>Be me >29 year old huwhite lad >Grew up in the south, plenty of exposure to niggers >Walking to an early meeting this morning in downtown San Diego >Wearing a suit like a good proper wage slave >Crossing intersection >feralniggerappears.png >"AYE DAWG, AYE DAWG" >"No thanks, I don't have any money" >"YO WUT DA FUCK?" >KANG is now following me >Stop and walk sideways so he's no longer behind me >"YO DAWG YOU BETTA NOT BE LATE TO COURT, IM TELLING YOU DAWG" >"Go be poor somewhere else" >Wild orc turns down another road >"I BE SICK AND TIRED OF DEEZ WYPIPO" >Got away safely!
Charles Gray
>be me >live in 99.9%white country >no interections with niggers >feelsgoodman.jpg
Jackson Adams
>Be me >be jealous
Thomas Gray
NigNog gets thrown out of adulterated arcade > Be me a few years ago > 17 > Visiting Chicago > Go to Dave and Buster's with some friends > Have a decent time > Going to the counter to get some random shit > Wild nig breaks in line > Decent black guy calls him out > *Activates ape instinct* "OWH HELNAW" walks away pissed off after employee asks him to move out of line > *Enter King Kong with a Vag* *Marches to counter* "U DUN CAL OWT MI BOI" > Proceeds to call the employees racist and a hypocrite (like they know what that means) > Big black SG walks up with manager after employee calls for ape attack backup > King Kong still aping out > Proceeds to be thrown out of an adult arcade
Learned it's true all nigs are the same no matter where you go
Benjamin Reed
> Visiting Chicago > Go to Dave and Buster's with some friends
Literally no different than going to a get a coffee in Baghdad.
I went to a Dave and busters in Chicago back in 2007. That place was niggered-out.
Dylan Wright
>WYPIPO i had to spell it loudly to understand what the author meant
Ethan Sanders
Pretty much just a room full of autism, nigs, and, mudslimes.
Christopher Miller
I see 2 per day in the hellhole that is Ljubljana
Zachary Sanders
>moving for new job, very last minute >rent room in a different state on craigslist without meeting any of the roommates >in come the nogs >fuck.pdf >there's even a homeless nigger lurking in the garden shed in the back yard >nogs smoke weed and do cocaine and play the same rap song on repeat all night >this ritual occurs Tues-Sat weekly >one night the nogs leave their pile of coke out >i mix in a bunch of bleach from under the sink Lasted about 3 weeks in "the zoo" . It was awful.
Carson Reyes
>be me >be succesful radio host in Chicongo >interview hiphop artists >guests are 95% black >always end with freestyle >hurry up dawg, hit this bong, green as pepe the frog, watch out for this knowledge bomb, HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG >blacks erupt in laughter >smoke blunts >educate blacks about the virtues of natsoc