Post you're husbando.
Post you're husbando
>you are husbando
Ya best start believin in husbandos user, you are one.
no homo
For almost a decade now.
yes I am oldfag
Good taste.
I totally thought he was a girl at first sight. I'm in love now.
Isn't he like gay or something
Lol fags
>post moar
Four years and going strong.
How new?
>blamed himself for Ayano's death even thought it wasn't his fault
>disgusting NEET
>even killed Ene in one of the routes
Newfag here. What did op mean by this?
I never said he was perfect. We all have our tastes, user.
Mostly for Akira Ishida.
Great taste, user. Arslan's a very good husbando!
I love my husbando!
I just can't resist this BACK.
I'm not convinced user you're gonna have to prove it.
>that anatomy
It´s (you)