is this really as good as people say it is?
Is this really as good as people say it is?
it's pretty long tho
Yes. Be prepared to hate every other anime after watching it.
Might as well wait for the remake.
Shit's old and ugly.
Tried to get into it but just couldn't.
Ended up dropping it a few episodes after they took over that big fortress..
Do you really think IG is going to do that? because they announced it for 2017 and well, there is no more news about it.
It has its appeal of course to some people but this vocal minority relatively unchallenged and unaccepting of any critics and criticism (of which there is plenty in this show) would make an assertion of supremeness.
Dreadfully overrated is what it falls under if anything but if you enjoy it then why should I care or anyone else?
Just remember no show is free from criticism or is 'perfect' in any sense as the purpose of all entertainment (and indeed this is nothing more than that) is to be consumed and nothing more.
It's slow and political.
It's also really good.
If you watch anime because you like high school, harems, or fanservice though, you won't like it.
if you watch it thinking it'll just be another political space adventure you'll be pleasantly surprised.
if you watching it hoping for actually intelligence and depth you're going to be disappointed af.
>or fanservice
Please, there's a shitton of fanservice in this.
>Please, there's a shitton of fanservice in this.
>one scene where Hilda is taking a shower over 120 episodes
Sure thing bro
You don't know what fanservice means, do you?
>only malefans can be serviced
Yes but Its way too long
Even K-on? I heard this is pretty shallow compared to that.
They're completely different genres, so there's no guarantee that you'll like or dislike one if your like or dislike the other
boring space opera shit
gayest genre of all time
Well, you're not wrong.