I'm just about to start Haikyuu, what am i expecting?
I'm just about to start Haikyuu, what am i expecting?
A cock in your ass
Really enjoyable sports anime.
Main character is pretty bland, but the cast makes up for it. No romance shenanigans.
It's kind of similar to Gintama it only gets good after 30 eps
It's a generic sports shonenshit. Unless you really like volleyball for some reason there are better things to watch.
Hype OST.
Realistic, lesser gay adn cuter kurobasket
Are you the same retard that always starts this thread? Haikyuu is shit and the threads are dead. Just kill yourself already.
Some great chinese cartoonin'
It's an okay sports show, but what sets it apart is its absolutely cancerous fanbase. I actually started liking Haikyuu especially when it got to the s2 games, but every time I see Haikyuu discussion it makes me want to stab someone. Imagine a group of delusional tumblrinas rping and calling some male characters 'mamas' or something equally retarded, or baby-talk like the characters were their children.
its like Daiya no Ace but the MC is better but everything else is worse
This. The show is great, but filthy fujos flocked to it and built ships out of straw and won't shut the fuck up about them.
Furudate is legit autistic and incapable of writing compelling characters and relationships.
The thing that annoys me most is the fangirls won't shut the fuck up about Oikawa and Seijou wanking. Oikawa doesn't do shit and just appears with glasses and it's suddenly the highlight of season 3. I kinda hated that he came back into the manga because it felt like fanservice to satisfy the fat Oikawa fujos.
>Muh fanbase
is not a good argument, the series is enjoyable enough and the characters are alright. If you like sports anime then I recommend it but if you dont like sports anime but have have time to kill go ahead, it's a safe watch that wont leave a bad taste in your mouth... unless you peep into the fanbase and porn
Any girls in this series?
There are two girl managers that become more prominent in s2 as regulars and they're decent waifubait but theres zero romance or romantic hints
Digibro said Kuroko no Basket is better so yo ushould watch that instead.
In addition to what said, every team has female managers who range from cute to very cute.
Some of the teams have managers but there is no shipping or fanservice if that's what you're talking about. Most of their screentime is audience reaction shots.
Pic related is best girl but she is only in the anime for like 10 seconds.
Can people fucking stop bringing up KnB in every Haikyuu discussion? They're different shows and cater to different tastes, what else is there to talk about? At least bring up some other shows like One Outs or Baby Steps for once if you need to compare all the time.
A better-than-average sports show. I didn't really care for it or the characters, found the humour kind of stupid, but I could admire the overall production quality. 6/10.
You can expect some GO GO LET'S GO LET'S GO DATEKO
How the fuck would I know what you're expecting?
What next, want us to tell you whether you like it or not?