How come child molestitation and school shootings weren't a thing when Obama was president?

How come child molestitation and school shootings weren't a thing when Obama was president?

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They were, dumbass


cause criticizing a faggot nigger is racist

No there weren't. Name one

He pardoned them

dennis hastert

adam lanza

subway man

>telling white people they are the devil
>taking white people's money
>mass shootings
>mass lootings
>sell 20% of uranium to Russia
>start more wars in the middle East
>treat drones like they're toys
>massive expansion of domestic surveillance
This is what it was like for 8 years under Obama

>chicks molester running for president

Literally not the first nor the last nor has anyone proven he is a child molester, also trump didn’t even endorse him.

>attorney general defending treason

“ i don’t know what treason is”

>mass shooting

Always exsisted and always will

>destroying healthcare

The mandate is literal tyranny fuck this fag

>the press chose not to cover bad things during Obama presidency unless it helped their agenda, therefore bad things weren't happening under Obama

If you don't understand how the press distorts reality 24/7 then you are lost

Because Soros didn't have any need to fund resistance

Anthony "Dick pics for underage chicks" Weiner

>pic related

Obama was literally Bush, now available in chocolate. Everyone who was against the patriot act spying on us was silent when obongo expanded it to give info to private agencies, everyone who decries the Iraq war fails to recognize that Obama's kill count had earned him 3 times the accolades as Bush.

I'd give the bullet to both

fucking this
sandy hoax, dark nights, boston bomb run

also the media was too focused on his "progress" in the middle east, while he was killing thousands and single handed being the main reason why immigration is so fucking high.

nice try kike.


you were either too blind to notice actual mass shootings by said fact, or you're just another zionist.

The pedophilia was actually going on 13 months ago by and large. The mass shootings have been a thing since that dick in the the clock tower.

Sandy hook and the dark Knight shooting happened under Obama.


>The mass shootings have been a thing since that dick in the the clock tower.




just plain ole child molestation and school shootings was a little too tame for the dems in charge back then

What a fucking braindead libtard you are - Eric Holder got to you didn't he fuck face bitch?

This is why you can't have an engaging discussion with libtards because they are too retarded and live in Lalal land. I bet you look up to people in hollywood, music, and sports.

Jesus fucking christ they ignored it for years and called it tinfoil and now that they can't deny it they're just trying to absorb it. Pathetic. It just reminds me of the comic of the white giving civilization to the nig and the nig says "I made this :o"
This is the result of intersectionality. Maximum Borg.

The kikes don't need to act that much when things are going their way.

This faggot thinks... (politicians think.."oh now that DJT is pres. I'm going to start fucking kids.")

Because Obama was the one molesting children