Asuka is for gangbangs.
Asuka is for gangbangs
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Sorry user, I'm too possessive to share her.
That doujin where she gets gangbanged and gives birth as a live show is fucking hot.
>tfw no horny anons with stiff cocks to fap to Asuka with
My cock is definitely saying otherwise right now.
Want to rub one out with me?
Give me the source.
Absolutely, already working on it.
Kill yourselves. At this point the Reifag falseflagging is too obvious.
Nice digits.
Kill yourself and your family you spoonfeeding newfag.
He earned it with digits. And it's an amazing fap, so I wanted to share.
Are you honestly surprised that some faggot who faps to what they mentioned is some utter trash and new?
He didn't earn shit you cumgozzling queerbag. How about you fucking doxx yourself so I can put a bullet in you personally? Eat shit and die, falseflagging Reifag.
Please kill yourself.
No no no, newshit, that's not how this works. Fuck off forever back to Deviantart or fetlife.
It's not even either, just a sad, sad samefagging Reifag shit.
Well, the Rei /c/ thread could always use a bombing run. They're getting uppity, you know, got to smack them down now and then. Maybe I'll post the Rei eyefuck.
Want to watch NGE for the first time.
How shit was the last episodes ? (25 - 26)
Spoiler me all you want.
Kill yourself along with OP.
Why are you so salty? Just because Asuka is a gangbanging live show slut who cums while giving birth to her rape baby, it doesn't mean you need to get pissed at me.
>I-Im TOTALLY not a Reifag guys.
Thanks for confirming, fagballs.
Go on, faggot, try me. I didn't even read the majority of your post.
Reifags are twitch-raised millenials, who knew?
Might as well just report this butthurt faggot. Clearly breaking rule 6 anyhow. Maybe it'll get so mad it'll kill itself. One less Reifag.
So, in addition to showing yourself to be a Sup Forumsfag by crossboarding that, you're also assuming I'm a reifag.
Think what you want. I just love tsundere's getting gangbanged and loving it in spite of themselves. I love the one where Louise gets used by half the kingdom as a comfort woman and cums buckets of lady juice despite "hating" it.
Seeing a high and mighty girl orgasm like crazy while birthing a baby of gang rape makes me diamond hard.
Rei is too dull to be attractive in that way.
Butthurt faggot.
I ask again to other anons
Want to watch NGE for the first time.
How shit was the last episodes ? (25 - 26)
Spoiler me all you want.
>Sup Forumsfag
This Reifag is blind. One time I wish one of you would actually get doxxed so I could beat the shit out of you faggots who only get the courage to speak under anonymity.
Eat shit newfag.
>Sup Forumsfag
Is this Reifag serious? What a fucking retard.
user, do you have trouble reading?
Childhood is when you admire Asuka.
Adulthood is when you realize Rei is objectively better.
Reifag must have guzzled too much AIDS-ridden spunk that it finally got its brain. Natural course of events, really. I mean, just look at this newfag floundering about.
This is what happens when these threads are just allowed to keep happening. Like the generals but worse. Someone's gotta wipe this trash off the streets.
At this point, I honestly think you're mistaking me for someone else. If there's a Reifag that terrorizes these threads, that's whatever.
I just like gangbangs, tsunderes, and orgasmic birth.
This is fucking hot.
>Reifag resorting to phoneposting
Fucking embarassing. Can't wait for you to run out of IPs. The Rei /c/ thread is looking mighty fine for a heavy guro bomb.
Trump has started the third impact
I want to mating press Asuka!
I want to press a machete into you! Unfortunately, too many of you are colossal cowards that never show up!
How is this semen demon even allowed to live?
The rebuilds were shit but Asuka with an eyepatch makes me so fucking hard.
>post count doesn't even go up
Haven't seen a Reifag so shit at baiting in a while. Make like that one kaworufag and off yourself already, your parents wouldappreciate it.
Rei > All
Stop fighting you guys, Trump is about to be president
All but confirmed after the poster count didn't go up after Sure it's pretty damn pathetic that Reifags have to pretend to be Asukafags but as mentioned before a concentrated barrage on their /c/ thread should do the trick.
Fall in a hole and die. Reifag omnicide best day of my life.
Rei maji tenshi!
best girl
I WANT to hatefuck Asuka!
Today is the day we unite for Trump, you can be an edgy waifufag tomorrow
You're literally underaged if you expect anything to change.
I'd skullfuck your warm corpse after I disposed of you if I wasn't saving myself.
People who argue Asuka vs. Rei are not fans of either character or NGE in general, it's just their version of Xbox vs. PS, Marvel vs. DC or Apple vs. Android or sports team A vs. sports team B. It's mental illness.
And since one of you delusional fucks is going to accuse me of siding with one or the other: I haven't even seen NGE.
I like to imagine that I'm Asuka and all the male employees at NERV would gangbang me, drowning me in pleasure.
No one cares for your opinion. Just report the thread. Thanks.
That's exactly what a Hillary shill would say.
The cunt lost, get over it.
Would you like to give birth to their babies while they fuck you?
You can choose not to get pregnant in 2D.
Fuck off Sup Forums. If you don't think the House is going to make Trump limpwristed you're retarded.
Fucking pathetic Reifag samefag. Please just give out your address already so I can put you in the grave, You're all suicidal anyway. You know you want to.
Don't you know? Newfags have to bring politics into everything and if you're apolitical, you're with the enemy, obviously.
I'll give you my address after I'm finished fapping to Asuka. Because I'd like to penetrate her Wall of Jericho.
Who the fuck cares? As long as we don't have a shriveled cunt for a president I'm happy.
I would never pull out my dick once it's inside of Asuka.
I'm sure you will, faggot. I'll penetrate your skull with my first and make sure to piss on your corpse.
Obviously you fucking care enough to propose a truce over some bread and circus.
That image makes me rock fucking hard.
All me. Truly Sup Forums is one person.
>poster count doesn't go up
This bait is as pathetic as your short-lived life, user.
Look at this way: at least all the illegal spics who like Rei will get kicked out.
Sure you will, tough guy.
I sincerely hoped they all get gunned down by roving gangs in their shitty-ass country. It'd clear up Getter Robo threads too.
You're some lukewarm pasty fuckboy on Sup Forums or some slow crustbubble dipshit. Both easily disposed of. It'd be a long awaited catharsis to send one of you Reifags to hell personally.
My fucking dick.
Fuck off, retard. I like Asuka. She's hot. I want to fuck her and watch her get fucked.
Sure, Reifag. I totally believe it. If you're not a Reifag you're an unironic cuckold. You're burnable trash and ripe for the killing. Chop chop asswipe.
>there are literal autists on Sup Forums
Here, have a Asuka, faggot.
>Mods still haven't pruned this abysmal thread
>stop liking what I don't like!
I thought you said you were going to post your address? Let's go faggot.
Asuka isn't my waifu. How am I a cuck for watching her get fucked?
Are we cucks for fapping to girls getting fucked who aren't our wives, now? And FYI, I fapped to Asuka fisting Rei before. Rei isn't a good girl compared to Asuka, but to me, they're both fap fuel. Asuka is better for that, though. Way hotter.
>I-I'm not a cuck, I swear!
Total and absolute cuck. I'd be doing you a service by killing you. Like, you're cuck with a capital C.
Reminder that a vote for Hillary was a vote against her.
>filenames kun
Unfucking surprising.
I'm waiting faggot.
>not even a street name even if this was legit, which it isn't
Pretty sure the kid just took what it said on his Jpost invoice. Not that that's surprising at all with how "ebin trole" it acts.
No kidding, it's not as if this information isn't easily looked up. Don't know what the faggot was looking to achieve.
Expecting a baiting Reifag to have done prior research is a recipe for failure.
Anyway, when you're ready to not be a pussyfooting faggot you can post your actual address with proof at
Give me the list of doujin that Asuka or Rei getting gangbanged.
No pregnant shit please
Asuka is for niggers
>modern Germany
>expecting leftist to workout
POst more
Japanese don't put name on their street user
Not that guy, but I live in Japan
You can google it if you don't believe it
Retard, the street name is literally the number of Kita-Nishi-Minami-Higashi
t. real nip
Rei is a toilet.
Asuka is a shit
You are a shit.
you: a feces
Where's the pubes?
Rei is for restoring her memories using your mysterious witcher powers. Then you proceed to court her and cuck Gendo