You'll always have a shoulder to lean on, you only have to look.
Or a chest, that's fine too
You'll always have a shoulder to lean on, you only have to look.
Or a chest, that's fine too
Other urls found in this thread:
>you only have to look.
You only had to listen Theo.
Why didn't you listen to her heart?
The doesn't deserve her.
Because his heart belongs to another.
Twizzlers for all cockroaches.
Is Bea a roach? She has a double ahoge and literally gets squashed in one of the routes. She's also very difficult to kill, and can survive for a little bit after being smooshed or stabbed with objects larger then herself.
That ahoge of hers disappears with proper haircare. As does Simone's for that matter.
Give Theo a chance to be good again.
But Simone is a disgusting cockroach who was rude to Pham and that's why she should share Sumika's faith.
I want to corrupt Theo.
How do you trick Vivi into domming you without her realizing you're enjoying it?
So is Theo going to be the huntsman to save these girls from the Big Bad Wolf?
The only Big Bad Wolf is brown and Theo should hurry up with chopping it into pieces.
Where did Theo hit her to cause all that blood on her head?
Yo, Bea has a lot of doujins that aren't getting scanned.
Name is: 「コミケ90 俺たちミスノン一家新刊 シュヴァルツェスマーケン」をヤフオク!で見る
Pic related's artist is also coming out with a doujin.
No, Beato's double ahoge is powerful.
Maybe one day there will be a ML girl with hair that fluffy who's not a raging cunt.
I don't sexualize Inia, she does it all to herself.
Kind of depressed about certain happenings going on right now, so just want to check out and worship my red-eyed, raven haired Goddess.
Inia, Yui, Cryska and Irisdina are my waifus.
She's smart. Have you seen what happened to poor Miki? To say nothing of Vivi or Katia? Of course, we can't forget about Lise's fate in the anime, and even what she ends up doing to herself in the Iris route couldn't have been that fun. Sexualizing herself that much, and that hard, is the only way she was able to evade the curse upon cute petite girls.
But Vivi is sexual.
Headpatting is lewd, right?
But one of those sheep is a wolf in disguise!
It's pic related!
>Out-and-out Globalist
>Strong and independent
>Moderately Nationalist
>Strong but still learning to be more independent, could grow given time
>Weak-willed little bitch who runs away when the going gets tough
What does it mean?
Fuck, wrong image.
>Strong and independent
What I'm saying is, cute, petite girls in the MLverse have a tendency towards meeting unfortunate gore-tastic ends.
Why are smug bitches so rapeable?
Maybe. We all know Katia was begging Theo to fuck her here.
But why
One thing I'll say I liked that they carried over from the anime for Martyrs was that Lise was a fundamentally broken girl who couldn't fathom the idea of breaking free from the Stasi after getting manipulated and pulled around by various terrible bosses for so long. It was a really tragic and very humanizing aspect to her character that got muddled under Watanabe's stupid directing.
Honestly, didn't want either of them to win, but I think I wanted Don less, despite agreeing with him more. There's a responsible way to blow up the system, and then there's a retarded way. It's not the man, it's the message basically.
But then, what a lot of people don't understand is that el presedente doesn't have much sway in the domestic court; what he does have sway over is foreign policy, and I'd rather not have the guy holding the nuclear football to be a proven bait-chomper who will descend into a tantrum because some fat North Korean jackass blew the diplomatic equivalent of a raspberry at him. I've fought in retarded wars once too many already.
But that's all I'll say, since this isn't Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
Let's have more Beatrix though, since she's cute!
Wonderful, but the artist has some ways to go on proportions. I'm more looking forward to the Marui doujin.
Where would you take Farka on a date?
The marui one's gonna be softcore goofiness.
>It's not the man, it's the message basically.
Got that swapped. It's Donny, not necessarily the message.
I'll fuck of with this now because I feel retarded for talking about it on an anime image board.
I like softcore goofiness.
I will say this though, in retrospect Watanabe's declaration that he made Iris more of a heroine was spot on. Can you imagine the reaction if they had adapted her route?
That's not bad, especially if girls get loved.
I want to molest teen Iris.
Oh, as do I.
Vivi is a good girl who deserved better.
Make the world great again, loser.
The BETA well be bested at last.
What I didn't expect to see so explicitly in Martyrs was this. They don't really explain how whether its drugs combined with a codeword or whatever it is, for him to be able to hypnotize and control Lise so completely that he can make her carry out his operations, bodyguard him, not even flinch when a gun is held to her head or react when she's instructed to kill, and even make her shoot Theo multiple times without being able to stop herself and then she remembers everything after being snapped out of it is terrifying.
>death of the one thing that gave her life meaning
>abandonment of all friends
>punted around like a political ball since birth
>child abuse
>in a horrible environment whole life
>Axmann and Schmidt are her bosses and actively want to destroy her
>has no one to lean on
>still functions and is the most dangerous stasi to heroes
>still has a heart and compassion buried underneath her bitchy exterior despite all of the above
>not strong
Funny how it is the tiny girl who is the most lethal. Axmann worked well.
I want to hypnotize Lise.
Except in this case she would be ovewhelmed with positive memories on my command.
>that smug look on his face
He knows he's got good pets.
>those eyes
Funny if it wasn't so horrifying. How the hell she made it to 1983 I'll never know.
>you will never disarm Lise by showing her kindness, prompting her to put the gun down
Very good. Clever girl
>Vivi is a good girl
*Vivi is a dead girl
He taught her a little too well.
No. She lives on in my heart. And maybe in Extraverse.
After killing 3 children with a rock (including the baby) she turned into a sociopath (she felt good when Axmann told her that it wasn't for her brother that she was doing it but for herself in order to be happy and have a chance to be with Theo again). No wonder she became 1st lieutenant within the werewoves, she explicitely say in Requiem that she feels nothing when she kills deserters and even had some sense of satisfaction because they have ''no rights to have happiness when she cannot''. She however thought that it was a twisted joke when she was awarded for her deed.
>tfw I just want to smack Lise beside the head whenever she does dumb things like this
Would BiS Iris go on an angry tea nerd rant if you try to convince her that some shitty brand of tea tastes better than some good brand of tea?
That'd be very cute if she actually did.
Hey, Gretel. I'm offering you this as an act of goodwill.
Yes user she's driven insane by not just that particular case but a lot of other shit as well and we get to read it from her perspective as she slowly gets more and more warped by extreme torment. This is what brainwashing looks like.
>tfw I just want to smack user beside the head whenever he posts dumb things like this
Chizuru is only good for rape.
I hope you're ready for a lot of tears and pent up issues because thats quite the broken bird you have on your hands.
If it means I have the pleasure of getting hit by this little girl, I wouldn't mind.
It hurts, it really does.
I just wish he had hugged her. Or even listened to her. But then, it was hard to hear what her heart was crying to tell him.
War will never end my friend. Never, ever end. And you don't understand the psychology at play. But enough of words. You'll see in the coming years.
She did, but then she met Katia.
Speaking of getting hit, I want Sylwia to beat me up.
Did we read the same Requiem? Because you are twisting the shit out of this. She didn't "feel good" she was in hysterics. Axmann kept telling her that she's just selfish and doing it for herself and she should only live for her own sake which she was never able to actually do or understand because thats not how she functions. Even when she starts to believe him about herself it was always about Theo, he became the only thing tethering her mind together and preventing her from putting a bullet in her own brain time and time again.
She says "her eyes are opened" after the rock baby incident. You know that speech from Apocalypse Now? Its a lot like that. The torture, the abuse, the "mental conditioning", indoctrination, and literal brainwashing, she gets weaponized and interprets whats happening to her in a familiar way in terms of "I'm not happy" "This is all my fault" "I just want to save my brother" and Axmann uses this to his advantage.
I want to hypnotize Katia.
In a sexual sense.
Would be pure bliss.
She just needed one person to truly believe in her, it hurts.
How do we make katia not forced?
Give her a little more depth of experience like the other heroines.
Remove the plot device function. And make her sacrifice more for success.
>depth of experience
What kind?
>her sacrifice more for success.
sacrifice what for example?
>make her sacrifice more
But she already sacrificed Vivi and Iris. :^)
She's mostly fine as-is. I mean, her basic character is pretty good and her general arc is alright, it's just a matter of tweaking the presentation of things and general order of events so that she doesn't essentially walk off in the middle of her own supposed route to become a plot device. Also, giving her more heroine moments with Theo and have a romance, instead of being utterly imoutozoned. It's not as if there's no basis for it in the story, she looks like his first love and he liked her enough to have her interrupt his wet dream with Iris along with Lise. Poor girl doesn't even get a single hug from him after the Fort, she's the one hugging him and supporting him afterwards.
Finally, swap her and Iris' places in the death scene in her route. It actually makes some sense for her to die happy in Theo's arms, witnessing her dream of a united Germany come true (whereas Iris didn't really give a hoot about that). Plus, she's pretty tiny so any blood loss would be more immediately fatal to her than miss perky twins, so not taking her to the hospital is believable.
He wants to rape Katia.
>He wants to rape Katia.
I didn't say that or that it even has to be a necessarily negative depth of experience, but along those lines the difference in personal suffering between Katia and Lise is grand to say the least.
Who /NVA/ here?
That's kind of their thing, their duality. Katia is the one who managed to be protected. Lise is the one who was not, the one who has to be healed, the one who shows what might have been Katia's fate if she were unfortunate enough to fall into the hands of the Stasi.
The final edits are up on pixiv, if you want to see them.
What's the best way to bully Iris?
>Theo and Beato OTP
>Jurgen a cuck! A KEK!
Aww, how cute.
Doggies are fighting.
Even if she is a secondary, Gretel will always be the main heroine of my heart
How long would it take for Iris and Bea to start fucking if you leave them in the same room?
Any large differences or just Pixiv-friendly?
That's not how things work.
>Any large differences or just Pixiv-friendly?
he did shading work
Kirke novel on sadpanda
Please tell me nee-san will have a route this time
Sadly no
SM is almost as bad as TE was in this regard.