Which ecchi has the most shameless, hardcore fanservice?

Which ecchi has the most shameless, hardcore fanservice?

That one is the best easily

They might as well make a full-blown hentai series.

This season, Oku-sama wa seito kaichou

Seikon no Qwaser is still the best imo

>Seikon no Qwaser is still the best
I will never get this meme


TLR is also great, not image related


Read the thread.

Yosuga no Sora

I think it's from "anime"


I am not giving you that (You). Explain yourself. What shows are better? What makes it mediocre or inferior?

I think it's good because of the amount of titties, the shape, the nipples, the areolas, the sizes. They could have done more to demonstrate soma as milk, but whatever. There was enough subtext to indicate that some characters did more than simply suck a girl's tits. There is a lot of fanservice simply because of how many episodes there are, there are entire fanservice episodes, and Tomo never fails to get me rock-hard. Your move.

What the fuck is that webm from?

Seikon is just lame tit sucking
Even this has raunchier scenes you fucking newfag shitlord

Kill yourself.



Valkyrie Drive was pretty shameless with the tentacle rape scene in the final fight.

It has been mentioned somewhere in this thread
Lurk more.

Why are sauce people so retarded, just use Sup Forums-x for fucks sake

No, it doesn't. I would have given you HxH Gakuen maybe, since the guy fingers the girls and there is no real censorship (happens in Qwaser, but is upstaged by breast sucking).
>he doesn't agree with me, he's a newfag

Get the fuck off your high horse you dim-witted piece of shit.


But it had some pretty nice fanservice.

I cant say much if you only get off by breast sucking
But most people dont

Shit is lame and tame. And the shitty shounen battles dont help

I didn't watch this at the time because all people spammed were the cowtits. Does the loli get much screen time?

Katja is one of the reasons i didnt like the show

Not a fan of gross fucking dykes

>gross fucking dykes

Your loss user.

But she is not a dyke, she is clearly one of the few alpha girls out there and one of the lewdest

Shes a carpet muncher and ruined the show for me

I prefer it over just simply rubbing tits and asses. Unless the character design is godly, like in TLR. I will never get enough of Yui.

Probably that show. It's still shit.

So you're telling me that if there isn't a man on the screen with a big dick you can't enjoy what you're watching? You know, there's a word for that.

You have to go back

You first.

>not even ecchi harem shows are safe yurishitters

Time to drop anime entirely

Ew girls, am i right?

this one

bikini warriors

A lot of yes



>people saying TLR

Will never hit the super ecchi shit like or just to highlight a few since most of the lewd is just rito tripping on someone.

>Seikon is just lame tit sucking

but it's still good, and has an imouto

I have found the apex of shit taste

>liking lolidom
>liking femdom in any form

found the beta cuck

I just wanted some more shit to masturbate to and you guys somehow manage to turn this into a flame war, real rad

I am going to need sauce on that.

I wasn't able to find anything useful with image search or the filename.

Its just one insecure faggot who has to attack anybody that enjoys things that aren't generic, vanilla ecchi.

lurk more, there's threads every sunday for it

Oku-sama wa seito kaichou
It's like one of the first anime suggested in the thread but ok

I don't know but maria is a fucking miracle



Tsugumomo is super interesting.

>iqdb now has 100 man queues
>teach a man how to fish they said


The anime isn't going to have any full nudity.

Delete this

The author already said so. Enjoy your light beams.

>Most of this was anime original

Is it possible that Sasha gets both the wind girl and mafayu when the manga ends?

Lactation is good stuff.

Even the Author said it's going to get super censored.

>implying President Trump won't force Japan to release all anime uncensored on pain of nuclear annihilation

big puffy vagina

Magicalize is great if you're into ENF.