Can we have a thread about patriotic anime girls? In honor of the election, I mean.
Can we have a thread about patriotic anime girls? In honor of the election, I mean
>are living in gookland
Yeah, right.
Why are American girls always the best girl in their series?
Gotta civilize the savages, user.
image dumps are more successful on /c/
well they're wearing the Star Spangled Banner on their tits, that's all that matters. Patriotism like that turns me on.
Kay's not American, though. She's a nip
All the characters in GuP (except for one or two) are nips.
Yeah, but this is Sup Forums
All the world belongs to America!
she wears american flag she is automatically registered for voting
Hester "Built the Wall" Gallup
It's the America in your heart that matters.
Well, for those of you not watching, NBC just called Ohio for Trump. Pretty much over.
Is /ourguywinning/? If Yes, post MAGA hats.