NT17 spoilers soon.
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Witness me Aiwass. This shall be my volume.
Last minute speculation
Who do you think will appear?
Best Kihara.
It would be pretty memey if Etzali actually appeared
On the flip side, this volume could literally just be Fran and Touma bullshitting their way to victory alone, with maybe one notable cameo with Mikoto.
>notable cameo
She is in like 76% of the volumes in one way or another, it isn't really notable.
Index NT 17 hyped!
I am lurking around Sup Forums(here), 2ch & Baidu for those illustrations.
even nips raildex's spoil thread is ded as fuck.
Because of US election results?
Everybody too busy getting ready to MAGA.
Or something, I didn't really keep up with much outside of dealing with the screechers.
The one of the shittiest meme of this year.
I live in America so I've been seeing it here and there, I think my state ended up voting for him too. Was annoying that my co-worker was getting mad at me for saying I didn't want Hillary above all else, but she can be a stereotypical SJW at times.
This is off topic though, so here's something from Pixiv.
Wait... is he going to punch a hundred girls ?
Shame he did not go for the election. Would vote for him.
Shouldn't it be out soon
God damnit nips, I just want to see Mie already and go to bed with her sweet image fresh in my mind.
>everyone is too busy with the election results or that the new Pokémon game leaked yesterday
Oh boy,it's coming.
Book should be in full public release in like 4 1/2 hours so
What is this
Gotta sleep, knowing my usual luck some fresh info should be coming soon so be ready if somebody is checking.
I wonder what Kuroko is going to do this time around. All she had to do was be carried around in the previews for the last LN and she was pretty much the star yet you all insisted she wasn't popular.
Is there really any point to pretending you hate these girls?
I mean I realize that by pretending you hate them helps you feel special by being rebellious and going against the crowd but in the end you're just going to end up looking stupid when they come out on top. There's a reason most people cringe when they look back on their old selves and the phases they went through.
Trust me, you guys don't wanna be the people doubting these girls and looking back on how stupid you were after realizing how amazing they are especially when they all reach level five.
Spoilers when???
Assuming some people pick up their books at midnight the book will be publicly available in like 3 hours
Its seems to be news of another collaboration.
Its between Toaru Series and something called Gamers, which I think is another LN series but I can't tell if its the same series that the ad is referring to.
Where are you getting this
I just read the japanese on the image that was posted above. But its too blurry to confirm if I'm right about the collab partner.
Spoilers are here
>more yuiitsu
You can't drop this no matter how bad it gets and you know it. You're fully addicted at this point and Kamachi knows most people are like you and will keep reading and buying the LNs even with subpar writing and that's why he's going to keep stringing us along with little to no major development in the series until one of his other projects makes it big so he can finally end this one.*
Ok. Not Gamers the LN series. Completely different logo.
Even if the series was perpetually average to bad with maybe one or two meaningful things happening every once and a while 99% of you would never drop it because of your history with this series.
More Salome bullying?
Spoilers are out as expected. I posted the comments on Sup Forums before that it will be out 1 day before the release date.
Post more
What you do want a blowjob? That's not even a risky prediction. That's like me predicting Kamijou is going to be in this next LN.
Why you can't even read it? Maybe you should ask somebody to translate it?
It looks like spoiler guy is taking his sweet time with posting spoilers again
>whining about one of the focus characters that you should know about 3 volumes ago
Kill yourself.
I guess you can say he's got the thread by the balls.
Refreshing 2ch every 3-5 mins....
>They don't even have a face
>More of that boring villain Yuitsu
>>They don't even have a face
Basically to show how more bland and forgetful the majority of Kamisato's harem is.
What did I say. I knew the first thing you guys would do is complain. That's a prediction for you.
...Or to just keep Yuiitsu as the focal point of the image rather than charactrs that haven't been assigned a name.
What do you guys wanna bet Kuroko is going to be in a picture? I think she's going to.
You guys must really be excited for the thread to be this quiet. I can just imagine your sweaty palms hovering above your keyboards in anticipation for the spoilers.
Spoiler guy is ded, just like this franchise.
>yfw spoilerguy found out that all remaining illustrations are just Yuiitsu acting all edgy
2ch spoiler guy is still slow. I remember that guy post spoiler so late timing at Japan previously.
The guy posted everything by the end of 10pm to 12am,Japan Timing.
So,it is still early. He probably post by hourly or something.
It is ded because of the Us votes.
Touma's wild ride on American highway with New Light when?
I want to marry Othinus.
How about never
Why? Because she'd put out on the first date?
Because she's a pure Nordic goddess
>Othinus is depicted as a ruthless and cold-hearted individual who will utilize any means necessary to achieve her goals, regardless of how much destruction and suffering they bring to others. She has no qualms about threatening or harming anyone who inconveniences her in the slightest way, be it an enemy or an ally.
Yea well barbaric people will worship barbaric gods and life goes on. The Vikings were killed off for a reason.
> barbaric people will worship barbaric gods
If that's true, why do slavs worship Jesus?
These are modern girls. Welcome to the future.
Stop replying to him.
>implying you're not him
Why are the damned spoilers taking so long?
I am getting impatient man here.
Why can't the spoiler guy go spoil all the illustrations all at once?
I expect to be disappointed by no one appearing in this volume aside from Touma, Kamisato harem and maybe Mikoto.
Simply put - political and economical reasons.
(Same guy here)
>I am sorry for the bad English.
That's beside the point. Don't tell me Othinus is actually your favorite character user. She's not even fresh. Aren't you creeped out by the fact that she's countless years old? Without her magic keeping her body in check she'd most likely look like the Crypt Keeper.**
Just delete your post and redo it nerd. With the power of modern Sup Forums that's a reality and you should take advantage of it.
He won't appear anymore, it's over for him.
Just like he wasn't gonna appear in NT15?
At least you can still read about him in the Accel spinoff even though it's not canon.
I honestly don't get the point of most of these spinoff series when in the end they literally mean nothing.
Its as canon as the Railgun manga ie. Of course the Accel manga is canon,
>the reason accel barely shows up is because he's busy being an idol
Not that guy but it's definitely not.
Enlighten me as to why the (non-idol) Accel manga isn't canon?
I guess you can technically say it's canon in the same way Carnival Phantasm is so it's technically canon but only in its own universe.
And that's exactly why I'll never read it.
The "real" reason that Accelerator isn't showing up in the recent volumes, because he's busy with saving every loli in the street after the chaos in NT16.