This thread is for the underrated best girls of their respective series
This thread is for the underrated best girls of their respective series
I disagree with you but you're dedicated as fuck and I respect that.
Yell from Akikan.
>Producer, about this role you chose for me. She is a "whale"?
But user, she is clearly the best.
What? Don't you know Sup Forums hates winners?
Did you somehow miss both the underrated and best qualifiers in the OP?
Best girl.
Season 2 when?
and her muay thai bro-tier meido, too
Reminder that she was best girl and that she did nothing wrong.
She's really cute as well.
smug nun is best
I want to TOUCH her midriffs!
Last I checked, having considerable popularity doesn't make you underrated. Megumin, Kirino, and Clock are actually most popular respectively.
Pig was better.
Sheryl is more popular, but Ranka isn't underrated.
Master was the MVP.
I think more peole liked Master more than Ako. Anyways, Master is second best after Pig.
only reason to watch that piece of shit
you should die. literally indian levels of taste. pig is basically the eri from that anime about the bland female MC and MC trying to make her a heroine
What the hell are you smoking? Eriri was a shit, while Pig was God's gift to mankind.
Utaha and Megumi best girls by the way.
>Implying he's wrong
Pig is awesome tsundere fembro and has best bantz. Pig is an even better Eriri who is best girl too.
so what exactly is the difference between Eriri and pig. i want you to tell me
>both are ashamed of their hobbies
>both act like complete assholes to MC for liking said hobbies in public
>both are bitches
>both act like they deserve more
>both blonde twintails tsundere archetype
literally shit
Pig actually becomes a bro, Eriri remains a shit.
Deal with it, nerd.
>becomes a bro
How? if her friend didn't find out she would still be hiding it from her
she's still hiding it from the rest of her friends too
>banter with MC
one sided insults is not banter you Ameridumb. Banter is throwing insults at EACH OTHER. Mc just takes the bitching like the japanese cuck he is
>Lishafags and Krulfags flinging shit at each other while Celes was the hidden best girl all the time
I don't really feel like re-watching the last 5 episodes for specific examples, but her relationship with Russian improves greatly, and she approaches traditional tsundere levels, and not "I'm going to punch you in the face because I don't dislike you, baka" tsundere.
>implying Yes wasn't hidden best girl
>Not liking both
You're both tasteless faggots.
isn't she like the main love interest though?
Sensei was the true underrated girl in Netoge.
whats this?
>liking both
>5 times more art than any other girl in DAL
>jewtube videos with million+ views
>her own spin-off series already announced
Yeah, underrated...
Worst magic god.
>cut off Mikoto's tsundere shenanigans before they could begin
>let Touma cop a feel
>saved Kamisato
Best god
Muh nig.
Let me fix that for you.
implying KyoAni ever will considering where the LNs are
shit's 2lewd
Pig is easily best girl but Megumi is best girl in Saekano.
>murders best girl
Second best.
No. Othinus > Niang > Neph > High Priest
Also underrated.
Natsume technically killed herself though by taking a suicidal course of action.
It was her or Harutora, though.
That means no awesome Yatora afterwards.
Either way, Takiko would have killed the female lead or the MC.
She lit the fuse of a very dangerous powder keg
Perhaps. But if we get down to it, Natsume's shoddy seal was the problem. Yakou would had returned without issues if Natsume's seal wasn't there or wasn't incomplete.
It's technically the adults that set the stage and placed the powder kegs for the kids. The Tsuchimikado were irresponsible trying to hide the truth and lying to their kids, the Kurahashi were selfish and greedy, and the Souma are too hardcore in following Yakou's ideal.
Is it worth picking this series up again for her?
There's not even any competition.
Natsume's seal was indeed a problem, but by that time everyone knew something wrong was going on with Harutora, ever since he broke Yasuzumi's seal even further during the fight against Shaver.
Plenty of people noticed something was wrong with Harutora's aura.
It was especially clear during Takiko's duel with Natsume, when Takiko tried using some old spell and Harutora ended up in pain.
The problem was that Takiko was so into her plans that she didn't pay attention to what was going on with Harutora.
Are her panties still gone like megumin?
Are the other girls even trying?