Anime!Anime! asked Japanese anime fans which anime they felt were the most sequel worthy. Out of the 13,938 respondents, 80% of them were female fans.
This is an update on last year's survey, since Natsume's Book of Friends (season 5), Sword Art Online (Ordinal Scale movie), and No Game No Life (It Seems the Gamer Couple Challenged the World movie) are all bumped off of the list.
The vote numbers per series were not given, but here are the rankings!
>1. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun >2. Hozuki no Reitetsu >3. Mob Psycho 100 >4. Big Windup! >5. Free! >6. Re: Zero >7. The Heroic Legend of Arslan >8. Katekyo Hitman Reborn! >9. Yona of the Dawn >10. Ouran High School Host Club
I remember seeing another poll with Hyouka leading.
Tyler Gonzalez
Why hasn't Nozaki gotten a sequel yet? They could practically bullshit scenarios with that cast.
Brandon Sanchez
>1. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun 2015 and 2016. Motherfucker fujos!
Dylan Cox
>S2 never because the director fucked up the phone chapter pre-emptively I am still sad.
Joseph Jackson
>80% of them were female Most anime watchers are female arent they? Makes me feel embarrassed even browsing this board
I gotta do something else damn
Aaron Morris
Blue ribbons won't allow it
Hudson Green
>80% of them were female fans. >3. Mob Psycho 100 Ok.
Levi Evans
>fujos Nozaki is an incredibly heterosexual series and most of the top fan-favorite pairings are het.
Anthony Young
Because the manga is slow as fuck. There wasn't enough material to make another season.
Sebastian Stewart
Why, user-kun?
Jason Ross
. Ouran High School Host Club God is this a joke
Brayden King
>Hozuki no Reitetsu >Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun I agree, they need a second season.
Also, mondaiji and The Legend of the Legendary Heroes
Christian Diaz
>4. Big Windup! Only good choice out of all of them. Need that S3.
Carter James
>>S2 never because the director fucked up the phone chapter pre-emptively >I am still sad. How did he fuck up?
Joshua Adams
They have smartphones instead of flip phones
Jose Roberts
Blue ribbons is the best thing to come out of this show.
Jaxon Morales
Evan Johnson
>Sequels ever being good and not just rehashing shit
Samuel Collins
>No Yona S2 because the manga is too slow
Hunter Collins
Oliver Bailey
>1. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Here I was, thinking Japan had shit taste. I'd punch a sweet, old lady up the cooch for a second season.
Matthew Wood
. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun HELL YEAH MAKE ANIME GREAT AGAIN . Hozuki no Reitetsu fujos be like . Mob Psycho 100 meh . Big Windup! HELL YEAH MAKE BASEBALL ANIME GREAT AGAIN . Free! It's gay. But I have to admit, Kyoani finds a way. And I've been for long enough on Sup Forums to have a waifu (male). . Re: Zero No. . The Heroic Legend of Arslan No. . Katekyo Hitman Reborn! No. . Yona of the Dawn No. . Ouran High School Host Club They should remake the original first, it aged like eggs.
Caleb Rogers
Does anyone have the result for original adaptations that needed a sequel too?
Don't tell me Code Geass is No. 1
Julian Robinson
>female fans Into the trash it goes.
Jayden Jones
>80% of them were female fans.
Fucking fujos.
Henry Brooks
>Hitman Reborn
List invalidated.
Kayden Martinez
Are you implying Mob isn't fujobait? Have you seen Mob fanart?
Justin Johnson
The manga isn't. And that's all that matters.
Josiah Diaz
This show needs a second season more than any of those.
Nathaniel Lewis
>it aged like eggs. For you.™ S2 was announced a short while back. I'm piqued.
Cooper Harris
Josiah Williams
This shit doesn't even deserve a thread
Dominic Watson
But it deserved your response?
Christian Baker
Fujos confirmed for great taste.
Alexander Lee
I'd love a second season of Nozaki-kun. There's obviously a lot of older series left off the list but I expected as much from Japan.
Jose Jackson
Insomnia must've gotten worse in Japan.
Owen Jackson
>no Bleach
>Somehow Hitman Reborn! made the list.
Fuck me. I just want the goddamn best arc animated already.
>tfw you will never get to see Yamamoto and Kenpachi's glorious bankais fully animated.
Julian Hill
>survey >Out of the 13,938 respondents, 80% of them were female fans. They should've just separated the genders with a difference like that.
Christopher Davis
>8. Katekyo Hitman Reborn! >mfw Suzuki finally animated Muh Dick
Juan Gonzalez
>4. Big Windup! What I'd do for a season 3.
Owen Sullivan
. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Shit taste. . Hozuki no Reitetsu Apparently quite popular there . Mob Psycho 100 The hot new thing, also quite blatant S2 bait at the end . Big Windup! I tried to watch it and that's probably the most boring adaptation of an already boring sport. At least pres had nice tits. . Free! Gay Swimming . Re: Zero Redditto:Zero . The Heroic Legend of Arslan Isn't the current anime shit? . Katekyo Hitman Reborn! idc . Yona of the Dawn Have seen few series with a worse pacing in recent times. . Ouran High School Host Club Wouldn't mind that.
Wyatt Collins
>. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun >Shit taste. Can your tongue even differentiate between good and bad taste after gargling old man cum on a daily basis?
Joseph Ward
It's my own old man cum and it tastes great!
Nozaki-kun's comedy falls apart once you realize it's just hurrdurr inverted genders and herpderp misunderstandings. If it weren't for Seo the show would be outright trash.
Austin Hernandez
>once you realize it's just hurrdurr inverted genders But what if that's my fetish?
Isaiah Robinson
Then I tolerate your homosexuality, but Nozaki-kun remains a mediocre show.
Chase Bennett
>show Oh, animeonly plebs showing off their ignorance as usual.
Chase Jones
This is an anime thread, numbnuts.
Adam Wilson
>no Love Lab
Shit taste Nips
Cameron Robinson
>Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun >Akatsuki no Yona Ooh. Nice.