>You will never sit next to a 2D girl, much less you're waifu
Why live?
You will never sit next to a 2D girl, much less you're waifu
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Wouldn't even know what to do, can't think of anything besides hand-holding, kissing, groping or unprotected sex
>unprotected sex
That's my fetish.
For her
But trump is winning
It's "your" in this context.
this both turns me on and makes me painfully depressed.
Jokes on you loser I'm schizophrenic, Tulpa here we come!
leave your basement from time to time, virgin
Because Donald Trump is my new president.
Because VR will make that kind of sort of possible.
VR soon
Why would this bitch say this when this is yurishit? Is she trying to make me mad or something cause it's sure is working.
She's talking to a girl (Miyu) though IIRC, if it's the OVA.
She swings both way.
I want Ilya to sit next to me and stare while I'm in the bathroom.
>being this much of a casual
only for Shirou
There are already VR "experiences" like that out with that exact purpose, as well as, some applicable games that added VR support.
user, IIya is totally gay
>you never teach spells to Illya.
Why even live?
it hurts
How could anyone not feel love for Miyu, Illya just wants to protect her smile.
This is a touching explanation of art and joy to an emotionally damaged girl who doesn't know how to dance.
Well I mean hypothetically if I was with the waifu, besides doing what you mentioned. I could play vidya with her, or watch anime or something, or solve the Japanese birth rate crisis, or cook something. It would be fun.