Just finished pic related. Gotta say, that was a wild fucking ride in more ways than one.
What do you think about Euphoria, Sup Forums? The VN, specifically.
Just finished pic related. Gotta say, that was a wild fucking ride in more ways than one.
What do you think about Euphoria, Sup Forums? The VN, specifically.
Terrible. Story was going literally everywhere and 2 routes are literally worthless and added nothing to the plot except for easy fapping material.
The true end of the VN was so anti climatic that I had to re watch Code Geass to satisfy my lust for a better ending.
The loli and sensei route should never exist in the first place if only for a more coherant storyline. But its an eroge so I'm not gonna dwell on it too much.
i came at least 5 times during the electric chair scene
I've acutally have this downloaded, just need the time to finish it and pic related
This is probably the best (translated) Lilith eroge/nukige after the Taimanin series. Even then I'd probably still put it above Asagi 1 and Murasaki.
The elf corruption is nice and ShindoL art is a plus.
The sensei and Rika routes were kind of pointless outside of fapping material, yeah. But I think you kind of have to play them before the true ending in order to get the full scope of what was going on. Not exactly to get all the plot points or anything, but it gave you some insight on a few details. It also allowed you to understand those two characters much better, specially Rika, who I personally played off as an annoying worthless cunt of a character until well into her route, where she actually managed to redeem herself.
Besides, watching that annoying little cunt suffer was pretty fun, specially the livestream scene.
Then again, all of that is pretty much worthless in the grand scope of the story when you get down to it.
I enjoyed the story, I found it weird that they all had a happy ending though.
Fuck scat
>dark elf in military dress
Wasted potential.
The diaper scene was alright, although Eroge had a better one.
I sort of lost interest in it halfway into the game. Got my ryona fetish going though. How was the true end? Everybody lived or something?
I finally finished it last night after talking about the Brute/True end with an user here. I still haven't gathered my thoughts about it. I'm still a little confused as to what was simulated and what was "real".
Everyone except Class Rep and Kanae, who is a spy. Kanae and Nemu real personalities are reversed, Nemu is actually your childhood friend. You walk off into the sunset together but she has no memory of you.
What they could have done is just combine the two of the routes instead of being separate routes for the sake of 'muh eroge 5 heroine route requirements'. I dont really give a fuck about that little shit, she was a cunt and I liked her better when she died in the squeezer.
Also, Byakuya's route was the most interesting route out of all of them but unfortunately it was not canon.
>the dumb shitty lilith mindbreak faces
Holy shit fuck this company so much and everyone who endorses their trash
Haven't checked. Are there any translation projects for Maggot Baits?
Yes, official release by I forgot, mangagamer ?
i remember they only released one OVA and the rest took forever to come out or something?
Yes Mangagamer is releasing it.
Dude they're on like OVA six, and the VN got an official english release. Where have you been the last 6 years?
Anyway if you're interested i stuff like Maggot Baits or Euphoria, "Shi ni Iku Kimi, Yakata ni Mebuku Zouo" (just look it up) is supposedly getting a fan translation next year too.
Why did they skip Fraternite?
The live stream scene was my favourite as well. That shame, so hot.
The artstyle for this makes the girls look greasy and gross.
I came in expecting guro and sadism, I god shit. Lots and lots of shit. I was not exactly pleased with the game.
Expected a bit more mercenary rescue work at the end desu.
Also, S nemu was superior.
Euphoria wasnt exactly made for people with extreme fetishes, there was scat and human shaming, but both are pretty vanilla-ish. Guro is on a whole other level, and is the reason why Euphoria sold decently on the mainstream crowd both JP and on MangaGamer.
i meant, wasnt there a huge release gap between OVA 1 and 2?
Jesus Christ can we post again?
The entirety of Sup Forums just fucking tanked after you know what happened.
I hate not being able to post. It feels like I die a bit inside.
I did one route and I lost all interest when I left the facility. I finished it because of the time I had already invested but I have no compulsion to do any of the others even if the two for the true end are supposed to be better.
I downloaded it last night for the same reason but now you're scaring me, there are really so many scat scene?
Well, I kind of surmised that after I started getting through it, but at first I suppose I was under the impression that it was going to be "extreme" based on the description I read, a few CGs I saw, and the whole first scene where they electrocute someone to death and it describes the smell of burning flesh.
I guess I'll just have to go back to waiting for something new to come out and be translated, however long that will take.
Not as many as say, Starless, but they are there.
You can toggle scat on / off in the options menu. It removes the images but the "scenes" are still there and are described to you in great detail.
I may have embellished a little, but there are enough to take notice of.
What is your favourite route ?
Best girl.
literally shit
Nice, i think can handle it then. I really expect a wild ride after this thread
Everything that involved Nemu.
Episode 5 was sad.
Nemu. The true end was a bit of a let down though.
I didn't understand it. In the end, in the others endings, he spends the rest of his life with that girl in the program? Are these girls real like him or IA generated?
They are real like him in a way. They are also hooked up to the AI program.
which is why you see Rika running around in the true ending and Byakuya hooked up to the wall. They were living inside the same simulation he was in. The only one I'm unsure about is the hairy teacher.
I'd like to play this and other non-vanilla eroge, but I'm scared someone will find out.
Does it make me a bad person to like reading these, even though I'd never hurt anyone in real life? (the very thought is repulsive to me)
You should be fine. Just hide the games and stuff on your PC if you must. Don't worry about people finding out. Most of these kinds of games need to be run in applocale anyway which means the average guy won't know how to run them properly. I think Euphoria was released by MangaGamer though.
Otherwise jsut have fun. THe story of the game kept me interested even if it did drop the ball later.
I hate the voice acting of Clock Up or whatever the company name. It's feel forced and unnaturally over acting.
that main girl looks really really great.
is there a lot of her?
Yeah, she's pretty much the main for 3/6 episodes.
>letting people touch your pc
>keeping your eroges on the desktop
There is no situation in which somebody finds out what this VN is and that you have it that isn't your fault for doing something retarded.