Write an Anime Plot - Choose what's missing from Anime

A moment of silence for one of the best plot related threads. After the creation of this thread, multiple others were created for the next week all begging for a silent helmet wearing MC until chapter 1 of goblin slayer was found.

No cellphones allowed.

MC wakes up and goes to school in the most cliched way ever, it's clear he is already half way into developing a harem and everything seems like we started watching a generic highschool drama well into the season. MC though starts getting a headache and starts to see strange visions of a fantasy world(done in a slightly different, brighter, art style than everything else), he dismisses it as not getting enough sleep. Turns out his genki childhood friend(who left early this morning rather than walking to school with the MC) isn't feeling herself, and is also getting headaches, and sort of pauses like she's seeing something that isn't there. Over the rest of the episode the visions get worse, and things in the surroundings of the MC and his childhood friend get shifted to the other art style. Episode ends with the MC seemingly having a heart attack in the middle of the night in his bed, as the art style shifts to something far darker all around him.

Second episode has the MC going to school in the most cliched way ever, only this time he's in the brighter art style, he meets up with his genki childhood friend who's back to her genki self, except shes also in the brighter art style. She's apologizing to the mc about being late, because something happened to her house, suddenly you get a view of the mc and the childhood friend's respective rooms, both look like there was an explosion complete with scorch marks. As the episode goes on the mc and the childhood friend cause things to happen to their surroundings, such as causing a field of flowers glow and look like something out of the fantasy world, or have fairies show up in a forest near their school.

As the series goes on it becomes clear through visions the main characters have and through what happens that a fantasy world died, and was reborn inside of Japanese high school students.

A boy falls in love with a girl. Unable to confess he just keeps on living his life. A few years later the girl gets a boyfriend, but the boy just thinks "well too bad, I won't be able to confess now". He fills his depression with anime and image boards. Years pass and he gets more depressed every day. He didn't manage to get a job after highschool and dropped out of university. His health gets worse every month, but he doesn't go to the doctor because Obamacare failed. Suddenly it's november the 8th, Trump won and issued an anime gf to every man living in the empire of the US and A. The Syrian conflict was solved as the US and Russia worked together. Israel got the clay back that was occupied by Palestinian rebels. North and South Korea unified as Kim Jong Un became the next Leader of the Korean Republic. All Refugees went back to their home countries, and Germany got rid of all Turks by pressuring Emperor Erdogan with the unified Russian and United State gouvernment. South Tyrol was also given back to Austria, as the Italians apologized and gave every adult Austrian a free Ferari 458. The boy that finally knew how it is to have an anime gf, got such a big motivation push that he found a job as the CEO of Sup Forums. Trump made imageboards state funded to ensure to have freedom of speech as a basic human need.
The girl that got together with Jamal was obviously abandoned after she became pregnant and had to raise a bastard. He eventually got addicted to drugs and killed her for a few pennies to finance his next shot.

A guy runs a political campaign to take his country in a new direction and wins against all odds. Too unrealistic?

He's actually a genki trap.

Dark Fantasy, Isekai, Game

An entire series is based on the MC playing a dark fantasy MMORPG along with several other players. It would feature:

>Comfy Crafting/Skilling
>People RP'ing with the NPCs and each other at the bars.
>Watching some noobs get lead into the Wild and PK'd.
>Free trade where all your shit can be jacked if you aren't careful/fast enough.
>Players have to use a forum to contact each other, and meet at a certain place to trade items.
>Lore of an area is explained by the game itself as Player's progress.
>Mc being able to tell who's a dude behind "I'm a little girl.", "Female created character" stuff that goes on.
>Monster and Player killing/stealing.
>Large guild/clans meetings between its heads deciding this and that politics and economics (Depending on the guild) of the world without a monopoly.
>Decent armor mixed in with faplayers they encounter helping out by telling them how to complete itn service.
>Mc is mid-tier in combat and non-combat skills and go out doing quests with some other .

After the Japanese Russo war, an ex-soldier searches for gold in an attempt to support his dead best friends sick wife after he dies in the war.
By chance he comes to meet a man who tells him about Hidden Gold belonging to a clan of Ainu deep in the mountains of rural Japan while drunk, however the drunken ramblings of the man turn out to be true once he wakes and realises his mistake and tried to kill the ex-soldier.
Afterward the Ex-Soldier goes on a quest with an Ainu girl belonging to the very clan that the gold belonged to after it was stolen to search for it.

The entire anime is more about survival tips and how to hunt and cook tasty animals. Also poop and salted brains.

A love triangle between a typical male MC, a super hot and popular Tsundere and a genki/ara chubby girl.

The Chubby ara girl wins in the end.

In an alternate reality where the sun god religion is the most popular, people start to spontaneously combust and turn into raging fire monsters. However, at the same time, people start to gain abilities to control this fire.
The story would follow Fire Fighters that combat these monsters with Holy Tools of the Church, as well as the team of powered fire individuals and their strange abilities.

I think this is much better than Soul Eater.

A harem where the childhood friend wins.

She's also a cake.

Hero Series.
I don't care if it's generic shounen like Hero Academia.
I just want something hero related. The MC has to have fire powers, not a gigantic pussy like most shounen MC. And an added bonus, fire powers actually give regen but mega pain during regen.
Or you know, just give me more Hero Academia. It's not the best thing in the world, but I love hero stuff.
I can't read or watch Marvel or DC stuff because it's fucking awful. Especially the modern stuff with all their political pandering.

I'm not very good at making up stories, sorry.

The story takes place in the near-futuristic real world, where a technical corporate who had ties with United Nations creates advanced anti-war exoskeleton machines made to combat war crimes that are globally seen as threats to humanity.

8 years later, on a international military base located on the lost mountains of Northern Switzerland, Hannett Sterfield, a silent Canadian mid-rank soldier who is now in her third year, befriends Min-Ri Han, the contrastly cheerful South Korean low-rank soldier as they involuntarily cross over the path during a ceremony. Cradled by Min-Ri's strong determination of wanting to save her family that is being held hostage by the North Korean government and wishing to see the two Koreas reconciliate, Hannett also does her best to help everybody accomplish what they have in mind, including her mother trapped in coma for years after a grave truck accident as a result of mysterious terrorist attacks.

On the night of November 20, as the 8th Armored Division investigate a mission in Israel over a terrorist group that use a newly-elected president as a decoy to develop a powerful nuclear weapon to avenge Palestine through purported continuous political corruption, aliens, who were once seen as an unusual paranormal phenomenon believed by the normal populace, made a sudden invasion for real across the world. As the shocked Hannett try to shield the president in the process, she is unconsciously killed with fear by an alien.

However, it seems like things aren't ending, as Min-Ri mysteriously revive Hannett and give her the powers to loop through time from scratch, only to find out that the world will end in 12 days, encouraging Hannett to finally make the decision to rewrite the scenario and solve every major conflict the world struggled to face as she wishes in order to prevent the awaiting apocalypse to come.

As the battle against aliens intensifies, Min-Ri befriends Hannett's military omrades and engages in various missions while deepening bonds with them. Halfway through the story, they encounter an hacking spy girl from Laos who drafted a plan to overthrow the currently communist national government.

Finally as they embark in a final destination to North Korea in the last few days, they were challenged to a bloody conflict involving the government led by a female version of Kim Jong-un and à terrorist leading the international doomsday sect whose country of origin (Russia) is labeling him as a "wanted criminal".

When the terrorist in question, Vladimir, is planning a conspiracy using the blood of thousands of children as cursed experiments to build a nuclear weapon, he is doing it for the doomsday's sect. He pairs up with the NK leader on a goal to end the world on a universal level, spurring the invasion of remaining aliens that either abducts people to space or kill them, which is estimated by one million. After having succeeded a lot of missions through time looping and has the ability to get returned back in time each time she dies, it is Hannett's last chance to not only rescue the abducted Min-Ri but also the world.

The epilogue shows up after Vladimir died as does the complete extermination of the aliens. The world is left in shambles, but Min-Ri, who has recently regained her consciousness, tearfully find Hannett half-dead and begs her to keep living before being brought to hospital. 2 years had passed and now the two are finally reuniting together and live with everyone happily.

The MC, a talented piano player in high school, gets a harem consisting of the tsundere childhood friend, the kuudere class president, the ojou president of the music club, the genki track star and the yandere kouhai. Sadly, school ends, everyone parts ways and he becomes a famous pianist after travelling to the UK.

Cue 30 years later. The old MC returns to Japan, bringing his adolescent son in tow. He contacts his old harem girls who had girls of their own (obviously) and fully expects his son to form a harem of his own, but this time he will help him sort out his feelings so he gets laid all the time, but unlike the father, the son is a pampered and untalented lazy piece of shit completely uninterested in romance or love.

The daughter of the Ojou is actually a trap

Scumbag Loser dies and reincarnates in a world of fantasy and get an harem.
The MC is his younger brother.

Cute girls doing cute girl things in a cute girl school in Cute Girl Land.

Entirely saccharine, with as little suspense, mystery serious attempts at story as possible. The humor is also 100% safe and innocent and no one ever gets angry at each other or there's any drama whatsoever beyond "someone ate the special cookie I was saving for my lunch"-type stuff, which all gets resolved amicably.

Guaranteed AOTYAY, Sup Forums goes nuts over it, all shonen authors commit collective suicide, personal endorsement from Trump.

A cellphone falls in love with a cellphone.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a cellphone with the cellphone’s phone number. Never minding the strange cellphone, he immediately calls the cellphone, and is overjoyed to find out that the cellphone has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when the cellphone recounts the previous day’s confessions to the cellphone, the cellphone only looks at the cellphone with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, the cellphone finds out that the cellphone he called is not the same cellphone he fell in love with. In fact, that cellphone doesn’t exist in this cellphone at all. She is the cellphone’s alternate cellphone counterpart, who has fallen in love with the cellphone’s own cellphone, who too is blissfully unaware of her cellphone.
Hijinks ensue as the two cellphones strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private cellphones in order to equip the other with the cellphone they need to conquer the cellphone of their other selves. While the two chase their respective cellphones, CELLPHONE ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of CELLPHONES.

Would be cool if younger bro also got reincarnated years later and then set on to stop his brother's retarded rule over the land after he sees a village getting all their young girls taken away for the "cute waifu tax".

why golden kamui again

The small Kingdom of Konstantina is wedged between warring nations and was considered too irrelevant for centuries, until the discovery of the dark elixir which further propogate technology and spur its development. New weaponry never of the likes seen or used before now mass produced on a scale never seen before. Admist this progression, the uncovering of a large deposit of this dark exilir within the Northern region of Konstantina, in the Forest of St Athenia by a team of expeditionaries from the Republic of Liberia. The expeditionaries offered rich sums of money for onwership of the forest. The king and religious authorities refused given the cultural and spiritual significance of the forest in which the St Athenia consecrated as a sanctuary for all creatures.

Angered, the agents of the Liberan republic covertly assassinated the king of the Moscovite Empire, spurring a war between eastern and western Europe, hoping to use the turmoil to be able to easily gain possession of the forest. The Kingdom of Konstantina adopted a neutral policy and took no sides in the war despite growing pressures from the Austro-Frankish dukes of the West and the Moscovite Tsar of the East. Soon, the Austro-Frankish Empire, seeing the benefits in acquiring the Forest, sent for two of its top generals to invade the kingdom, supplied with newly acquired military prototypes and bishops known as Kaizers who yield the magical sacred relics of the empire.

The major town of Ionia soon falls and the soldiers of the King is killed in a battle with one of the Kaizers. Immediately, the Queen Juliana ascends to the throne and must lead her kingdom in turbulent times. With no sign of winning and her armies falling fast, she pressures the monastics to allow use of the Kingdom's sacred relics, namely the Sacred Thorn which grants its users the ability to summon and manipulate frost and the spear of St Olga which summons spirits of dead warriors to its users aid. (1/2)

> In a universe which separates into two realms, the realms of Supernaturals and the Unknown, and other one is Our world.

> 26 years old female, with physics bachelor in our world
> Just out of the uni
> Starting to explore the world
> One day come to Kamar-Ta-J or some similar place to enjoy spiritual experience but don't believe in it
> Trek over the mountain
> Fog covered
> Get lost into an unknown forest
> Get out of the forest

> Into small village but everything is different.
> Natives speak alien language
> Become a hostile subject
> Get chased and saved by not-Ancient One
> Grown horns over her forehead
> turns out she was a native of this world, but sent to ours

End of season 1

The Queen and one of the Kingdom's Knights are chosen to wield these two sacred relics to battle in hopes of turning the tides. The monastics themselves who zealously guarded these relics and refuse their use for war for centuries now submit to the Queen's will seeing the very threat that any occupying invading force could do to the sacred forest. With the Kingdom's two relics, the queen must now rally her people to battle.

Relics are usually magical artifacts linked with a Saint or major religious figure that grants its users possession of tremendous power. Relics are however rare and only major kingdoms bear possessions of what could be considered "large amounts" of such, usually no more than twenty. Within the countries and kingdoms of Western Europe, all relics are either owned by the Church of England or Roman Catholic Church. But political powers and intentions of clergy usually enable their use in war. The advancement in technology due to the discovery of the Black Elixir is in part a move to counter these relics given their severe scarcity.

Basically the anime will have a bit of a Akame Ga Kill plus Valkyria Chronicles vibe. All technology will be based on a WW2 aesthetic. (2/2)

Starts off as another generic Isekai. A random high schooler gets sent to another world to fight evil as a hero. Sent there to defeat the Demon King.
Only when he gets into the Demon Kings lair after destroying his army, he finds his older brother.
Amazed that the two brothers are finally reunited, hero-kun immediately drops all those lofty heroic ideals and joins his big brother.

It would start straight after their meeting after they reunite as they try to rebuild the demon king empire since the hero and his team mates completely fucked it over.

A boy and his lil sister travel to a rural area where there is not cool to do, until they met an old man that has an odd hobby, board games.

Peepare to join a adventure about the weird world of board games.

A harem anime where all of the girls are loli sand the MC is a university student that helps tutor at a cram school. The different lolis could consist of his little sister, a tsundere tomboy loli, student council president loli, the loli next door, and a shy loli and loves him but she doesn't know how to confess. All of the lolis love him of course and the loli most likely to win can be his little sister.

I just want Meshi to be animated

First episode starts out following a group of five royal knights. Important cliches are covered. You get your honorable old soldier, your lazy but skilled swordsman, your overachieving tomboy, your powerhouse and your new guy.

Their job is a EZmodo. This nations princess is to marry the prince of the neighboring kingdom. You might expect drama, but quite the opposite. It's just a straight up match made in heaven love story. All that is left is to deliver their happily ever after by getting the princess through a stretch of forest.

THEN you meet our MCs. A group of five bandits who're looking to kidnap the princess and ransom her back to her pops in order to make a name for themselves. This motley crew consists of one incredibly experienced mercenary, one eccentric and possibly schitzophrenic elven mage and two half-orc twin brothers who are naive dumbshits and their new girl who is androgynous to the point that only Chief has noticed it is a girl. Much to her chagrin.

Over the course of the series not only will the bandits completely fail to ever capture the princess, they'll often actually be directly responsible for saving her life. Quick one or two episode arcs of their glorious failures to preform even the simplest tasks play out time and time again.

Possible antics:

>Attempt to kidnap princess in a town foiled by princess-doppel trap who keeps getting in the way as he tries to get Greenhorn Knight alone.

>Plan to ambush Princess at their first forest campsite foiled when tomboy party member is discovered by tomboy knight. Both mistake the other for a man and swoon, planning to try to get the other alone.

>Plan to ambush Princess in a narrow pass foiled by sudden attack of Goblins and their leader, a Beemancer. A mancer of bees.

>Plan to ambush Princess in a cave foiled when both parties are held captive by two Liches who've been waiting for an audience to finish a thousand year old battle of the bands. May include saxophones.

This sounds pretty amusing, actually.

Continuing thought process:

>Plan to kidnap princess during the chaos of an Orc attack foiled when both parties find themselves caught in the middle of an Orc civil-rights march.

>Kobold Nazis.

>The return of the beemancer and the birth of the Waspinomicon.

>Asshole Gnomes.

>Schitzo-mage starts to compulsively spit incredibly aggressive one liners with no signs of stopping.

Anyway, probably the final important detail.

The only way that they NEVER lose is in a straight up fight with the Knights. It is a rule of the show that third party involvement would ruin every attempt at kidnapping. It'd be implied that is the two groups just clashed and nothing crazy went down our bandits would likely win.

The Beemancers name is Carl.

Man, you should write this as a series of short stories. It's good.

>a girl who claimed she got transferred to this world from another world, claiming she had an ability to go back in time by dying, she mostly wears training jersey.

>a girl who claimed she got transferred to this world from another world, claiming she can always win any games (in actuality by making up new rules during the game), and a neet.

>a girl claiming she always solves another person problem but will make herself looks bad, a self proclaimed loner because of that (even though she always hangs around with a handsome and popular guy, but she said she want something GENUINE)

>a bland and generic girl who somehow attracts a lot of handsome guys. Somehow always do some accident like (accidentally opening bathroom when the guy is bathing, or when the guy is changing, accidentally touching guy chest, crotch, etc)

>MC a regular soldier who refuse to open his helmet, or speaks. Very loyal to its motherland and a bros before hoes kind of guy, and will do any assignment bestowed upon him if it was an order from the kingdom.He only communicate with his gesture

>One day in the castle, all those girls are gathered there by the king. Royal Priest said that one of them bears the power of hero who can saved the world from the upcoming demon lord. It was currently unknown if the girls claim being transported from another world is true or not. The soldiers and MC have to tend all those girls in the time being, until it revealed who is the real hero among them.

You know the settings

A lazy "good for nothing" who is not exactly a NEET, although doesn't have a proper solid job and does random odd jobs decides to get a job as a cop because it's a fairly simple job that isn't just plain office drone shit, but the main part being that it will help support his hobbies. Which is mostly reading manga and watching anime. He passes all the exams mostly by luck.
However, after taking the job, he realises how little time he has now for reading manga and watching anime. Concerned about his boring future, one day on the way home finds a book of magic. Thinking this is his big break to ranking up at his job so he can get a comfier job up at the top so he has more time for manga, uses the magic to catch criminals. Within only a few months gets promoted to detective, although quickly realises how much more work he now has. Understanding his plan isn't working, he quits his job and becomes a private investigator instead.

The anime would start pretty much at the beginning of his start as a PI after he is "awarded" a magicians familiar by the magicians guild. A cat that can turn into a human. Hyped at first, assuming it's just gonna be like his favorite mangas, is instantly put off when his Familiar is a boy. What's worse is he looks like a delinquent and has anger issues. However, they both have one thing in common. They both love manga, and want an easy way to earn money to support their lazy life.
It would start off as a comedy, but slowly get into proper arcs and good magical action and Detective shenanigans as the two of them.

I've always liked Ookubo Atsushi's worlds, whether it's Fire Brigade (more modern) or Soul Eater's (more fantastical). So I'd like the world in one of those styles.

It'd start off more grounded in reality, but slowly introduce the whole fantasy side, along with a whole hidden magical world similar to Harry Potter.

I'd like it to resemble a more modern Witcher, but with comedy and Bromance instead of romance.

Ahh, forgot to mention. I don't intend this to be anything amazing. I just put together a bunch of things I liked and hoped for the best.
I like lazy ass hole MC's.
I like Private Investigator TV series. Especially if it has a buddy cop vibe.
I like magic and monster hunting.
And I like magic in a modern world, but hidden, like Harry Potter type.