Why did he throw away everything he had?
Why did he throw away everything he had?
Old man that wanted to live his glory days again.
Too bad, he died like a bitch.
>died like a bitch
He escaped, killed someone else and then smoked himself to death. How is that like a bitch?
He wanted to fight Alucard while at his prime.
I was really bothered by his betrayal.
It wasn't as surprising as when the major turned out to be a robot.
That was pretty shocking, mainly because it was unnecessary, but they really went all out with the european myths and tied it up with a steampunk robot. I couldn't be angry.
It was fighting Alucard. When Walter saw him, he saw his end. The entire point of the No Life King was that he was an invincible monster.
The entire theme of the story is humanity and what it entails. Despite the very bleak nature of the story, it seems that Hirano has a very optimistic very of humanity as shown it's protagonists, Seras and Integra, even Walter is an example of humanity in his series.
In Hellsing it seems that being human is to live with dignity, to accept everything that happens to you, the cards you are played, what you feel in your heart and to embrace life in all it's forms.
That's ultimately what seperates the monsters from the humans in hellsing. The Major, Millenium, Alucard, Anderson, Maxwell, Walter, all of them pursued one aspect of life. The Major and his organisation his was War, Alucard was Bloodshid and slaughter, Maxwell's dream was religious supremacy, Anderson's was the defeat of the monster and Walter's pursuit proving himself to be the best.
Those characters sacrifice their dignity, their lives, their very beings all for that goal. And as Alucard pointed out, it's all so childish and pathetic. They could have done so much more with their lives, but they just acted like children and chased the thing they wanted the most.
Characters who were human however, did not such thing. They did not sacrifice their entire lives for the pursuit of one thing and one thing alone.
Yet at the very end of the series, Walter regained his humanity somewhat and Alucard was shown to have the potential to die like a human. The angel of death's final act was not one of his childish desire to fight Alucard. That act was instead to finish Millenium and all it was. That's why he died with a smile, because he ultimately realized the beauty of all the things he missed. Meanwhile, the No-Life King was told by one his greatest foes that as he had not completely devoted himself to destruction, as told by the vampire's tears.
>The angel of death's final act was not one of his childish desire to fight Alucard. That act was instead to finish Millenium and all it was. That's why he died with a smile, because he ultimately realized the beauty of all the things he missed.
Which was why he could also tell the Doc off.
which european myths?
In gits?
Yep. Basically, he saw a twisted reflection of himself in the eyes of Doc as both of them wanted to overcome Alucard and had wasted their lives doing so. But, unlike Doc, he had actually done something else in the time between their first and last battle. And that something was the thing he was remembered and loved for.
Hell, one thing I didn't realize about Hellsing but now, on hindsight I love, is how Hirano treats the antagonists. He builds them up to be complete monsters, but by the end of it, he reveals just how pathetic they really are through their breakdowns and defeats. It's great
Because he is in a shit anime
Are you sure you're in the right thread?
You are not worthy of those dubs.
>like a bitch
sorry but that is so wrong
>Died accomplishing nothing
Alucard gloating over how much he fucked up was something else mainly because in most anime its always "Why?" or "I'll save you!" But here? "Boy Walter you sure fucked up! You had a Countess who loved and respected you and my apprentice who do the same all to become a dog to the enemy. That's sad.
because the tv series was better
You mean besides throwing away your loyalty, honor and pride to start a fight that never got finished. The only thing he accomplished was killing sword nun.
he had no choice, hellsing dawn was never finished, but walter loses his fight there, and is given the choice of death or nazi sleeper agent
Been a while but did he even attempt to accomplish anything aside from fighting Alucard?
He got what he wanted in that case.
protip : the major getting cybernetics to stay alive isnt the same as "lol it was a robot all along"
>In Hellsing it seems that being human is to live with dignity, to accept everything that happens to you, the cards you are played, what you feel in your heart and to embrace life in all it's forms.
That sounds like the mentality of someone who makes excuses after being NTRed.
"yea i got NTRed but i'm human so i accept it lol".
Alucard is the biggest bitch in the story. Got his ass raped and sold his soul for power only to turn on the country he was protecting and finally ending as a dog for the english queen.
He's gonna be free soon.
The whole message is that only a human can beat Alucard. No matter how invincibly impossible to beat he seems, he's said time and time again if he went up against a human who actually tried to kill him and not cower in terror, he would happily die by their hand. Don't forget, fucking Helsing and his boys beat Alucard's ass long before he even had that mentality, and an army of thralls at his command! Thats the best part, that Hirano included that flashback, showing that Helsing wasn't some monstrously powerful super fighter, or a re-generator, or whatever, he was just some regular dude who kicked Alucard's ass
so alucard would deliberately job to a human?
Now, yes.
Back then he wasn't overpowered.
He wanted to beat Alucard hence why in his dying monents he regretted that he couldn't.
Alucard found refuge in Integra and it gained back what little honor he had left, he was above everyone else who fought him because they gave up their honor entirely just to even have a chance against that was essentially the turning point in his fight with Anderson when he told him to not be a monster like him.
I don't like the ending of the series. First of all, it was highly irresponsible from sir Integra's bitch tits part to not have a child to continue the family organization. So many talented people worked with her and now? Now we got a cute little useless Alucardless occult Scotland Yard, wew. And the guy, what is he planning to do after her death? Begin to accumulate the soul count again? Is she planning to end him just because both are idealistic pieces of shit?
Yes? NTR's entire premise is that having one woman betray you can and should completely destroy you, like your entire life has no meaning outside that relationship and so the betrayal of it is tantamount to making your life meaningless. The kind of childish obsession with ANY one thing in your life is exactly what Hellsing denounces as a mark of inhumanity. A human moves on because there are other women and other things in life besides women, a monster throws away everything they ever believed in and allows what that woman did to consume them, whether that means death or revenge or whatever (not like NTR ever shows what happens after, its usually just some implication that the victim is "broken," without even bothering to imply what that might mean or lead to)
A cuck isn't a cuck because he got cucked, he's one because he couldn't dealwithit.jpg
I think it's more about dealing with the NTR instead of refusing to accept it or centering your life around it.