Let' start with Marsailles vs Warsaw
Let's compare crime between European cities
Bentley Anderson
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Andrew Bennett
Yea but Poland is racist you see, which is much worse.
Hunter Phillips
This is going to be a very useful and fun tool.
Brandon Reyes
Its not Africans you bloody racist
Charles Parker
oy vey shut it down
Ayden Johnson
Brussels isn't looking good either in comparison
Nolan Hernandez
you can compare cities in USA to Central Europe too.
Aaron Davis
Salt Lake City (75% white)
Detroit (82% black)
Thomas Myers
But a crime-riddled Marseille (which you misspelled twice, dummy) is still a much more popular tourist destination than any city in Poland. How do you explain that? Let me help: the shittiest city in France has more culture than the best city in Poland.
Aaron Ramirez
The tourists come from Africa and never leave.