Bitcoin will now be manipulated like the dollar is. They now can trade in bitcoin futures and also issue paper contracts with no bitcoin backing. Same old kike tricks.
Anthony Cooper
But how do you conceal your gold purchases from the Jew?
Jace James
yes 1KG of gold in Egypt is 4556 USD But in USA it cost over 40,000 USD that is to discourage you to buy gold, you can buy from overseas.
John Lopez
Bitcoin is a pump and dump scam concocted by ((("satoshi nakamoto"))). It's price is jumping up due to speculation not due to innovation or greater adoption. It will go through periods of pumping and then dumping in order to enrich the (((people))) who first bought into the scheme
Alexander Powell
words of truth
thank you user for bringing this up
Angel Davis
>But how do you conceal your gold purchases from the Jew?
Certainly not using the blockchain which tracks every transaction that you carry out.