Just thought of a to way to end one punch man, whenever it ends that is. While fighting the strongest enemy yet, Saitama does his best punch yet, which rips a hole in space/time creating a black hole/entrance to a parallel universe. In the parallel universe, on a planet similar to earth, there is a villian by the name of one kick man. He is the parallel to Saitama, he defeats everyone he fights with one kick, and he gets bored when hero's try to fight him. Him and Saitama meet and have the most badass, over the top fight of all time for most of the episode. At the end, saitama does his most serious punch, while one kick man does his most serious kick. The punch and kick collide and the entire universe explodes and the show ends. I would actually like this, but I could see how this is a little bit retarded. Is it retarded?
Just thought of a to way to end one punch man, whenever it ends that is. While fighting the strongest enemy yet...
Saitama is only a street level character. Spiderman could whoop his ass
Better End: Saitama finds a new hobby which doesnt involve fighting, so he feels challenged again.
obvious bait is obvious
Reminder to take it easy when criticizing One Punch Man. One punch defenders are exceptionally voracious.
They've allowed their personal self-esteem get wrapped up in the show. They believe themselves clever for decoding symbolism on their own for the first time, and they are unable to realize that every one else understands it.
When you attack the show for being simplistic, they perceive it as an attack on them, because they genuinely thought more of themselves for understanding a "deep" show.
So, it's probably just better to let them be, since they won't allow themselves to believe any critique.
How about he punches more than ONE time and becomes 2 punch man in name?
How about he get noticed by the entire world as the strongest being in the planet, so because of this every monster is afraid of him and stop attacking cities. Then he fucks the green loli and theirs sons and daugthers become the new protectors of the earth.
Better idea, he fights a giant super evil galactic demon god angel and actually dies in one hit
There's no epilogue, it just shows him dead and that's it.
Pretty ironic when you're posting a NGE Image.
A better ending is one where he kills himself because he'll never EVER get to lose.
or he gets one punched by a weak looking guy and that guy is the real one punch man. Title card drops. Fucking pottery.
>Then he fucks the green loli
>implying Saitama would touch the shitty brat
Saitama cheats at vidya games and gets caught by King. They bury what's left of Saitama in a matchbox.
are you retarded
>two different series and universes
No, but it looks like you are
better ending, cross over with ben-to
What is jokes?
>pretending to be retarded
Good joke user
Jesus, why do people take the name of the series so fucking literally? Saitama isn't called One Punch Man, the title is just a joke ripping off Anpanman
The joke is that he looks like Saitama but uses psychic powers.
I recently watched these shows. Maybe Sup Forums is right and this fanbase is retarded if they're all like you.
No shit
The joke is overused and unfunny
>pointing out that it's two different series and universes
>implying that doesn't show a lack of understanding at the apparently overused joke
Kay retard.
Not this shit again
kys redditor and don't forget to tip your fedora.
user made a bad joke but it was retarded to say that they were pretending to be retarded by making it. You're completely misusing the phrase. Die.
Kill yourself faggot
So.. a ripoff of KickPuncher vs PunchKicker?
is this Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
Better end: Saitama accidentally gets Fubuki pregnant. Also, he accepts that he can't escape from routine, he gets a family and a salaryman job to support his family.
As he embraces his ordinary life, monsters start dissapearing, and consequently, the other heroes start quitting too.
The final scene is Saitama casually encountering Rider on the street, Rider still work as a hero though now there's no hero association so he does it for free.
>Saitama does his best punch yet, which rips a hole in space/time creating a black hole/entrance to a parallel universe.
You need a special kind of autism to come up with this shit.
He already has that with his crappy videogame skills.
Saitama's endgame is obviously losing, finding his equal, or at least an opponent he can't beat in one punch and/or needs help to defeat.
You can repeat a joke so many times until it gets boring.
no, just regular autism
Saitama isn't really that strong, he's only strong in his universe. Braindead Accelerator would be enough for him.
And even if he was actually very strong, then Accel would just pull out his wings and wreck Saitama with his own punch.
This. Saitama's joke power only works for his own manga's characters.
His creator simply has no authority over the characters made by other people.
Everything in OPM is fragile as fuck, so everyone looks strong.
>Uh no sasuke is stronger
The point of the character that he is the strongest, thats the entire point
i dosnt matter what powers his opponents possess, Saitama will win anyway easily, thats his curse.
Also fuck me, some manga writer just dont know when to stop.
Anime same, fucking Gurren Lagan and that shitty ending.
>The point of the character that he is the strongest
No, the point is he can beat anyone with one punch. And that only works in his manga.
If his author is not writing the fight, then he's only as good as his best feats.
You are chuuni as fuck user, I love it.
>No, the point is he can beat anyone with one punch. And that only works in his manga.
Thats really not the point.
As he almost never beats anybody in one punch,
The joke is that he has no powers he just can hit hard, yet can defeat all type weird shit that should annihilate him.
Maybe he could always win in one hit, but he never does and usually fucks around.
>As he almost never beats anybody in one punch
But he CAN, theoretically.
It's in the title, don't pretend there's some deeper meaning to it because there's not.
The only thing remotely interesting that could happen to OPM is that Saitama actually loses a fight.
>The joke is that he has no powers he just can hit hard, yet can defeat all type weird shit that should annihilate him
Yes, that's because the author wrote him that way, just like you said, It's the joke of his manga. So if we're comparing Saitama and Accelerator with just their feats, then Saitama would get wrecked easily.
>It's in the title, don't pretend there's some deeper meaning to it because there's not.
Do you clearly dont see the irony and the contradiction of this sentence?
Its just the title, it dosnt define the entire manga,
>The only thing remotely interesting that could happen to OPM is that Saitama actually loses a fight.
How would that be interesting? It would just ruin the premise.
>Yes, that's because the author wrote him that way,
yeah he wrote him to always win, no matter versus who
>yeah he wrote him to always win, no matter versus who
In his own manga.
And that's not even confirmed, since it hasn't ended. He might lose a few fights eventually.
>And that's not even confirmed, since it hasn't ended. He might lose a few fights eventually.
yeah and he might meet god
how about we stick to the actual material?
>In his own manga.
Yeah in the same manga, and if you marge both then guess what, it happens to be placed in the same manga,
>if you marge both then guess what, it happens to be placed in the same manga
The fuck are you talking about?
Saitama power is plot armor, so he automatically wins over any power.
Are you thick mate?
>one kick man
>not one kick woman
Most shonen MCs have plot armor, Saitama is nothing special then. Thanks for confirming.
>Saitama's power is plot armor
So he's not actually that strong? So Zenkichi can beat him? Because Zenkichi literally has an ability that negates plot armor.
This. OP probably didn't read the manga or the webcomic. Some posters on Sup Forums are misinformed teens or just straight retarded.
>Because Zenkichi literally has an ability that negates plot armor.
If this an actual description of some character i swear this takes the cake as the most autistic writing ive seen all month.
The MC lives in a school full of reality warpers. Negating plot armor isn't that special because he won't have plot armor as well.
Devil Style: Zenkichi's personal skill, created by Hanten. Devil Style nullifies any coincidence; the skill prevents the whims of fate from interfering with a battle. Ajimu states that this ability is the opposite of a conventional main character; it degrades the hero, as they are usually just really lucky. Ajimu labels Devil Style as an ability that will render all the main characters that came before Zenkichi relics of the past.
This is pretty great
Reading that verbal diarrhea i cant tell if its ironic or not.
>this pasta
>How about he get noticed by the entire world as the strongest being in the planet, so because of this every monster is afraid of him and stop attacking cities.
He's only going to get noticed by the people that matter, the bottom line is Saitama's kind of boring as a public icon; he's dull, he's average looking, and his attacks aren't flashy. Tatsumaki knows he's strong, Genos knows he's strong, half of the S-Class heroes know how powerful he is, and frankly at the end of the day that's all that matters.
He doesn't care about recognition anyway - I mean yeah, he *wants* it, but it's not a goal, his talk with King and the end of the Deep Sea King arc was evidence enough.
>Then he fucks the green loli and theirs sons and daugthers become the new protectors of the earth.
He'd probably end up with Fubuki if the series ever had a romance subplot (I hope not.)