Spoilers incoming.
Shokugeki no Souma
Color page when? Also, don't we have cover page as well?
Something better happen that'll make me excited for this manga.
There's fake spoilers up.
Will currynigger cry and beg to not be kicked out of the school?
Seems legit.
Hayama moving to PSD, no joke.
「水戸郁魅 イサミ・アルディーニ 新戸緋沙子」
食戟のソーマ 192話 ネタバレへ続く!!
Does he confess to Megumi?
>Nikumi, Isami and Hisako axed.
So time for Umis and Erina to save them, maybe?
Honestly, just give me Umis and Erina.
>Hisako axed
Hayama who ate SOMA 's mentee understands Dojima' s words.
It was Jun that appeared before Hayama.
It seems that he came to see the end of this confrontation with Dojima's roughness
Jun worshiping Hayama on intense montana
Jun "You do not need me anymore."
Jun who reminds me of when Soma and Kuroki came to visit the seminar
What Jun really wanted was a scenery that Hayama studied with a child of the same age
Hayama I remember the happy days I spent with Soma and Alice by eating Soma's dishes
Sōma raising bills
Share the joy of victory with the bald
Although Hayama and Jun where the places to go home were gone, suggesting that Soma should live in the polar dormitory
Dojima also supports this plan
Soma "Let's borrow from Central to this, do not go back to just the students!"
Hayama "... Thanks Yohei"
"That alone ... saved me"
Scene changes and appearance of other rebels
Meat attraction was peaching, Isami was a priest, secretarials confronted Saito
Ningly "I decided the game"
"Ikumi Mito Isami Aldini Nippon Scarlet ladder"
"Decide to drop out"
To the next week
Suma 192 Episodic Continues to Spoiler!
>Hayama moving to PSD
that scene was so gay.
>Hisako lost against Saitō
We might actually see mohawk do something
So Nene defeated Hisako, Isami, and Meat?
Meat got Momo, Isami got Tsukuda and Hisako got Sword.
I don't understand what is that part with Nene.
Fuck Tsukuda, you hack.
>Isami got Tsukuda
Holy shit fatty fought the author?
Oh, well still that's such an uphill battle when you consider his brother and Megumi team up against Rindou.
>Share the joy of victory with the bald
dammit, if someone should move to PS it should be kuga and the baldies.
How many baldies does he have?
Bottom tier rebels like Meat and Isami facing the 3rd and 1st seats.
That's actually kind of funny.
so souma wins
woah insane
Actually it is. after the bullshit his nose can pull.
What happened to the other rebels? Were they in teams with the people whose "expulsion is confirmed?"
Umis literally never.
It seems those were one on one. Maybe we were misled by Rindou and the Umis and Alice and Ryou being together.
I guess they are simply removing them one by one.
Yes, but Rindo could just passed them because they amused her or toss it.
Or hell, force them into a shokugeki that puts them in Central
No one cares about those jobbers.
>Hayama going to PSD.
>Three of the rebels who don't live in the PSD are getting expelled.
So that just leaves Ryou, Alice, and Takumi for rebels who don't live at the PSD, right?
I do.
>Hayama moving to PSD, no joke.
Seriously, how good is Morisaki's blowjob that Tsukuda keeps on shilling this currynigger?
>adds hayama to PSD
>removes Hisako
Tsukuda wants to kill this manga
Literally what?
Damn, this manga went straight to shit. RIP to what could've been.
I'm mostly interested in Erina's reaction when she finds out about Hisako.
It also seems deliberate.
Meat and Megumi seem to be close friends as we see them together a lot in art and story.
And you use Eishi to take out Isami?
Meanwhile the Umis get Rindo, who possibly can pass them for the lols?
I think there is a ploy here
It also means Alice and Ryou have easier elite opponents than meat, isami, or Hisako.
> Hisako
Maybe that's why she didn't appear at all in the previous volume's extras?
Nene's talking shit, but we don't know who she's facing, then there are the two new members besides Hayama.
I guess the likeliest rebels to pass are the ones facing them unless it's the buttbros or something.
I wonder if Ryou and Alice are possibly up against Eizan or one of them.
>Gets angry/sad/depressed
>Souma comforts her
>More ErinaxSouma shipping
>Rating skyrocket because Elevens love that shit
>ErinaxSouma scene about to play out
>Hayama walks in because he lives in the PSD now
It'll be more interesting if erina actually shokugeki someone to avenge hisako though
I actually wouldn't mind Hayama living in PSD if everyone else like Erina, Hisako, and all the other irrelevants also moved in and it went back to silly school SoL food shounen battle shit like before
I'm on chapter 75. Is Curryman hated on Sup Forums? He just BTFO'd Hisako and that was good; down with losers who aim to be #2.
I'm wondering if it's a setup for Erina taking on one of the higher elites too.
Though I don't think it's as simple as defeat one in a shokugeki to rescind the expulsion, but who knows.
>Hayama to PSD
this better be fake or otherwise I'm honestly going to drop this
What does PSD mean?
Depends on the bet I think. If erina could bet something so valuable that cannot be resisted then it's possible
>blowing out best girl
You should want this, because now he'll be sidelined forever like all the other PSD.
>新戸緋沙子 退学決定よ
This better not be permanent, Tsukuda.
Their dorm.
How did this machine translate get
>Jun worshiping Hayama on intense montana
out of
>Jun smacks Hayama across the face hard
>Thinks he'll be sidelined with Morisaki around
He Takumi support tier now.
Please Royal kun. Enlighten us with your non-machine intelligence.
>Hayama understands Doujima's words upon eating Souma's dish
>Jun appears; apparently Doujima arranged for her to come and witness the outcome
>she slaps him one across the face
>J: "I don't need the seminar anymore"
>remembers the time Souma and Kurokiba paid a visit to the seminar
>what she really wanted was to see Hayama studying with other kids around his age
>after eating Souma's dish, Hayama remembers the fun times he had with Souma, Alice, and Co.
>Soe proclaims Souma the winner
>he revels in the victory with the baldies
>Hayama and Jun have lost their home, but Souma suggests they live at PSD
>Doujima supports this idea
>H: "...thanks, Yukihira. You saved me with just that"
>scene change to the rebels
>Meat battled Momo, Isami with Tsukasa, Hishoko with Saito
>Nene: "the matches are decided"
>"Mito Ikumi, Isami Aldini, and Arato Hisako will be expelled"
Alice won the muh nose bowl?
>>Hayama and Jun have lost their home, but Souma suggests they live at PSD
>>"Mito Ikumi, Isami Aldini, and Arato Hisako will be expelled"
It's like Tsukuda wants this manga to get cancelled in the next 6 months.
In that case I probably would drop the manga too.
>>"Mito Ikumi, Isami Aldini, and Arato Hisako will be expelled"
To be honest, it's absurd that they'd win.
This whole test was fucking stupid,if they'd faced fresh members of the E10 that's one thing, but facing the first and second seats? 0 Chance.
We'll just have to see where the author is going with that, because there's no chance they're getting written out .
Oh, forgot a line.
>S: "Take this chance to cut ties with Central! You can just be a normal student again!"
>H: "...thanks, Yukihira. That alone saved me"
>second seats
That reminds me, Takumi & Megumi v. Rindou got pushed off-screen despite that guy on Twitter begging Tsukuda to show the match.
Pretty expected outcome, but it's interesting that it's the other rebels's results and not Takumi/Megumi v Rindou.
Hopefully Hisako and co. will also stay at PSD; the dorm should have tons of open rooms anyway.
Goddamn election turned Sup Forums into Grand Central Station and now the whole site is laggy as hell. Anyone else have to wait 5 minutes for their post to show?
Well I mean, it's a school exam, and they fail, they get expelled.
So it's a possibly a little more complicated than a third party getting a shokugeki with the examiner. But who knows.
My prediction is that Rindou wins but concedes the match for giggles so her true power level is hidden until the time is right.
What way the umis can keep this arc afloat and hype her up while still keep Rindou's threat level intact
>Actually expelling people
Well I figured it was the most likely thing to happen but I actually didn't think Tsukuda would do it.
With it going like this though, it's pretty much set up for an all or nothing match at the end for the expelled's reinstatements. The only thing would be coming up with something that would give the match/wager some weight since Souma will get expelled if he loses regardless.
>He gets expelled, forced to quit being a chef, and loses Yukihira to Azami
>His final match will be against Erina, which will double as her graduation test as well.
>He'll probably end up fighting Azami by the end anyways.
Yes, and Sup Forums has become slow as fuck thanks to everyone leaving to Sup Forums. 4 hours until a thread just reaches page 10 is just stupid.
Well, nothing much changed from the expected, to be honest.
Only Hayama getting to live in PSD, but we'll not be back there for a while.
Jun moving back to her old dorm is kind of funny.
It's nice to see her reminding Hayama that she didn't need him to "save" her. I understand his protectiveness, but between the two of them, she's the adult.
Yeah, she's a slob and he has to pick up after her, but when it comes to her job, that's for her to sort out.
This so much. He is made for PSD crew. Just look at him. I really wants some Kuga and PS hijinks, it will be really hillarious.
It really baffles me that people are still following this shitshow. And don't give me that "B-but it's entertaining shit" because it's not.
I stopped reading 20 chapters ago. Now i am only in the threads to see how much more of a trainwreck it can become.
>Hayama moving to PSD
>Mito Ikumi, Isami Aldini, and Arato Hisako will be expelled"
Meh, a single shokugeki will fix it.
Is Hayama Indian?
no he's akira
That image really gets on my nerves for some reason.
Anyway i hope the spoiler is fake. I dont want Hayama to ruin PSD more.
Why do people hate Currynigger?
Stop calling him currynigger, he's not even indian
he's 2cool4school
He literally got plucked from an Indian street by Jun.
as far as i'm concerned, all brown people are indian
fuck you
He's literally Indian and they gave him a Japanese name because they adopted him. Apparently the kid didn't even have a name that he was attached to before that point.
Kurokiba however, was actually introduced with a name so he's Japanese.
> Isami -- takumi's brother
> Hisako -- erina's best friend
> Meat -- megumi and souma's friend
So basically this is just a tool for our main protagonist to avenge them
so nikumi's a nigger
erina will avenge hisako
>More appearances. Now Hayama will be permanent in the background of PSD.
I want to get off the Hayama train.
How do I get off the Hayama train?
Meat and Hisako I understand, but Isami didn't suck. He doesn't deserve to be expelled.
what do the runes say
The Hayama train has no breakes, user.
>Apparently the kid didn't even have a name that he was attached to before that point.
And it doesn't make sense, even homeless kids have something for people to call him by. It's like Tsukuda never met poor people in his life.
And here I thought he'd be recruited by Soe and taken to Denmark.
He just doesn't remember what he was called back then. Obviously he had some kind of name. The memory just faded is all.
What happened? Is it kill? New ova? New season? New arc? Whatever it is, it will happen on 14 November.
I don't know. It's from the new issue it seems, and was posted alongside the spoiler. I mean, it's related to the 4th anniversary I suppose, but past that I don't know.
Was hoping Royal was still around.
It was pretty much a given that the rebels wouldn't be able to beat the remaining E10. Isami did get fucked pretty hard though, what with being paired up against Tsukasa of all people.
The one upside is that the expelled rebels might end up dorming at PSD too.