Sup Forums do I watch the dub or the sub?
Usually I'd always watch the sub, but I heard that this one has a decent dub.
Sup Forums do I watch the dub or the sub?
Usually I'd always watch the sub, but I heard that this one has a decent dub.
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching dubs
>I heard that this one has a decent dub
No, what you heard was a cancerous fanbase.
It is perfectly fine to watch a dub for the follow: Yu Yu Hakusho, DBZ, Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL and other shows that aired on Adult Swim or Toonami.
The vast, vast majority of western Yu Yu Hakusho fans first discovered the show when it aired on Toonami back in 2001. Back in those days, subs weren't that popular and western internet speeds were dog shit. Anyone who says you have to watch it subbed are in the minority and are most likely underaged. They were probably 4 years old back in 2001 so they missed it when it aired on Toonami.
Fuck off. You weren't born when it was airing on Toonami, what do you know about anything kid?
>missing out on numerous unintentionally wonderful dubs from ye old days
How the hell have you been?
'Decent' is the word, yeah. I don't think it can compare to the original, and I watched the YYH dub avidly in 2003/2004 as a high schooler.
OP, listen to the ranting, angry old user. I'm currently rewatching the dub with my 6 year-old son, and it is as fantastic as I remember.
Sub-only people are elitists and missing out.
>everyone watched it dubbed because that was the only version they had
>therefore you should still watch the dub today
Should we promote Robotech, too?
Two underaged kids detected. What is your excuse for not watching Yu Yu Hakusho back when it aired in 2001 on Toonami? And don't lie to me and claim you watched it subbed back then. Link me to this fan sub group that existed back in 2001 that covered Yu Yu Hakusho. And then explain to me how you were able to download their subbed series with shitty western internet speeds of 2001. If you didn't watch it back then, then you are a secondary fan who probably grew up watching anime subbed. Protip: we didn't have hundreds of fan sub groups back in 2001. We didn't have people spoon feeding us torrent links on forums. It was a different time back then, so we watched most shows dubbed. Yu Yu Hakusho just happened to have a good dub.
OP, don't let these guys fool you. The vast majority of anime that aired on Toonami were watched dubbed. The people who watched Toonami shows subbed are in the minority. A few exceptions to this include One Piece, which had a very questionable dub, and Naruto and Bleach. One Piece' dub was so bad that the dub never caught on. Naruto and Bleach had a huge internet following before they got dubbed.
tl;dr the standard way of watching most Toonami shows is dubbed. Don't let these kids fool you.
I'm simply saying that you can watch it subbed, but just know that your experience with Yu Yu Hakusho will be different from 99.7% of the western fans who watched the show. The same thing applies to DBZ. DBZ at one point was the highest rated show on Cartoon Network, which in turn, was the most watched TV station for kids [1]. So you're talking about millions of people. Again, it's not about which is better between the sub and dub, I'm just saying that by watching it subbed, you're not going to be able to relate to the millions of people who experienced it dubbed.
>For a show that brought Cartoon Network their second highest ratings ever (Endless Waltz, November 10), only being topped by the premiere of Dragon Ball Z season three last year
>And then explain to me how you were able to download their subbed series with shitty western internet speeds of 2001.
If you were desperate enough, you could use FTPs. I downloaded 200 MB Sega CD games that way. It took 10 hours, though, so downloading a 112 episode series like YYH could take over a month.
The original Funi DBZ dub was complete shit, so I would never advise watching that version. The YYH dub is competent, so OP's call there. I've seen both versions and prefer it subbed.
In my area 200MB was impossible back in 1999 - 2001. Maybe it was different for the Europeans though.
In all honesty, you're good no matter which way you go on this one. I'm a YYH fan that got into the show during the Toonami dub days, and I've rewatched the show several times in both languages. Both are good.
Do you have issue with unique voices? Sub!Kuwabara is voiced by Shigeru Chiba, and is high pitched at times. On the other hand, Dub!Kuwabara is an extremely gravely voice by Chris Sabat. Whichever one would irritate you less, you may want to go with that version to watch.
I will say, however, Dub!Yusuke is fucking amazing, as a main protagonist should be.
I'll admit I do love Sabat's Kuwabara
YYH aired in America around 2001/02, so yes most people in their 20s did watch this show dubbed. And it had a pretty good one that still holds up today considering that Anime dubbing was a pretty new thing back then for the west.
I live in Tennessee, but yeah - FTPs allow for download resumes, so I don't think there's technically an upper limit for download sizes. I had dial-up until early 2006, so we got high speed a bit late (2004 was the first year dial-up was surpassed by high speed).
> Again, it's not about which is better between the sub and dub, I'm just saying that by watching it subbed, you're not going to be able to relate to the millions of people who experienced it dubbed.
>inline citations
What the fuck sort of website do you think you're on?
Those English Openings and Endings were catchy as fuck. I still remember them vividly to this day. Especially this one.
Kuwabara's my favorite character in the series, and I had a double-take moment when I switched from Dubs to Subs.
There were some points where Sabat goes a little TOO gravelly, but most of the time he's so good at emoting I don't even care.
No one is talking about 2000, nigger. They're talking about right now, because OP is asking this question right now, when subs are widely available,
OP here, I think I might be going ahead with the dub then.
This is one of those shows I'd always wished I could have seen when it aired, but my family didn't get cable until much later, so I think I'd like to experience it that way the first time I watch.
Need to be 18 to post here
Watch the dub OP, i swear you wont regret it
YYH dub beats the everloving shit out of the sub, one of the rare cases of the discrepancy being higher in the dubs favor.
Every voice in the dub beats the sub, and dialgoue is better as well. Hiei is the biggest example.
>What is your excuse for not watching Yu Yu Hakusho back when it aired in 2001 on Toonami?
Canada doesn't have Toonami.
We had Vision of Escaflowne and Gundam Wing.
>underaged kids
You realize 2001 was fifteen years ago, right? They could reasonably be 25 and not have even known what anime is in 2001.
Here's a segment from a Shounen Jump issue from May 2003, centered around YYH. In case some of you didn't know, the first 21 episodes were aired on Adult Swim before the whole series aired on Cartoon Network.
I've always preferred the dub and how much it actually changed from the original including straight up some of the show's themes.The original is fairly bland and paint by numbers. Though I've always felt that way about Togashi's writing.
As good of reasoning as any, OP. Hope you enjoy the experience!
>TFW grew up with Escaflowne dub
>TFW you hear Hitomi's "VAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGHNNN!" in your head 15 years later
I need to rewatch that series, it's been so long...
It's hard to pinpoint Togashi's writing, his 3 series (YYH, HxH, Level E) are so different that you wouldn't know they're by the same person if it wasn't told. Even within the series themselves arcs are drastically different, like Greed Island to Chimera Ant.
>If you didn't watch it back then, then you are a secondary fan
What the fuck do you think secondary means? Everyone who only watched the anime, dubbed or subbed or raw, is a secondary.
NOBODY read the YYH manga, it's worse in every way.
>Not being from the US makes you a kid now.
This "ONLY TOONAMI IS REAL" shit gets on my nerves.
The YYH dub is superior, it's a rarity.
You are not brazilian.
All your dubs are shit.
Show your amazing dubs then oh great and mighty BR.
don't you mean your wife's son
Then fuck off back to /r/anime you retarded newfag.
At least we have a translation of Chala Head Chala and not Rock the Dragon bullshit
Here's a sample of the perfect Yu Yu Hakusho too
You fags would need english subs or already know the show to understand though
Toguro vs Yusuke
Kuwabara and Yusuke are just gold. Koema too. Some references here and there too.
Don't forget to hire a whore to act like your mom (take that as you please) and don't forget to dress like a kid and make snacks from that time and listening to the shit music you did
Take that as you please
>That Botan
The dub is alright, but unless you're watching it for nostalgia value, you would probably be better off just going with the sub.
Dub > Sub in very rare cases
This is one of them
Only Sith deal in absolutes
You can go with the dub for this one. It's really good. The translations are fairly accurate, and even add a bit of flair and memorability to what's otherwise a pretty standard shonen (that, despite being standard does everything extremely well until the last arc.)
Botan's English voice makes me cum