than 10 years old.
That should be our banner
Only teens were gay
Whats with all the SSY threads lately?
Read the manga. Everyone is gay too but it is more focused on lesbianism. and it's an excellent fap material
Might as well read a hentai. Because the manga is a whole different story
It's just a phase, they grow out of it.
Damn, is it that bad? Like, are we talking full-on hugging, kissing, maybe even some hand-holding?
i would love to but i really hate seeing dudes messing around but i really like girls messing around . what should i do ?
>read the manga
Did you mean read the book? Cause the manga is just trash.
The monkey genes that were injected into them make them gay as a stress response.