Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Arc 4 Chapter 55!RMFCTTRL!GYkPO2To9sI2gDg82Dg4Oai2GrxRyb8wcSO6sH40W7E

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How are you holding up, Ferribros and Cruschmissiles? It was confirmed that Ferri and Crusch-sama will have a happy ending, so everything will be fine.

Other urls found in this thread:

Get of the season

Imagine if Regulus sounded like this:

Would be good


No, no, this is better

Crusch-sama is cute

Ferribro, based on what you said here, will I eventually grow out of wanting Ferris and then realize that Crusch and Ferris are meant to be?


How long did that take you?

2 months I think

Every thread until Rem wakes up.

Oh boy, this is the beginning of my second month

When I found out that Crusch-sama had saved Ferri from captivity, I began to see the OTP

I miss summary user
But a man's gotta do what man's gotta do

Obligatory posting of best girl.

You may now carry on.


You may attract other bros here, keep going

Go away

>one thread has an irrelevant OP question that everyone already knows the answer to
>the other has links for all the current translations and shit we have been discussing

I know this one was made by the Felixfag, but honestly this one is slightly more useful.

Look at the very first post of the other thread.

Actually the biggest problem is not having Re: Zero in the title.

I'm not your bro.

But since I've gotten a go ahead, I might as well.

Is that in the translation stuff?

No, it's in the EX volume. Ferri was locked in his family's mansion basement for 9 years because he had cat ears, and then Crusch found and saved him.

Damn, I should probably read that

It's not translated

rip, maybe one day


Time to start the nofap lifestyle then


I have the volume, and if I wanted it translated, I would need to pay like 2000 dollars for someone to do it. Yew Press isn't going to translate it for at least few years.


We're here

We're gonna have to pray that a kind translator user translates this so we don't have to wait as long

This is what your reckless faggotry has wrought. The most ancient of memes.

Go away already

I don't think anybody will do it for free. Would be pretty based if someone did though.

Nice, a shitty thread remade after the mods deleted it.

It'd be based af

Thanks to retarded behavior like OP's, I wouldn't be surprised Re:Zero threads end up being shoved into /jp/.


OP is a pretty cool dude desu

I hope you're not being sarcastic

you would still be my bro

Nah, im not being sarcastic

Are you being sarcastic now?

Thank you

np bro

Rem has probably caused the Ferris Holocaust

>user count hasn't gone up at all
Stop samefagging you shitposter

I'm not samefagging though

Crusch is best girl

Best royal candidate in my book

Also has the best knight and best old man

I can't disagree with that bro

I wish other bros would join us too


I have to sleep now, I wish that this thread wouldn't be dead when I wake up but... we'll see.

Aight, goodnight bro

Ferrisfag can you kindly fuck off?

No new translations = No new thread

How are you not banned yet?

Also don't bump the thread you dumbfuck

Ferris is a fucking dick. He will try to stop Subaru from killing Gluttony, I just know it. It will be from that moment that I scream with bloodcurdling rage "DEATH TO FERRIS" over and over.

Ferris a cute. A CUTE!

which of you did this

top kek

dem trips bra

can we just do darklordposting instead of ferrisposting?
>what do you think will drive toyota of the edge
>Heavy soul crushing NTR or super harsh death of someone important and not able to run it back

Ferri is adorable

agreed, trips confirm

What was it?

Crusch aka Trump won

Is there an edit of Rem with MAGA hat

Will Ferri become real now?

Why is Ram superior to Rem?

What happened with the user which was doing resume of chapters?
I've been waiting for chapter 56 for four days


Spread this as many as you can

56 is here guys


Ferri is cute


>I would need to pay like 2000 dollars
It's like $2 USD per page to hire some user TL, it doesn't have that many pages.

Some bro here said that to translate the entire volume, he would need to use the whole month and all his free time for it. It has 292 pages after all. And it would not be cheap.