well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Shen, shut the fuck up I'm going to steal your bike now.
I'm not sure why he believes other people's feelings are objective.
The nu males are the first to get the ovens.
go back to /r/mde faggot
The original post was about bikes and was cucked enough
>other guy only felt good for an hour
>Maybe high lasted a day
>you're a depressed cuck for life
It's like they don't understand the ephemerality of meaningless pleasure
He thinks he can compare his sadness with the nigger bikestealer's but there's no way eh can do it. He's projecting, he excuses his shitty situation with a delusion so he doens't have to face the actual reality that he got fucked in the ass. I'd say this is a normal way of thinking for a loser, he escapes reality with his imagination, he rationalizes his shitty situation and thinks he's ok with it.
That attitude is what got us into this into the mess the world is in nowadays.