Is Gintama really that good? I'm 14 episodes in and I'm not really enjoying it.
Is Gintama really that good? I'm 14 episodes in and I'm not really enjoying it
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I haven't seen it but I've got no clue why the people who have seen it seem to love it
Kinda lost intrest after reaching the first movie around episode 60. Don't even know why. Wasn't bad.....but.....idk. just lost intrest
The first twenty episodes or so are basically SoL with occasional bits thrown in, to get you familiar with the setting and characters
The hot pot episode is the first real comedy centered one, and the balance sort of evens out after that until around 60 or so when you get the first actual serious arc
It's really not a show for everyone, but if you're not stingy or autistic about how you waste your time it has handfuls of really great episodes
>b-but it gets better after 300 episodes
Don't listen to them. It's boring unfunny crap that relies on penis jokes and screaming while pointing out the joke.
Gintama is known for not having a strong start. There's even a sort of range when it actually grabs people, which is about 26 or something. Yes, it's bizarre to "grab" at that point, and I'm not even kidding. Be it Anons or Japanese, that's what they'd even say with pretty much no bias.
It gets better after 400 episodes
be 14 years old, have no internet and nothing else good is on tv right now except gintama
Then its watchable.
It's a type of show that gets good each and every episode.So keep watching user.You don't have to force yourself just watch 1 ep per day/1 ep per week.
>relies on penis jokes
nah bruh
If you're a manchild that likes shonenshit and penis jokes, then you'll like Gintama
I actually started watching it for the first time just couple months ago, and finished all existing episodes + movies couple weeks ago.
And I must say, yes. It is good, and funny.
However, like said quite many times in the past, this ain't one of those series where the old "3 ep rule" applies. For starters, you should ALWAYS skip the first 2 anime episodes, they are filler. Second, the show really starts to warm up around 20-25 eps in, and then just keeps getting better from that point on. The first "arcs" happen somewhere between eps 40-50, which are definitely the big turning points of the plot and quality of the series.
By the time the first 100 eps are done, I dare to say you're most likely in love with the cast. The show clearly benefited from being dropped down from prime-time airing slots, as it allowed the team and author to go crazy.
I was honestly quite surprised how they kept bringing up some very minor feeling characters halfway into the series, in quite important roles as well. Just shows how much foreshadowing there really is in those first couple dozen eps at best. And the few badass / touching episodes and scenes often will hit you twice harder, as you don't expect them from a show with such start.
I found the first 30-40 ep to be mostly so-so. It wasn't until later that I really started enjoying the series. The comedy mixed with the more serious arcs is just really well done.
Watch the next season, Gintama' 2011. Seriously, if you don't get caught on, give up then.
"For starters, you should ALWAYS skip the first 2 anime episodes, they are filler."
>hey lets start the series in a way that alienates maximum amount of viewers
Just to add, it's a series kind of based around a Japanese city district, near/at a red light one, and you could think of it as being on the historical side. Not really something to watch if you haven't seen much anime, and/or haven't seen anime with something like Shinpachi's "straight man" before. I'd guess you may have seen some before if you went through 14 eps. There's an image guide to the eps that was made, don't have it on me.
just drop it, lad
even the studio "apologized" about that in the beginning of ep3.
I actually tried to get into Gintama almost a decade ago for the first time, but that ep1 really left me cold. Noticed some user mention the series + advise skipping the first two episodes earlier this year, and then gave it another shot. Now it's one of my favorite long-running shows.
>inb4 he doesn't realize there isn't 400 episodes.
I'd suggest watching the first 15-20 ep, then skip ahead to the first serious arc, benizakura which is around ep 60. You can always go back and watch the earlier stuff later, thats what I did and I don't regret it.
bleeding nose is worst meme in anime
it doesnt relate to anything relevant irl and its never funny
>b-but it's in Naruto and Dragon Ball!
Who the fuck do you think the target audience of Gintama is?
I guess you like more penises, faggots. Since you understand its meaning, it's related.
>it doesnt relate to anything relevant irl and its never funny
I started marathoning it a few weeks ago, and I'm enjoying it. Just like some other anons said, it has a slow start, but gets better as it introduces more of the characters. It's not really a show that "gets better after x episodes" but more like it's a show that grows on you over time.
I'd say if you're not into it after like 5 or so episodes, just forget about it.
yes it's the most enjoyable anime of all time , but it has really meh beginning . don't listen to the haters
>I'd say if you're not into it after like 5 or so episodes, just forget about it.
eh, I wasn't really "into it" for way over 20 episodes myself, but fortunately I had tons of monotonous free time to waste and nothing better to do. It did grow on me little by little, but that "Holy shit, this is awesome!" did take a while to arrive.
IMO, the series steadily evolves and improves with each cour, with its high points easily overshadowing the lower episodes by far.
It's probably one of the greatest anime of all time if not the best of all time. The action, drama and comedy is just perfect. Interesting world too.
Same I dropped it after 40 episodes or something. The jokes were just alright and there were enough that made no sense too me.
Never watch Gintama in order
Find where a comedy arc starts and go from there or just watch random episodes
It's great if you've watched less than 50 but significant mainstream anime to get the parodies.
Last season was really not good. Shame because I enjoyed the second(2011) and third season(the one with 13 eps).
It's really hit or miss depending on your humor. Everyone's already said the "give it 25 eps" rule; fr myself, I only started really getting into it after 50. Not to say I ever disliked it, but it went from "ok" to amazing.
When it's funny, it's really fucking funny.
It's good, your taste is just shit.
so all of Sup Forums?
It's bad, your taste is just shit.
It's good, but both of you have shit taste.
his taste is fine . gintama has meh start user
I kept seeing this kind of claims quite often, long before I got there myself, but I didn't find it awful at all. If anything, I'm looking forward to the next season more than ever.
>tfw when i watched it and rewatched at least three times.
>I actually enjoyed the first episodes, in fact if a show doesn't grab me from episode one, then fuck it.
OP's picture is the moment Gintama went from NICE to VERY NICE and Otaku Arc made it GOAT.
It takes a while to get good. It gets good around episode 76 with that arc and material past that. Episode 51-75 is where they had a serious arc, but it honestly wasn't that good compared to the rest of the series past that.
Basically, it gets good with stuff like the character poll arc and stuff of the like when it comes to breaking the 4th wall and stuff.
Bobabo is better.
yes and now go complete it instead of wasting your time here
Does anyone have a video of that otaku group Shinpachi leads doing a synchronized dance more impressive and with more passion than the idol they worship?
Because that was the most condensed and hardened slice of irony I've seen in a long time.
I love Kagura!
I was like you, but then episode 23 came and I started to love the series.
Haha, nose picking. Really fucking funny.
It's the JoJo of the comedy genre. If you don't like it then you have shit taste.
I was feeling the same and dropped it probably forever after episode 17 or 18.
I started loving the show at episode 25 exactly.
If you still think the show is boring after 40-50 episodes, I think that's the safe spot to drop it.
After I got past like 60 episodes I was laughing almost every episode. But its also a lot of commitment.
OP you should start at like episode 50. It only gets good later on.
Like Hunter x Hunter.
If you watch HxH start at episode 78, the start of the Chimera Ant arc, and you'll be absolutely hooked.
that is the worst fucking analogy ever. you're retarded.
no u
user why
>the first 2 anime episodes, they are filler
you misspelled funny
go to bed grandpa
It was one hour of fan service for the fans of manga so that they didn't have to wait half a year before seeing the regular cast moving in color and speaking with voices. In terms of humor, it was pretty half-assed since they had to make the characters work for both first time viewers and existing fans of manga.
The Jump Festa OVA (2005) worked on the same principle, but managed to execute it way better with a funnier story and better character interaction.
It's probably my favorite manga of all time but apart from clips, I haven't been able to get into the anime myself because the beginning is very slow and it's frustrating because I know what's coming and don't want to wait...I could very much understand why people say skip a few episodes but I would maybe read those and then start watching at whatever the agreed upon point is
The first 2 episodes Gintama are probably the worst ones out of the lot, not counting the amnesia arc.
Not your blog.
>it doesnt relate to anything relevant irl
>blood moves to protruding body part, then liquid shoots from it
I've also noticed that the higher power level you have the more enjoyment you get out of the series.
Or you can just watch quick 3 episode comedy arcs like bentendo oowee or ds girlfriends.
it gets better each episode.
I like the first episodes where the series was a little awkward and was trying to find his place.
It's like watching you're son grow.
You know an anime is bad when the first two episodes are filler.
>relies on penis jokes and screaming while pointing out the joke.
now that seems like my kind of show
hey look its this thread again
don´t forget all those references to Japanese culture and wordplay that you won´t get if you aren´t living in Japan.
>screaming while pointing out the joke
This really annoys me with japanese comedy
who wouldn't?
Depend on your powerlevel. If you're well versed in Japanese pop culture, not just animu/mango, it'll git gud after the first year (24 episodes). Else, no
Inconsistent humor throughout it's run,I've seen all the seasons and think I laughed 20 episodes at most.
Gintama has that "kind" of slap-stick humour with tons of japanese IRL references jokes and your usual gags.
They're a shit ton of characters too so you won't be that bored.
This, I followed the same advice, really got more interested around ep 40 and really got into it at ep 287.
It gets better at [episode you're at+23]
Why are Nintendos always the best girls?
>penis jokes
...You mean Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon references?
They are very high quality.
Gin and Hijikata are the best duo in anime
Easily the worst arc.
the episode with the red ghost (i think episode 20) was the first part of the show i liked, from there on out it pretty much steadily improves into a favorite of mine. It really is just a weak start. Id say the first 50 episodes are a solid show if a bit hit or miss, then past that the show grows so much with its variety and even experimental in its handling of tones that it really becomes a special series.
>watching 14 eps of show you are not enjoying
This is what Sup Forums does to people
Nigga what?
Anything Tama is instant AOTY material.
I don't remember what was happening in this manga anymore, but I remember reading it outside and laughing so loud people gave me stares. I think that was around the chapter about driver license.
Believe it or not, some series literally turn from "meh" to awesome only after a dozen or two episodes. Happened with (original) FMA, same with NGE in my opinion, and it's even more the case with Gintama.
>I think that was around the chapter about driver license.
I think that was around half way of the TV show. We've got 7 seasons at the moment. IMO, many of the series' scenes and jokes work better in animated form, partly thanks to the superb VA job.
Plot-wise it was shit.
This is the OTP of the series.
You know I'm right.
This man has amazing taste.
spoilers when?
It's got humor that's all over the place from cultural references, potty jokes to 4th wall breakage. Most of it is funny because of how relatable it is aside from the exclusive Japanese reference one it even has some from US media. After a while, they sometimes repeat the same gag over and over plus some of the plot points in future arcs become redundant because it's the same "gag turned into serious plot to sympathetic villain" routine. Some arcs are misses, others are unique and the rest are great. Overall most people should go through the whole ride and judge it for themselves because it has a lot of experimentation going on and the jokes are quite literally a huge assortment bag. If anything, even someone who hates Gintama has some part or joke in the series they find to be genuinely funny.
>bleeding nose is worst meme in anime
Yes, bleeding nose perversion is overplayed but
>it doesnt relate to anything relevant irl and its never funny
Either you think Gintama doesn't have irl references or actually believing that bleeding nose meme exist, you can't be more wrong. Are you diagnosed with retardation?
>actually believing that bleeding nose meme exist
How do you get that out of "it doesnt relate to anything relevant irl"
I still laughed a lot. I'm a mangafag anyway.
>Ill Smith
That scene is one of the funniest shit ever.
Gintama is the best fu***g thing I have ever seen , I watched the first couple of episodes to get the hang of it then skipped directly to episode 50 , best decision of my life!
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did !!
>I watched the first couple of episodes to get the hang of it then skipped directly to episode 50 , best decision of my life!
jesus christ, I can't see that resulting anything but a total disconnection with the cast and events.
Best boy.
If they are the best then Okita and Kagura must be close to the first place since their interaction are one of the best damn things in this show.
Why does the best boy get all the best girls?
Oh wait...