He was a good and honest man who did nothing wrong. A better man than you anons.
this anime wasn't as bad as some of you made it out to be
He was a good and honest man who did nothing wrong. A better man than you anons.
this anime wasn't as bad as some of you made it out to be
I watched Re:Zero and followed it by watching this next. Bad Idea, now I think the anime was hot garbage.
I thought the general sentiment was, average at best?
Gun mouth is the dumbest fucking shit and i'm still mad.
It was every bit as bad as everyone said and Bols was literally a government sanctioned mass murderer who admitted with full understanding that he deserved to die like a dog. His family also built a happy and decadent lifestyle on the lives of all the innocents he burned to death so they got what was coming to them too.
Sup Forums thinks they're Miyazaki. Most of the things that are bad according to Sup Forums actually aren't.
>Most of the things that are bad according to Sup Forums actually aren't.
Yes, and SAO is a masterpiece!The plot is amazing and Kirito is just epic as hell! Sup Forums really has shit taste.
>this anime wasn't as bad as some of you made it out to be
welcome to Sup Forums
No that user but I think the key word in that sentence is "most" which means that Sup Forums is right to say that SAO is bad.
He's a hack
Scheele a best.
I'd say not entirely awful but still not that great as people hyped it up to be, more like lukewarm average at best but passable. Could've been a hell of a lot better but it felt like Takahiro just did the first draft and thought it was decent enough.
Who else /JUSTICE/ here?
Kill yourself.
Oh, sorry user, did my waifu kill yours?
I guess thats what she gets for being an evildoer.
I enjoyed it OP. The bad guys weren't always the bad guys and nobody appreciated that fact much. Also posting best girl.
There are no waifus in this series
>cringing intensifies
The worst thing about the anime was the ending.
The worst part about the series as a whole is that the anime ending was actually canon and is all happening right now in the manga like a year later, with a few differences but overall the same shit. Giant gundam is dead and Akame just activated her trump card to kill Esdeath.
So will you listen to ISIS's call to kill the family of pilots operating in the ME, since they also burn people to death on daily basic. There something called legitimacy in action when you execute official orders you government gives you.
Akame has been my desktop background for like a month. Its a solid fantasy show that doesnt pretend to be anything more than it is- a fantasy show. No gimmicks no super shocking dues ex machina twists, just a typical flavor of the month fantasy show. If that isnt enough for you, that's a you problem.
Glad the anime director saved them.
>Not wanting to have anal sex with Akame in the secret hideout then blow your 14 day load of not fapping while she reads 50 Shades of Meat
>Not wanting Kurome to revive Akame so Kurome can give you a handjob while having anal sex with Akame
Fucking normie.
the whole show just feels like a middle school childs attempt at the most "edgy" and "deep" storyline they could attempt, when in reality its the shallowest pos and most predictable nonsense i ever drudged through. 5/10 at MOST
My only issue was anime original.
I hadn't even read the source, but the words 'anime original' are worse than any spoilers.
Judging by the latest chapter, the manga is ending the same way as the anime anyway
I've never seen a show be so incompetent at tone and making characters so divisively likeable AND on top of that they kill off damn near any likeable character so by the end of the anime you really are left with nothing the last like ten episodes or your mileage may take you further if you waifu the fuck out of the series.
The show for me though almost shoots itself in the foot from episode one with that fucking hard right it takes at the end. Took me way longer to finish this one then I should have and I still regretted it. Sure its watchable but sword art online was watchable but its still notoriously bad so whats ur point.
At least in the anime his family and the trio survived.
They both look pretty excited, is the clown going to teach them how to make soup?
No, but I'll answer the call when my American government tells me to do the very same thing. Like you said, legitimacy in action, just because the government told me I could kill and rape as many brown people as I want and get away with it. Bols's wife and child were surely necessary sacrifices for freedom.
my problem is it tried SO hard to make the bad guys look like good guys. Like it was a good idea but it was clear the writer completely lacked the talent to do that sort of thing well
actually yeah the more I think about it the more this is true
Plenty of good ideas with making bad people look not that bad, actually killing characters, antagonist falling for protag but all of it was delivered so poorly.
You always knew when a char would die because they got development the episode before.
Making the bad people look good was done so bluntly they all might as well have worn signs that said "actually not that bad"
and the antagonist fell in love with him just because. If I remember correctly there was no great reason for it. It was just: damn I really want to bone this kid now
also the whole show reeked of edgy shit
Grape soup
Is this sarcasm?
>this anime wasn't as bad as some of you made it out to be
I agree. It wasn't even bad at all. It was mediocre, a regular battle shonen that separated itself by being really fucking edgy. It's OK, no less and no more.
>Bols was literally a government sanctioned mass murderer
The same could be said of all soldiers. What made Bols great was that he never even considered himself a good man, even if those around him disagreed. In this anime/manga that tries as hard as possibly to push grey morality, Bols was the only truly grey character. Everyone else was either a goody two-shoes or irredeemably evil.
>The manga actually managed to be worse than the anime
Simply astounding, holy shit
This is nowhere near true though.
It's just worse that Tatsumi died a way worse than his anime counterpart. Cut down by Akame as a dragon and not in the arms of Esdeath
>Implying he will stay lying down.
Not gonna lie,that's a pretty good joke.
Would tell that to what little friends I have.