Alright gentlemen, how do we stop something like this from happening again?
Alright gentlemen, how do we stop something like this from happening again?
What do you mean? Qualidea Code wasn't a mistake. It had good theme songs and a good OST after all. The only problem was that it was obvious that A-1 had their hands full when they made this. QC should have just been animated by a different studio.
>Qualidea Code wasn't a mistake
It was a trainwreck, user.
It was AOTS for me. Unironically. It was actually really fun. The characters and pairings were pretty nice.
By encouraging OP to kill himself.
There and done.
I enjoy it and you definitely don't, so go and off yourself before they make more since I am buying their merchs.
If Girlish Number taught me anything, it's that as long as otaku keep getting hype beforehand on any promise of content, it will never stop happening.
Also Aniplex
I don't know why you defend this show so much
It was a trainwreck, yes. But it was not a mistake.
>It was actually really fun.
Oh, I will give you that: it was nonsensical, stupid, infuriating, full of QUALITY and confusing, but never boring.
>I don't know why you defend this show so much
Because: 1. Canaria was cute and best girl, and 2. LiSA sang the OPs.
>Canaria was cute and best girl
Good lord, wrong.
>Best girl
>not best girl
How can you go wrong with this smile?
Canaria was a mistake.
Always count on MKL to love shit shows to death just because some talentless hack he likes sang a song for it.
Get Japan to stop buying what light novels have become.
>No permablush
>Nice body
>Gung-ho attitude
>Didn't assault the male characters for literally no reason (none did, really)
>Tremendous fighting talent due to overpowered ability, but not egotistical or narcissistic
>Motivational speaker
>Last stand moments where she wins and pushes the enemy back
The only reasons to watch this show were her and the brother-sister relations of the siblings.
You forgot lesbian.
>ever right
He'll like any trash as long as his favorite artist sings the OP/ED
Not always. I was disappointed by Gen'ei for example even though that had a LiSA OP. AoKana had my favorite singer singing the OP but even I thought it was mediocre at best (it was fun and I liked it, but objectively it wasn't that good).
It was one of the worst shows in the last few years. I even checked the BDs and the animation still looked like garbage.
Still, 90% of you arguments defending shit shows are always "b-but muh OP/EDs".
Don't let A-1 touch any source material again. If your a fan of something then it will be announce that A-1 will do it. Seriously, that material is doomed.
Are the BD's for this out? Did anyone do a comparison? I've never been looking forward to one more than this.
mfw there's absolutely no changes
there was way too much QUALITY in the series for the blu-rays to not be QUALITY
Aokana had a surprisingly good final episode. I'd definitely rank it as a decent show and it did its job of getting me hyped for Zwei.
Watch Girlish Number to see how Qualidea Code production really went down. I wonder how Watari really feel about Qualidea?