Anyone else likes reading hajime no murderfists?
Anyone else likes reading hajime no murderfists?
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best girl got raped.
I'm 100 some odd chapters behind because I stopped reading, not out of something like dropping it, just somewhat? lost interest to keep up with any manga at the time, and I no longer have any recollection of where I stopped, sometime after woolie
I need to catch up with it
There's only 45 chapters translated faggot.
It's fucking stupid manga anyway. Best boxer in the world wants to get punched so badly he holds back even though he can 1 hit KO anyone.
There's like only 2 girls in the series + hookers.
So the cute childhood friend got raped too?
On mobile can't google.
What series is this?
Just googled boxing Mangas and didn't se anything that looked similar.
Why is there rape in every martial style manga, i don't like rape but i like fights. This shit ruins it for me.
Dropped it when the MC lost this fight.
nobody is going to spoonfeed you faggot, especially if you're a phoneposter
>Manga about the best boxers in the world
>none of them are black
My suspension of disbelief can only go so far
Who is GOAT boxer?
rocky balboa
according to Hajimete no Ippo, Mexicans are the gods of boxing
This is true
But after them, and filipinos black people rule boxing
Suck my dick fag. I wasn't at home. I ended up finding it though. Ty bb
this series is 2edgy4u and has been since chapter 1
> a fucking 6 years old kid killed a grown ass man with 1 punch.
fucking kek
hajime has yamato damashii and oxygenated muscles
Literally one of the first pages of the first chapter was of a six year old using the hanging dead body of his father who has hanged himself as a sandbag.
If that didn't let you pick up on what kind of manga this would be, then I am not sure what would.
Well this deals with the lightweight divisions, blacks tend to be more dominant on the higher ones.
>blacks tend to be more dominant on the higher ones.
He just KO'd him with a punch, killed the guy with a vase or some shit.
You've clearly never practiced martial arts
I said they're usually more dominant on the higher divisions, but yeah Floyd was a fucking beast, despite his pussy boxing style.
when did best girl get raped i read the raws didnt see it