How long until we hate him?
How long until we hate him?
Arc 4 Chapter 55
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If you've just finished the anime and want to catch up with the current discussion check this link
If he loses the hat
Rude Ottobro.
>Otto losing his hat
Jesus that would be bad, wouldn't it?
If you pulled that off would he die?
Who could ever hate Otto? Hell, I'm willing to crackship him with Ram.
Really, if he pulls off some kind of grand betrayal I couldn't even be mad at him, he will have earned that reveal. Unless he permakills Rem or something, that would be bad.
>otto fucking the clown
Would be pure poetry.
Thought we told you to stop the the blatant get faggotry.
That's the real thread
Yeah no
I don't know all the details behind it but spoiler posts claim he has a salvaged gospel from the aftermath of arc 5. You can't just give that to the merchant character and expect nothing to happen.
Otto reads ahead in the Re:Zero manga and realizes he and the rest of the crew are on the face track to disaster.
>otto fucking the clown
I think you snorted a bit too much. But yes, it doesn't really matter if Ram isn't pure. From what Otto says when he's drunk, he's a total manwhore anyways.
Yeah, I know about that. He's super shady in a lot of ways, no way he's not up to at least something.
I like how the jap fanbase have the same despair meme predictions. The only meme they have and we don't share is some really dumb crack theory that Rem turns out to be Pride instead of Al. Somehow...
Friendly reminder that avatarfagging is perfectly bannable and Ferrifag is still a problem because you don´t report him enough
I don't think they've caught up on Ram x Otto crack shipping and his Massive Profits.
>some wimp shows up in the slums to get your insignia back
>risks his life and nearly dies saving your life from a vicious killer
>as compensation for saving your life, he wants to be your manservant
>has a complete mental breakdown on his second day of working
>this powerless fuck who can't even manage a low-level Shamac lunges into the woods after getting cursed
>single handedly saves all of the local village's children from vicious witchbeasts, slaughters dozens of them in the process, and develops an unbreakable stack of curses
>this weak fuck charges back into the forest with Ram who tires out, and proceeds to slaughter even more, until Roswaal shows up to save him
>breaks his promise to you and sneaks into your super-important meeting with your competition
>causes a huge scene with the Knights
>expects you to know what's going on and claims you owe him everything
>tell him to stop interfering and leave you along
>then this weak fuck rallies an entire army, slays the White Whale, and stops a surprise Cult attack, saving everyone's life
>confesses his love for you and tells you how special he wants you to feel
>suddenly he's in tears over this comatose girl who you've never seen
Life for Emilia must be really confusing.
Mysterious potato strong
>people are still calling her mysterious potato after I did sometime last week
Warm fuzzies
>You may attract other bros here, keep going
Just give up.
sleep tight potato
>Thread wars begin
Oh great
Maybe it is worth it to create a thread with Zero in the Op and leave this one tho? Summaryanon either will create one himself if he doesnt know any better or fall in the shitposter's hands
Summaryanon said there would be new. Please save us.
Also how did the Exam go?
Creating a new thread would just be more shit, either stick to this sub-optimal one or go to the catfag.
Do the Witches remember the events of Subaru's previous loops? I know Echidna wouldn't know much about his adventures without her book, but would she remember taking or enchanting his Puck hankie that Petra gave him? Will Satella forever remember him choosing to awkwardly cut his own throat and drown in blood over joining her?
Could Subaru go to Echidna, pry out as much knowledge as she is willing to provide, then off himself to take back whatever she took as compensation?
No. Although Echidna can look through his head and find out what he's done.
We're here
Of course Satella remembers that.
How do you think Echidna would take such manipulation? I mean, if Subaru took all of her knowledge and never returned to her tomb, there would be nothing she could do about, right?
I mean, if she knew about it, she could kind of get mad, but I can't imagine she doesn't know that's a thing he can do. She also likes knowledge being learned so she probably actually doesn't care that much. The most recent 'compensation' she took from him she gave back so he could kill himself.
>Could Subaru go to Echidna, pry out as much knowledge as she is willing to provide, then off himself to take back whatever she took as compensation?
Didn't he already do this more than once? Not intentionally, but still.
She would probably be impressed that he managed to pry so much knowledge and shrewdly manipulate the situation. Although to never return to her tomb would require him to not fail the loop.
I know her greed is far more centered around her friends, and thus stems her hatred of Satella, but being the Witch of Greed also implies that she likely would not take having her knowledge intentionally taken for free.
As for the latest compensation, in the dream state of her "castle" her taking the handkerchief could hold a much deeper meaning. It was an object that was crafted and given, not to sound sappy, out of sincere love.
Much like him drinking her "bodily fluids," her taking the dream hankie could have far steeper ramifications than one might have realized.
I think the so-called compensations are only there to keep an image. The handkerchief was still there, wasn't it? And first compensation was just locking away his memories of the tea party.
>she likely would not take having her knowledge intentionally taken for free.
This gets into a bit of copy vs stealing, but she personally wishes to know things. That's her greed, she doesn't seem to selfishly hoard the knowledge per se, she just wants to have all of it to begin with.
The ramification is that Echidna is lying. She's stated she can't interfere with the outside world, but she plainly can, even if in small ways.
She does it again when Subaru asks about how to kill the rabbit. She says it'd have to be Sekhmet or Reid, but Daphne throws in Echidna herself as a contender for destroying them.
It took time after he first drank it, but her Witch Genes reacted poorly with his mental self after a time, the second time he drank there was no such issue however. It's quite likely that Echidna gave the hankie anti-Envy properties, regardless of not being able to physically interact outside.
>magical thought pirate
I want this to happen
Doesn't she at some point tell Subaru that though she might omit information, she would never directly lie to him?
How much stock do you put in the words of someone who you know is insincere?
She's lied before though and admitted it when Subaru called her out. Like the claim that she wasn't running the trial. Unless I forgot something and it had to do with exact wording so it technically wasn't a lie.
Nah, she's lied to him, and made fun of him for being naive and trusting a witch.
Fair enough. Dealing with any of the Witches really is a poor idea.
Echidna will tell you absolutely anything for gets and shiggles, regardless of outcome
Minerva seems nice enough until you realize that her benefits come at the cost of leaving wastes in her wake
Sekhmet would be ok as long as you treat her like furniture that's constantly sighing
Daph will literally eat you. Or make you eat you. Or make your furniture eat you.
Typhon will take any guilt you might feel about even the most minor of things and blow it WAY THE FUCK out of proportion and probably kill you for it
Carmilla basically turns you into a mindless zombie
And Satella would likely demand the world of you, while displaying shallow and false affections
The Witches truly are just forces of nature, Chaotic Neutrals, that need to be locked away for good.
OK so help me break these bitches up into the four chaos gods of Warhammer.
Echinda is definitely Tzeentch.
Satella and Daphne are definitely Slaanesh. At least its non-meme /d/ side.
Carmilla would be in there too, probably.
Sekhmet would be nergal maybe, since he stagnates.
This would be more of a weird Venn diagram than any kind of direct comparisons, but Echidna would definitely cover Tzeentch, and combined with Carmilla would cover Slaanesh
Nurgle and Khorne don't really have good comparisons. Daph would be the closest to Nurgle, just based on her capacity to mass consume and cause mass consumption, and Minerva's destructive wake would probably please Khorne
The problem is more that the Chaos Gods are more Chaotic Evil than Chaotic Neutral. The Chaos Gods are typically far more malicious from my understanding of WH40K lore. The Witches are far more balanced. Echidna has no motive one way or the other, she's happy with any outcome, Minerva's wake is produced from her desire to heal people, Sekhmet is literally furniture, Daph's hunger consumes all, and the beasts she made were meant to be eaten, Typhon's actions are merely a very childish view of justice, and this is more assumption than anything Carmilla's meek attitude is likely a direct result of her curse of Lust.
I don't think there's been enough put out about Satella to really get a good character profile.
There's honestly probably less than 12 people even looking to discuss the series tight now until Summaryanon saves us.
Each witch probably has some overlap. Gluttony is a sin that leads to self harm which differentiates it from Greed. Echidna is on the Tzeentch/Slaan spectrum while Gluttony might be more nurgle just for the bodily harm part.
Carmilla seems like an obvious choice for Slaan but she inspires lust in others and isn't too lustful herself so it's tricky.
>Doesn't she at some point tell Subaru that though she might omit information, she would never directly lie to him?
This is true (in fact it takes comments from the other Witches for him to figure out Echidna is tricking him), but she does seem legit fond of him outside of her interest in his RDB ability. She does omit information or twists the truth, but it is usually from the perspective of a very neutral way of looking at losses and benefits.
Pretty blackhearted, but she isn't the worst witch to deal with by far. I'm sure she is willing to help him out even after he rejected her proposal in the end. And going by the AU she does keep her promises at the very least, though there are interesting bit s of information in there (like Echidna saying the Sage is an unreliable solution).
Is Satella Malal? Since her one agent is fucking with all the other witches.
Her one agent is loving Subaru.
>her one agent is fucking all the other witches
But yeah, in a more serious note, I guess she would? Malal empowers his one chosen champion and actively works against the works of the other gods. though in this case it is weird since Subaru is fighting against the cult worshiping Satella.
Though it would make sense in relation to Echidna. Since Echidna legit despises Satella, and the later gets triggered at the mention of Echidna's name (likely because of her flirting with Subaru). Makes sense since Tzeentch basically embodies Chaos itself, while Malal represented the self-destructive element.
>tfw someone prematurely assassinated translatoranon
Good. Let the cat faggot stay in his own shitty thread.
He's busy with life, dude.
Getting through it slowly. Keyword slowly.
>exams are dead. i'm dead. if i don;t get new out tomorrow feel free to assassinate me
paraphrasing, but that's what he said. RIP ;_;7
Has it been three days yet?
Has it?
I knew his autism was going out of control, but it really is kind of pathetic that this series needs a containment thread for literally one user.
>her one agent is fucking the best witch
Fixed one more time. Since the rest is dead, it's clear he will devote all the pounding to Echidna. Hopefully after she regains her real body at least.
There's nothing saying they can't mindfuck. In fact, being in a mental construct like her "castle" opens the door to things not doable in the physical world.
Decided to check the thread. It's really fucking sad.
Well, fuck. F.
>tfw you give that fucker pseudo-immortality with second chances and ability to correct future, all of yours undivided attention and love
>he goes to some whore in her sleep and does who knows what
>he then brags to you about drinking BODILY FLUIDS and tells you that Echidna-san is better than you
>would rather drown in his own blood than hug you
Shots fucking fired
Slowly. Slowly. Slowly. Slowly.
How did you do on the important thing though?
God bless the brave souls sacrificing their sanity to contain him.
should his containment thread stay bumped to prolong our peace?
He went to sleep, so the thread will probably die soon
I'm all for faggotory, but this dude takes it way too fucking overboard.
Nope, catfag is asleep.
I want to read the novel after watching the show. What is the arc/chapter that picks up after the show?
Read the pastebin thing
first post
Thanks. I guess reading comprehension isn't my strong suit.
I still want to know where that user that posted the Chicken link last thread got the idea that Summaryanon was skipping Emilia bits. Reading side-by-side the content was effectively the same.
He either forgot or was trying to stir shit, in either case is simply better to assume he forgot and was corrected and there's not really any reason to bring it up.
I hope it was a case of misremembering. These threads have enough shit to deal with without someone stirring up unfounded drama.
>no doujin where they screw in her mental world that literally runs off hentai logic
But if the containment thread dies he'll come here.
Maybe an occasional bump so he stays over there?
Nope. I don't actually care that much if he comes over here, since he'll do it anyway. Just don't feed him too much.
Really need S2 for this. Without Rem I think it'll be time to open up other doujin possibilities And 95% masturbate to/fuck Rem in her sleep
>who even was that dickweed catfaggot
So, who wants some deviled tacos?
Isn't that Rem deceased?
Transanon said #56 was long as fuck, right?
I think so, he's working on it slowly. Gotta get all that sweet loligranny action.
it's just a prank
This was on-time in my timezone.
No I am just sleepy.
Thank you
Thanks again user, seriously cheers to you for doing all of this. Go and get some sleep, you deserve it.
Oh shit. Thanks.
I hope you did well on your thing. Don't forget to post "sleep tight potato" and get plenty of rest.
Good work. Don't worry about how long it takes. I'm glad you're even doing this for us at all.
Damn it, my birthday technically ended an hour ago.
Anyway, thanks!!! You're a blessing.
you don't already ?
I promoed this anime once , turned it off 5 min in.
>Subaru: “Incredible... man, she was actually amazing.”
>The image of the white-haired witch smugly looking down at Subaru flashes through his mind. But then he immediately thinks,
>Subaru: “No but, Daphne also said she created witchbeasts, so is the difficulty level for creating life just surprisingly low for witches? Lower rarity than I thought.”
>The image of the white haired witch saying “W-well but it wasn't as if I did it wanting any praise” flashes through his mind.
His mental image of Echidna is surprisingly adorable.
It's going to be painful to read their interactions when shit goes down isn't it?